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Sikkim residents vent ire over China’s claim to land in their state

Gangtok, May 20 (ANI): Residents of Sikkim have reacted strongly to reports about China’s claim to a small tract of land in northern Sikkim.
“On the one hand, China is trying to tell the international community that it has stepped back from laying claims on portions of Sikkim close to its borders, on the other hand, we keep hearing about military activities on Sikkim’s border with China,” said Ratan Gurung, a resident.
“China is retracting on its commitment. It’s wrong on its part to lay claim on the area,” added Bhupal Basnett, another resident.
China has made fresh claims with troops making an entry into the “finger area” which is the northernmost tip of Sikkim. The boundary area is demarcated by mounds of stones, which China has objected to.
India though has told China it will not allow Chinese troops in the area, as it would mean a breach of treaty between the neighbours.
The row has occurred even as the two Asian giants reopened trade across the 15,000-ft Nathu La Pass, 52 km east of Sikkim’s capital Gangtok, as part of a broader rapprochement.
The move marked the first direct trade link between the two countries since a bitter border war in 1962.
The Sikkim boundary was demarcated and recognised by the two countries as far back as 1959.
The current claim by the Chinese is the latest among several irritants in Sino-India ties. China has continued to stake claim over large parts of Arunachal Pradesh, particularly Tawang.
Even as discussions continue over the matter, China and India have exchanged words over Arunachal. The Indian Government has on many occasions asserted and conveyed to the Chinese that Arunachal is an integral part of India. (ANI)

South Tibet was ceded to British Raj in 1914 by Back-box operation between British Empire and Tibet local government but not authorized by Republic of China central government!
India is not visible in China's media or often heard at Chinese food table. If there's anything coming up it'd be Indian accusation or rumors on China. It doesn't matter if India treats China as a foe or an enemy. Indians now spend a lot on buying military equipment which really does not match its economic strength. The more India eyes China with hostility the less she will can possibly become a economic competitor of China. The weight of India in the world powers is approximately the weight of India in the anti-China league. As food and energy become more crucial to every economy the chance of India developing faster than China is fairly slim.

Why should we care much about a good relation with India?
Indians now spend a lot on buying military equipment which really does not match its economic strength. As food and energy become more crucial to every economy the chance of India developing faster than China is fairly slim.

How did you came to this conclution? Care to elaborate more?
Why should we care much about a good relation with India?

Because it is good for both nations if they both can solve thier problems peacfully. Heck, it would be better for entire region. The resources that are being spent counter each other, they can be spend some where else.
How did you came to this conclution? Care to elaborate more?

Chinese are busy with our own development and have our foes under our telescope. India is neither our enemy nor competitor or friend. Chinese don't have time to care about relation with India because it's not important to us.

It's India that is making China a threat or foe or competitor. So I see the relation is up to Indians to give a say.
Sir, I asked you about the this part of your statement!!!
Your above statement had nothing to do with my question.

Indians now spend a lot on buying military equipment which really does not match its economic strength. As food and energy become more crucial to every economy the chance of India developing faster than China is fairly slim.
Because it is good for both nations if they both can solve thier problems peacfully. Heck, it would be better for entire region. The resources that are being spent counter each other, they can be spend some where else.

I think China is trying to solve own problems and we are doing quite well. Chinese resources are being spent to counter US aggression, not India. It's not that I try to be friendly with India. Chinese don't consider India an important player nor worthy of our counting. We might be ignorant but that's the reality. It's only you Indians who are making all the noises about the relation or problems between the two countries.
I think China is trying to solve own problems and we are doing quite well. Chinese resources are being spent to counter US aggression, not India. It's not that I try to be friendly with India. Chinese don't consider India an important player nor worthy of our counting. We might be ignorant but that's the reality. It's only you Indians who are making all the noises about the relation or problems between the two countries.

Yea, you are right, you are may be ignorent.:hitwall:
Sir, I asked you about the this part of your statement!!!
Your above statement had nothing to do with my question.

OK. When China was at the initial phase of economic reform our military budget was very small. India economy is at what China was in 1990s when our military budget was hardly $10b (India $30b this year). I think India has better places to use this money, especially at this moment.
OK. When China was at the initial phase of economic reform our military budget was very small. India economy is at what China was in 1990s when our military budget was hardly $10b (India $30b this year). I think India has better places to use this money, especially at this moment.

Are you serious? This is how you comparing military spending?
A better way to look at it is % GDP spednding on military. India's is at about 2.3% of GDP, should be at least 3%.
Young people think old people are fools but Old people knows that young ones are the fools. If you see the older generations , Indian and Chinese are both wise. There spoke only of good things, knowledge and cultural exchanges. All we are left now are materialistic people with hunger for every inch of land that even isn't cultivable or mountains as high that we cant even climb. Still we fight and blame each other. For what ? Don't we have enough place to live, or enough to eat ?
China to approach Infosys, TCS

GURGAON: China would approach Indian software majors such as Infosys and HCL to set up units in IT and BPO parks, which will come up in Jiaxing ci
ty, a Chinese official said today.

