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Dalian Shipyard today ...

Jiangnan no longer the only shipyard in serial production of Type 726A LCAC. :enjoy:
Trump & Tsai may have credits in such decision here and many others. Navy and Air Force as well as RF in particular will reap benefits of the more heartedly supports from the central govt.

The HUANGPU shipyard participates either in the construction or maintenance of hovercraft (LCAC) Type 726 or 726A
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JNCX has a unique launch method in which DDGs are moved to a floatation platform and slide sideway to the flooded drydock. This one looks like the traditiion launch method normally used in Dalian Shipyard, more likely a 052D. Check top of radar mast.

Just to make sure... 055#2??? :D
JNCX has a unique launch method in which DDGs are moved to a floatation platform and slide sideway to the flooded drydock. This one looks like the traditiion launch method normally used in Dalian Shipyard, more likely a 052D. Check top of radar mast.
Nope. It's Type 910, an underwater weapon test ship.
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