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Chinese Journalist Fired for Being Critical

That is how business works. :no:

This is quite a funny complaint, coming from an Indian. Have you read the ToI?

Times of India is a business venture, owned by a media conglomerate. And Times Of India is no paragon of virtue, not in my eyes anyway.
Does my being of Indian origin seem funny in any way. i hope that is not the subject of discussion, please.
Times of India is a business venture, owned by a media conglomerate. And Times Of India is no paragon of virtue, not in my eyes anyway.
Does my being of Indian origin seem funny in any way. i hope that is not the subject of discussion, please.

Of course not.

I just found it hypocritical, that an Indian was lecturing me on journalistic integrity, over the idea of profit-driven media... when even supposedly "neutral" Indian news sources like NDTV come out with headlines like "China may attack India before 2012".

China could attack India before 2012 - NDTV.com

'Nervous' China may attack India by 2012 - Indian Express

You are welcome to check any Chinese profit-driven media (all HK media is profit-driven) and see if they talk such nonsense about India.
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Shooting him is very sad, if he had done something wrong then he could have been given some lesser sentence.
Of course not.

I just found it hypocritical that an Indian was lecturing me on journalistic integrity, over the idea of profit-driven media... when even supposedly "neutral" Indian news sources like NDTV come out with headlines like "China may attack India before 2012".

i would not like to lecture anybody on any thing. People are born to do just as they please. That is Nature's scheme. But your first sentence here does disappoint me.
In my earlier post, i responded to certain points. Lets leave it there. We don't have to get under each others skin.
Do not worry.
He did not violate the law. Just to be dismissed, No sentence.
He can go to the USA. I think that USA Government has the responsibility to him to get a job.
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Have you actually even read the article?

His contract expired and his employer decided not to renew it. Nowhere did it say that he was "terminated" by the Government.

Now, in order to back up your silly attacks against me, please qualify this statement you made:

And let's not get into conspiracy theory territory here.

Conspiracy theory??? You are quoting from the article that the paper said his contract was not renewed (no reason offered of course) and i'm quoting from the article what the fired reporter is saying and the two other examples quoted by some HK based watch group.

Come on buddy, but the business sense conjecture was too clever by half.
Conspiracy theory??? You are quoting from the article that the paper said his contract was not renewed (no reason offered of course) and i'm quoting from the article what the fired reporter is saying and the two other examples quoted by some HK based watch group.

Come on buddy, but the business sense conjecture was too clever by half.

I won't derail this thread any further with bickering, so I will conclude by saying that if you "believe" that this reporter was terminated by order of the Government, that is your right to do so. I will of course disagree, until I find a source that shows some evidence of this.

If you want to talk about this further, feel free to send me a private message.
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