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Chinese media confused by futuristic Japanese attack helicopter

I don't wanna drive this stuff (although looks future) flying in the war, coz it seems there's ZERO armor protect for the cockpit. Some 12.7mm gun could shoot through the pilot :sniper: and i guess that cannon (or a Lazer gun ?) fire easily make the helicopter fell apart.

This Japan future attack helicopter only exsit in 2D Anime World, can't survive in 3D real world.


It is just a toy created by an artist, not even a model.
The newspaper do need to polish up the professionalism of their editors.
Thank you for pointing it out.
The initial Times global about the news, only seven Sci-fi images and a paragraph on Military Fantasy part
“【环球网综合报道】近日,网络上出现了一组名为“风神”的武装直升机的效果图。该架武装直升机是新加坡的数码艺术家(Ridwan Chandra Choa,国籍是印尼)的作品,还在其表面打上了日本陆上自卫队的标志。
【Times global】Recently, a group called "Aeolus" helicopter gunships renderings appeared on the network .The armed helicopters is the works of Singapore's digital artists (Ridwan Chandra Choa, nationality Indonesia) , and marked with the symbol of the Japanese Ground Self-Defense in its surface.
However, on the view with the current level of technology development, this armed helicopters seems a bit science fiction.

China might take it seriously and try to make one now. LOL

A confused Vietnamese perhaps?Dazzled by the Japs??

Vietnameses taking every opportunity to lick the azz of a nation that killed millions,if not tens of millions, of their great grandfathers and mothers in WWII。

Even animals don't have such short memories。:azn:
The Americans also butchered tens of millions of Vietnamses yet the latter seem happy giving the latter a good licking of its azz what you。:omghaha:
How is the Chinese media baffled by it? They just seem to be discussing that its not REAL, or was it some thing else that I missed?. Aussies have made a mockery of themselves here....they seem desperate for China bashing and this is the best they could come with...Pathetic.
Looks cool. Too bad its Japanese.

Anyway, would look good for a video game or anime
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