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Chinese Military Planes Begin Arriving in Venezuela


Nov 4, 2011
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Published November 16, 2012

Fox News Latino
Nothing apparently stops Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez

After the U.S. said it would ban arm sales to his country, Chávez actively began looking for a new place to buy them. He found cooperation among Russia and China.

Chávez announced this week that he would begin receiving new Chinese-made military transport planes – shrugging off U.S.’s attempt to choke off Venezuela’s weapons supply.

The Venezuelan president said during a televised Cabinet meeting that the first two of the Y-8 planes that Venezuela has bought from China have arrived. He has said previously that Venezuela agreed to buy a total of eight planes from China last year for nearly $353 million.

The U.S. government in 2006 banned arms sales to Venezuela, citing the country's ties with Iran and Cuba and accusing it of not fully cooperating in counterterrorism efforts. Chávez has instead turned to Russia and China, spending billions of dollars on fighter jets, transport planes, radar systems, helicopters and assault rifles.

"The United States refused to supply us with parts" for its older C-130 military planes, Chávez said, calling that one reason for buying the Chinese planes.

Chávez has built close ties with China, which has agreed to lend Venezuela more than $36 billion in exchange for oil shipments in recent years.

Venezuela also has long had tense relations with the U.S. government. The U.S. Embassy in Caracas has been without an ambassador since July 2010, with Chávez rejecting Washington's nominee for ambassador and accusing him of making disrespectful remarks about Venezuela's government. That led Washington to revoke the visa of the Venezuelan ambassador to the U.S.

Based on reporting by The Associated Press.

Read more: Chinese Military Planes Begin Arriving in Venezuela | Fox News Latino
China shouldnt interfere in US sphere of influence if it wants to make a strong case against US interference in Pacific and SCS!
China shouldnt interfere in US sphere of influence if it wants to make a strong case against US interference in Pacific and SCS!
not yet,may happen in the near future,one power's fall always means another power's rise.
China shouldnt interfere in US sphere of influence if it wants to make a strong case against US interference in Pacific and SCS!

In the past China didn't but did that stop the US from interfering in the Pacific and SCS? You're most probably an israeli or indian, hiding his nationality.
I don't see any problem with that, there are already quite a few Russian Bloc country in South America (Cuba, Chile and Bolivia) If China want this drug pits, they can have him :)

We stop helping Venezuela when they stop helping us with the Drug problem. I see we have no love lost in this trade
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