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Chinese Defence Industry: Hardware & Products ,Updates and Discussions.

"Some photos of the WS-15 core engine during tests - the intended powerplant for the J-20."

Martin: 军情观察室 on 2012-10-03 or earlier, review that the main reason the j20 2001 is back in Chengdu is to change its engine to WS10B. This engine it seems has 10 kilonewtons more then WS10A. With WS10B, j20 CAN super cruise at half tank of fuel. How true is this news???????????
Thank you, keep being joulous! That the only thing you indian guy can do this time.
Why waste you time deal with this type stupid brainless guy, he is worth ignored.

keep doing, you are a great explorer!
China's domination of global arms trade 'inevitable', say Russian, Ukrainian industry insiders;

Reuben F Johnson, KievSection:

Last posted:

"Unstoppable" and "inevitable" are two of the words Russian and Ukrainian defence industry officials used to describe China's elevation to the top five of global arms exporters in a Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) report published on 18 March.

The SIPRI study shows Chinese arms exports having increased 162% from 2008 to 2012. In a conversation, the representatives highlighted several factors that they said would drive Chinese dominance in the world arms market in the years to come, with one adding that "the United States and other Western nations either do not fully appreciate the implications of these trends or they just have decided it is too inconvenient to openly acknowledge them."

One of the key factors allowing China to advance so far so rapidly, say the Russian and Ukrainian enterprise directors, who have years of experience in working with Chinese industry, is that most of Beijing's "indigenous" programmes have had assistance in the design of, and/or are equipped with, subsystems produced by former Soviet enterprises.

"Well, look at some of the recent Chinese 'achievements'," said one Ukrainian director with more than 20 years of interaction with Chinese industry. "There is the J-15, which landed on Varyag carrier earlier this year. Both the carrier and the Su-27K [prototype aircraft], which was copied by the Chinese to create the J-15, came from Ukraine. Then there is the Y-20 military transport in X'ian: at a minimum, the wings were designed here in Kiev by Antonov."

Another major advantage for Chinese planners, according to several Russian and Ukrainian defence industry officials, is that they have not had to develop military jet engines. The Shenyang Project 310/J-31 stealth fighter unveiled in 2012 uses the same Klimov RD-93 engines as the Chengdu JF-17 Thunder, while at least one of the Chengdu J-20 prototypes is equipped with the Salyut AL-31F, and the Y-20 is fitted with the Ilyushin Il-76's Soloviev D-30KP engine - all Russian-made. The Hongdu L-15 jet trainer is powered by the Ichenko/Progress AI-222-25 jet engine that is produced in Ukraine.

"Not having to develop and produce your own jet engines saves about half the R&D cost for a modern military aircraft, not to mention how much time you can cut out of the development schedule," said the Ukrainian director.

Russian and Ukrainian industry sources point to China's reverse engineering of the Su-27 into the J-15 as a key example of its industrial tactics. At the same time, "not all of what the Chinese do comes down to just buying what they need off the shelf from someplace else," he continued. "We can see signs that Chinese engineers are far more capable than in the past of absorbing new design concepts. In the past, we had to provide so many units of a component, or at least a working model, along with design documentation before they could run off and produce their own pirated versions. Today we only have to relay new ideas or innovations on paper and they are off to build their own models or analogues - skipping that in-between stage of having to have the original hardware made by someone else in their hands first."

Linked to this, he said, is the fact that these engineers are showing increased design talent and comprehension that "comes from the United States and the United Kingdom. These Chinese designers we are meeting with are using terminology and techniques that they only could have learned at prestigious institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] or Cranfield University."

"They are not sending their young talent to be educated in Moscow or Kiev as much as they used to," he added.

Some of the same industry enterprise officials said the rise in Chinese export numbers is not due to some grand scheme by Beijing to take over the world arms market, but more a function of the sheer amount of hardware being produced.

"According to their own planning and the progress we have seen thus far, Chinese fighter factories are building about one division of combat aircraft per year," said the Ukrainian director. "This is more than the rest of the world combined. By the year 2020 China will have built something on the order of 20,000 new main battle tanks [MBTs] in the class of the [Uralvagonzavod] T-95."

Deputy Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin has said Russia plans to build about 2,300 MBTs in this same time period - a little more than 10% of the Chinese total. The Ukrainian director concluded: "With these kinds of production rates and the number of factories building weapons in China - them overwhelming the rest of us is only a matter of time."

Why waste you time deal with this type stupid brainless guy, he is worth ignored.

keep doing, you are a great explorer!

Ignore trolls irrespective of their nationality

On topic
Great weapons you got their your Def industry is growing at a very good pace
China surges to become the world’s third-largest arms exporter – Quartz

"China surges to become the world’s third-largest arms exporter
By David Yanofsky — March 18, 2013

With clients like Iran, Syria, and Myanmar, China’s arms exports are booming.

Over the last 10 years, China has more than tripled its arms exports, rising from the world’s seventh-largest arms exporter in 2002 to third place in 2012, according to data released today from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which monitors such transfers around the world.

