Of course, there is a fundamental difference between these two guys. Putin is always against the nuclear disarmament. Now this treaty signed by both American and Russian Zionists are not for stopping the nuclear profileration, but it is used to tackle against China.
Since China is the only nuclear power who has never unveiled its modern nuclear stockpiles. They want to use this treaty to drag China into this restriction and to reduce China's nuclear capability.
That's why we don't have kept a low profile about our nuclear stockpiles.
My brother, what difference does it make if it is 100 nuclear weapons or 1000 nuclear weapons when using 1 will ensure that the others are now redundant?
So grow the strength via economic cooperation. If China continues to grow strong economically today as it is doing it will have a much greater influence on its neighbours and also adversaries rather than having more nuclear bombs than what are required for a deterrance.