Jiaxing city plans to set up three to five IT/BPO parks and is now in the process of contacting big IT companies from India like Infosys, HCL and TCS, Jiaxing Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Vice-Director Shen Wenping said at a CII meet here.

India is the 15th largest exports destination and 29th largest exporter to Jiaxing.

Wenping further said the trade between India and China is likely to touch $60 billion in 2009, up from $51.7 billion last year.

A delegation from China is on a visit to India to promote Jiaxing as an attractive investment destination for Indian enterprises and to foster bilateral ties.

China to approach Infosys, TCS- Software & Services-News-Indiatimes - Infotech

Are you serious? This is how you comparing military spending?
A better way to look at it is % GDP spednding on military. India's is at about 2.3% of GDP, should be at least 3%.

Who sets the standard at 3%? or is there a standard?

None of China, UK, France, Germany, Japan spend 3% of the their GDP. Only a few countries such as US and Russia spend more than 3%(both under 4%, I think)

China's 2008 GDP: 4.3 trillion
China's 2009 military budget: 70 billion

works out to be: 1.63%

Mind u when China had less than one trillion economy back in the 90s, the military budget was even less than 1%, money were invested in various infrastructure to make average people's life better and boost economy growth.

A developing country spending 3% of GDP for military sounds insane to me, especially for a country severely lacks of infrastructures(road, highway, railway, airport).
Mind u when China had less than one trillion economy back in the 90s, the military budget was even less than 1%, money were invested in various infrastructure to make average people's life better and boost economy growth.A developing country spending 3% of GDP for military sounds insane to me, especially for a country severely lacks of infrastructures(road, highway, railway, airport).

Sir, situations is not the same that was in 90's. There more threat from terrorists and rough states. You have to protect your sea lanes even more than before. 3% of GDP spending on military is not insane, it's norm. India has lots of soviet era military infrastrucre and weapons and they needs to be upgraded. Security is everything. China is spending more than what is actually showing to world. Lots of countries are asking China to be more transparent with thier spending. You dont know the actual spending because them never made everyting public.

QINGDAO: China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) kicked off a grand ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of its Navy on Monday off the coast of the eastern city of Qingdao.

PLA Navy Commander Admiral Wu Shengli announced the start of the four-day festivities. It would include seminars, a sampan race and a fleet parade.

A total of 21 naval vessels from 14 countries including India and delegations from 29 countries will join the parade. The PLA Navy was founded on April 23, 1949, with nine warships and 17 boats obtained after a unit of the Kuomintang’s second coastal defence fleet defected to the PLA.

“The Navy will move faster in researching and building new-generation weapons to boost the ability to fight in regional sea wars under the circumstance of information technology,” Navy Commander Admiral Wu Shengli told Xinhua earlier.

In addition to ships, aircraft and torpedoes, long-range missiles with high accuracy, submarines with superb invisibility and endurance and electronic weapons and facilities were also on the Navy’s agenda.

He said the Navy would have more equipment for offshore repair, high-seas dispatch, large-scale rescue and supply among others.

According to Admiral Wu, the Navy will add the capacity for non-war actions to the Army’s power, especially emergency offshore search-and-rescue and anti-terrorism activities.

Since 2003, President Hu Jintao has repeatedly inspected the Navy and made suggestions on its construction.

FOSTERING FRIENDSHIP: Indian Navy officers with Chinese children after missile destroyers INS Mumbaiand INS Ranveer arrived in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on Sunday.

Current threats to the country’s security came mostly from sea, said Mr. Hu who is also chairman of the Central Military Commission. He urged the Navy to achieve sound and fast development and enhance defensive operations with information technology.

Admiral Mehta’s visit

The officer said the celebrations would be an opportunity for foreign navies to have intensive and close observation of the PLA Navy’s facilities and personnel.

On the maiden visit of an Indian Navy chief to China, Admiral Sureesh Mehta will be attending the fleet review during his week-long tour, an official said in New Delhi.

Seeking to engage the Chinese military on a greater level, Admiral Mehta flew to China on Saturday night and would return on April 25.

INS Mumbai and INS Ranveer, the guided missile corvette INS Khanjar and the tanker INS Jyoti are participating in the review. Pakistani warships also are taking part.

“Mehta will also be visiting ships and submarines of the Chinese Navy during this trip and will be calling on Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie on April 22, said an officer.

Indian and Chinese warships have been making calls at each other’s ports as part of growing confidence building measures between the two sides.

The Indian Navy chief’s visit follows that of Admiral Wu’s to India last year. Indian Air Force chief, Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major, has also visited China.

The two armies undertook their first joint exercise at Kunming in Yunnan province in December 2007 and the second at Belgaum last December. The two countries signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in May 2006 that they would hold joint military exercises. — Xinhua, IANS
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