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Chinese Forign Minister : China Stands by India

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wont forget this convo

Our surpluses have grown so large ($4 trillion in currency reserves alone) that all the investment opportunities in the world are not enough to absorb it.
India could absorb $1 trillion at least by 2020.

Modi and the Chinese have great affinity for each other. As CM he had visited China four times resulting in huge investments in Gujarat.

China, Russia and India could emerge as the next pole to counter the West who've been ruling the roost since the last 200 years. For 1800 years before that, China and India were the biggest economies in the world. We need to get back to the good old days.

And needless to say, if the border dispute is sorted out, then the sky's the limit. :tup:

China, Russia and India could emerge as the next pole to counter the West who've been ruling the roost since the last 200 years. For 1800 years before that, China and India were the biggest economies in the world. We need to get back to the good old days.

Yes, the BRICS will be the vehicle by which the American global hegemony will finally come to an end, and the US will have to take their place as a regular "great power" in a multipolar world.

No more using the status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency to endlessly print money (essentially devaluing the dollars that everyone else is holding), and push their inflation into the developing world.

It will happen in the next few decades, the seeds are already showing up right now.
Mate thats totally uncalled for. Whats it to you whats caste or creed he belongs to? You are no different than Shan, probably one of his alter egos.

Those guys are the most hilarious. Hating on tribals or whatever, but lick white European *** all over the internet.

It's a massive inferior complex.

It depends.

There are many occasions where crossing your legs is fine, for example when a Shaolin monk is meditating they will cross their legs in a "lotus" position.

Feet are considered dirty, so if you're sitting in a way that your feet are pointed at someone, it is rude.

However it's not really that big a deal. If you are a foreigner most people will be understanding.
Those guys are the most hilarious. Hating on tribals or whatever, but lick white European *** all over the internet.

It's a massive inferior complex.

When did I insult tribals? It's your inferiority complex ridden mindset. When did I mention Europeans? :crazy:
When did I insult tribals? It's your inferiority complex ridden mindset. When did I mention Europeans? :crazy:

I have no complex. Gives no fucks about caste, race, religion. You already outed yourself as one of those internet desis like Shah who talk all the same language.
I have no complex. Gives no fucks about caste, race, religion. You already outed yourself as one of those internet desis like Shah who talk all the same language.

I simply asked you your origin. It was you who dragged out the convo for what godforsaken reason I have no idea. And I never insulted tribals.
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