Because the data collected by SIPRI show volatility from year to year, the organization prefers to analyze it based on five-year averages, which would put China in fifth place instead of third. But China’s climb has been steady since 2007, when it was ranked 11th in the world.


Though China’s arms sales have grown enormously, its rise in the rankings has also been due to fewer military exports from Germany and France.


Rising any higher in the rankings may take a lot more for China. The gap between it and the next largest exporters—the United States and Russia—is over three times larger than China’s current level of arms exports."
China built indigenous DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys prior to 1995


Fig. 1. Microstructure of the DD3 single-crystal superalloy, respectively, solidified at undercooling of (a) 130 K; (b) 155 K; (c) 170 K; (d) 180 K; and (e) 210 K. (Source: Recrystallization mechanism for the grain refinement in undercooled DD3 single-crystal superalloy)

Most people seem to be unaware that China has been building DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys for about twenty years.

The indigenous WS-10 turbofan engine project started in 1986 (see reference below). By 1992, the "first test engine [was] completed and bench testing began." Therefore, we can deduce China was probably building DD3 single-crystal superalloys a few years prior to 1992.

The earliest English citation (see article below) that I found for China's DD3 single-crystal superalloy was in 1995. Also, the earliest English citation that I found for China's DD6 second-generation single-crystal superalloy was in 2003 (see second article below).

The point of these citations is to match the known dates for China's DD3 and DD6 single-crystal superalloys with the known dates for China's first tests of the WS-10 and WS-15 turbofan engines. They match almost perfectly.

China was building DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys by the late 1980s or early 1990s and the indigenous WS-10 engine was tested in 1992.

Also, GlobalSecurity reported that China successfully tested its WS-15 engine prototype in 2005 (see second reference below). Based on the citation, we can place the approximate date of China's manufacture of DD6 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys around the early to mid-2000s.

The timeline for the DD3 and DD6 superalloys fits the dates for testing the WS-10 and WS-15 turbofan engine prototypes.


Advanced Performance Materials, Volume 2, Number 3 - SpringerLink

"Advanced Performance Materials
Volume 2, Number 3 (1995), 217-229, DOI: 10.1007/BF00705445
Some recent developments of advanced titanium alloy and nickel base superalloys in BIAM

M. G. Yan, Y. F. Han, C. X. Cao and Z. T. Wu


A brief review of recent research and development works of some advanced Ti alloys and Ni base superalloys in the Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing (BIAM) is reported. In which, the tensile deformation and fracture characteristics in an agr-beta Ti alloy, the creep behavior of Ti3Al intermetallic alloy and effect of heat treatment and crystal orientation on the creep properties of a single crystal Ni base alloys DD3, are presented. The applications of the above mentioned alloys in aeronautic industry are described.

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Mechanisms of Low Cyclic Fatigue of DD6 Alloy at Elevated Temperature--

"《Journal of Aerospace Power》 2003-06
Mechanisms of Low Cyclic Fatigue of DD6 Alloy at Elevated Temperature
LI Ying, SU Bin (Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China)

Low cycle fatigue mechanism of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy,DD6,has been investigated at 760℃ and 980℃. It was found that there were two kinds of sites where crack initiates, one being the surface of the specimens and the other being the sub-surface. Microcracks and oxide layer on the specimen surface are potential crack initiation sites in this superalloy. Secondary crack,reared ridge, and microcrack in the front of the main crack tip can all hinder crack propagation during low cycle fatigue.

【Key Words】: aerospace propulsion system single crystal superalloy low cycle fatigue crack initiation crack propagation
【CateGory Index】: V232
【DOI】: CNKI:SUN:HKDI.0.2003-06-005"


DD6 is China's second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy

1. China's first generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy was called DD3. This technology was probably used in the WS-10A and WS-13 turbofan engines.

2. China's newer second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy is named DD6. This latest technology will probably be incorporated into the WS-15 turbofan engine.


Figure 1. (a) HAADF image of alloy DD6 before the creep test. (b) Element mapping images of major constituents corresponding to the area denoted by a white rectangle in (a). (c) Distribution of elements Re and W along the direction perpendicular to the interfaces. The dashed vertical lines show schematically the γ/γ′ interface.

Source: ScienceDirect.com - Scripta Materialia - Distribution of rhenium in a single crystal nickel-based superalloy


DD6 single crystal alloy TLP diffusion bonding process

"DD6 single crystal alloy TLP diffusion bonding process
发表于 2012/08/17 由 admin

DD6 is China's second-generation nickel-based single crystal superalloy with high temperature strength, good overall performance, and organizational stability. With the first generation of nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD3, Cheng Wen capacity increase of about 40 ° C; compared with foreign widely used second-generation single crystal alloys, tensile properties, long-lasting performance, oxidation resistance and heat corrosion all reached and even some more than its level, and containing rhenium low low-cost advantage. Of the alloy is suitable for the production of work below 1100 ℃, gas turbine blade and other high temperature parts with complex cavity [1-3]. Apparently alone casting technology to manufacture the hollow blades with complex cavity is very difficult, even impossible, only the casting and welding the two processes combining to make it a reality. The single crystal alloy as a single crystal highly efficient gas-cooled modular blade manufacturing process, the most important one of the key technologies, foreign countries have to conduct more studies, transient liquid phase diffusion bonding (TLP diffusion bonding) on ??the single crystal turbine blades connection shows a clear advantage and feasibility [4,5]. P & W Company has adopted the TLP diffusion bonding technology to produce outside the compound single crystal blades, and is used on the F100 engine [4]. Developed in our second-generation nickel-base single crystal superalloy DD6 for the study, TLP diffusion welding head the organization and performance analysis.

