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Chinese PLA soldier captured by Indian security forces in Ladakh’s Chumar-Demchok area

This what you think, I would like an Indian to answer a sensible reply.

I hope I am not asking for too much.
You can't choose your enemy or the time of conflict.
India has built up its defenses well in the last 4 months. The logistical issues have been sorted out and the air force resources have been diverted.
We are basically as prepared as we can be against China at the moment.
But all battles are not on the mountains, the economic dent on Chinese products, the activation of the quad , the prominence given to the Tibetan unit after 50 years , the agreements with usa, burgeoning relations with Taiwan, all are shots fired .
China has badly miscalculated.
You can't choose your enemy or the time of conflict.
India has built up its defenses well in the last 4 months. The logistical issues have been sorted out and the air force resources have been diverted.
We are basically as prepared as we can be against China at the moment.
But all battles are not on the mountains, the economic dent on Chinese products, the activation of the quad , the prominence given to the Tibetan unit after 50 years , the agreements with usa, burgeoning relations with Taiwan, all are shots fired .
China has badly miscalculated.
Miscalculated ? My question was about the armed forces of India, nay diplomatic strategy against China.
So you changed the subject from China to Pakistan?
same question different audience.
same question different audience.

Their Generals were talking about a two front war back in 2018 after operation Gagan Shakti.

All that nonsense about taking down PAF in a day or two than attacking PLAAF went down the drain after 27th Feb 2019.

The reason their generals stopped talking about a two front war.

After China heated things up with India. The self proclaimed super power 2020 went on a shopping spree.

Before that Indians used to claim Chinese Maal doesnt work and now they are talking about matching their capabilities with China.

Moral of the story:

Pakistan Militarly pretends it is weak but actually its not where as India pretends Militarly it is strong but actually its not.
Fair enough. PLA clowns took 5 Indians who had strayed into Chinese territory into custody for almost 10 days, even branding those kids as spies.
Are you talking about that Indian battalion that surrendered?
Their Generals were talking about a two front war back in 2018 after operation Gagan Shakti.

All that nonsense about taking down PAF in a day or two than attacking PLAAF went down the drain after 27th Feb 2019.

The reason their generals stopped talking about a two front war.

After China heated things up with India. The self proclaimed super power 2020 went on a shopping spree.

Before that Indians used to claim Chinese Maal doesnt work and now they are talking about matching their capabilities with China.

Moral of the story:

Pakistan Militarly pretends it is weak but actually its not where as India pretends Militarly it is strong but actually its not.

well, India is as strong as their bragging. We all know that. They need to brag so they won’t get into real fights and have their behinds handed to them.
See this below...actual news from an actual news source. The soldier was returned...the retard in that tweet is blatantly lying and u wasted ppl's time and forum space by opening this thread.

@The Eagle @waz @SQ8 @WAJsal @WebMaster *tag other relevant ppl required to make the change in forum rules suggested below*
Allowing ppl to open threads based on tweets or YouTube videos(that poses as "news") invites fake news(way more often than not)...this allows for propaganda...and attracts trolls. Mudslinging ensues which is often carried over to other serious threads. Why not ban social media based threads posing as "news"? Let actual credible news sources be news sources...generally speaking...established news media and journalists have a reputation(which kind of forces them to do their due diligence if they wish to maintain such reputation). Anyone can write a tweet or make a youtube video without much repercussions and claim whatever they want...
I suggest the following...
1) Change forum rules to reflect that(regarding opening of threads)
2) Announce such a change
3) Issue warnings to those who ignore this rule
4) Repeat offenders should get a sort of a soft ban(unable to open threads for a certain time)
5) If they continue despite multiple soft bans then permanently take away their ability to open threads.
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As per Chinese Officials, the soldier has been handed back to China.

Yes Corporal Wang Ya Long was handed back to China by India

lolllz many days he is already in china what a stupid indian twitter warriors and their followers are man
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