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Chinese Regime Publicizes Kidney Transplant Ring

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Nov 18, 2010
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The cover of the recently published "State Organs" is pictured. The publication of this book has helped increase pressure on the Chinese regime to acknowledge and end the atrocity of forced, live organ harvesting

The Chinese regime appears to be looking for a way to respond to publicity about the atrocity of forced, live organ harvesting.

In China, individuals sell their kidneys to underground rings that make a profit by transplanting them. Also in China, the state forcibly harvests organs from prisoners of conscience, killing them, and making large profits for doctors, hospitals, and the security apparatus.
The Chinese media recently has published headline stories about the first crime, but not about the second.

For instance, China’s state run media reported on a large organ trafficking ring that buys kidneys. The Chinese Liberation Army 304 Hospital in Beijing and the Shandong Provincial Higher People’s Court were both implicated in the stories.

Without explicit approval from top Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, Chinese media would not dare report on such a sensitive case.

Caijing, an investigative business magazine, was the first to break the story with a Chinese-language article titled “Organ Black Market” published online on Sept. 9. It said 16 people have been charged in a case involving live donors and harvesting of 51 kidneys valued at over 10 million yuan (US$1.6 million).

Two related articles, “New Source of Organs” and “Legal Considerations in Solving the Plight of Organ Donation,” followed no more than 10 minutes apart.

What’s more, the first article also came with an English version called “Legal Loopholes and Big Profits Drive Organ Trafficking.” Several other articles were published online around the same time, but none were translated into English.

The fact that an English translation was provided makes the motive behind its publication even more intriguing. Normally, the CCP would not want foreigners to know about any of its scandals.

So what’s going on? It is very likely that authorities at the top gave orders to put this case “under the sun,” as the Chinese call it.
The coverage of the kidney-trading rings can only be interpreted as a desperate act by the CCP to respond to increasing pressure coming from the international community regarding the issue of live organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, mainly captive adherents of Falun Gong, a meditation practice.

In early and mid-August, the Chinese Internet was in an uproar after a series of articles in the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times alleged Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai’s involvement in live organ removal and the corpse trade. Netizens started questioning the source of the bodies used in Chinese corpse plastination factories to create the preserved corpses that have been touring in exhibitions around the world.

On Aug. 29, the Korean movie “The Traffickers” was released in Korea. It is based on the true story of a Korean woman who was kidnapped and murdered for her organs while visiting China, and was rated the top movie by Daum, a major Korean Web portal.

The movie portrays organ trafficking between China and Korea, perpetrated by customs officials, surgeons, and Chinese policemen. To make the movie, director Kim Hong-seon studied details of the trade in and harvesting of organs in China. He said he hoped to expose the crimes of organ harvesting through the movie.

In July, the book State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China, was published. It is a collection of articles by 12 contributors from four continents—five are medical doctors, and one is a medical ethicist—and was edited by international human rights lawyer David Matas and Dr. Torsten Trey.
The articles discuss different aspects of the crime of forced organ removal in China from prisoners, including prisoners of conscience, such as Falun Gong practitioners. It calls on the international community to condemn and put a stop to this abuse.

Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs, a book by David Matas and former Canadian MP David Kilgour, was published in November 2009. It presents large amounts of evidence that the pillaging of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners has been taking place in China since 2000, after the persecution against the practice began in 1999. The book shows the forced organ harvesting is a nationwide phenomenon involving Chinese military hospitals, prisons, labor camps, and courts.

Misdirection or a First Step?
The mass of evidence, such as the above, has put the CCP under enormous pressure. Faced with so many questions and such extensive evidence, the Chinese regime has been keeping quiet while it decides how to handle the matter.

Not sure why you're so high while posting Yindian's-favorite, that your source link is actually for the other Yindian's-favorite thread you've posted.
Shameless Indian troll keep posting craps from a well known anti-China hate site "epoch time"
Lets see how long it take for the moderators to do something about it, if not i guess it should be OK to post articles from A Zillion reasons to escape from India too.
True. What a chink does with his or her internal organ/organs should solely be concerning the CCP's business.

Let's hope that it ain't the eyes considering they might require an auto-adjust function for the non-slanty eyed people.

PS# Don't be racist. There's plenty of mud to sling around.

We're also jealous about the 3rd eye on Yindian's forehead too.
We're also jealous about the 3rd eye on Yindian's forehead too.

Don't be. The third eye only comes into purpose in exchange of extreme rage. I would suggest exercising your limited chini vision till you can catch up with us first.
I Urge Indian members not to create flame threads when they don't like to have flame threads about their country. Is it an unfair ask ?
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