A test of materials, methods and equipment

Test the parent material for the DD6 single crystal alloy, its composition and typical rupture properties shown in Table 1, the standard heat treatment specifications for the 1290 ° C, 1h from +1300 ° C, 2h +1315 ° C, 4h, air-cooled +1120 ° C, 4h, air-cooled +870 ° C , 32h, air-cooled. TLP diffusion bonding intermediate layer alloy is prepared for DD6 are basically the same, the main component DD6 base metal, adding a certain amount of B as the melting point depressant elements, use the form -150 purpose powder.

Surface preparation before welding in order to prevent the machining stress lead to recrystallization in the base metal in the welding thermal cycle, using the + wire cutting + sanding base metal heat treatment processing. Before welding, all samples with acetone ultrasonic cleaning to oil.

Diffusion welding temperature used to match the temperature of solution treatment with the base metal, ie, 1290 ° C, holding time requirements through tests to determine in accordance with the joints lasting performance.

Docking sample connector metallographic sample and performance samples are first 0.1mm thick stainless steel gasket sandwiched between both ends of the specimen connected surface, and TIG welding positioning, then as usual brazing fill plus brazing powdery intermediate layer alloy is placed in the sample above the binder positioning. Connection, the intermediate layer alloy melt into the cracks in the formation of joints. In order to ensure that the two matching samples of crystal orientation consistent to avoid or reduce the formation of the joint to reduce the mechanical properties of grain boundaries in the test specimen strict matching processing and precise positioning of assembly and welding to ensure that two specimens relative position.

Figure 1 shows the form of the specimen measured the lasting high temperature mechanical properties, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis by means of diffusion welding the head of the organization of different holding time were observed and analyzed."


Reference for WS-10 and WS-15 turbofan engine test dates:

Jet Engine Development in China: Indigenous high-performance turbofans are a final step toward fully independent fighter production | China SignPost

China built indigenous DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys prior to 1995


Fig. 1. Microstructure of the DD3 single-crystal superalloy, respectively, solidified at undercooling of (a) 130 K; (b) 155 K; (c) 170 K; (d) 180 K; and (e) 210 K. (Source: Recrystallization mechanism for the grain refinement in undercooled DD3 single-crystal superalloy)

Most people seem to be unaware that China has been building DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys for about twenty years.

The indigenous WS-10 turbofan engine project started in 1986 (see reference below). By 1992, the "first test engine [was] completed and bench testing began." Therefore, we can deduce China was probably building DD3 single-crystal superalloys a few years prior to 1992.

The earliest English citation (see article below) that I found for China's DD3 single-crystal superalloy was in 1995. Also, the earliest English citation that I found for China's DD6 second-generation single-crystal superalloy was in 2003 (see second article below).

The point of these citations is to match the known dates for China's DD3 and DD6 single-crystal superalloys with the known dates for China's first tests of the WS-10 and WS-15 turbofan engines. They match almost perfectly.

China was building DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys by the late 1980s or early 1990s and the indigenous WS-10 engine was tested in 1992.

Also, GlobalSecurity reported that China successfully tested its WS-15 engine prototype in 2005 (see second reference below). Based on the citation, we can place the approximate date of China's manufacture of DD6 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys around the early to mid-2000s.

The timeline for the DD3 and DD6 superalloys fits the dates for testing the WS-10 and WS-15 turbofan engine prototypes.


Advanced Performance Materials, Volume 2, Number 3 - SpringerLink

"Advanced Performance Materials
Volume 2, Number 3 (1995), 217-229, DOI: 10.1007/BF00705445
Some recent developments of advanced titanium alloy and nickel base superalloys in BIAM

M. G. Yan, Y. F. Han, C. X. Cao and Z. T. Wu


A brief review of recent research and development works of some advanced Ti alloys and Ni base superalloys in the Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing (BIAM) is reported. In which, the tensile deformation and fracture characteristics in an agr-beta Ti alloy, the creep behavior of Ti3Al intermetallic alloy and effect of heat treatment and crystal orientation on the creep properties of a single crystal Ni base alloys DD3, are presented. The applications of the above mentioned alloys in aeronautic industry are described.

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Mechanisms of Low Cyclic Fatigue of DD6 Alloy at Elevated Temperature--

"《Journal of Aerospace Power》 2003-06
Mechanisms of Low Cyclic Fatigue of DD6 Alloy at Elevated Temperature
LI Ying, SU Bin (Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China)

Low cycle fatigue mechanism of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy,DD6,has been investigated at 760℃ and 980℃. It was found that there were two kinds of sites where crack initiates, one being the surface of the specimens and the other being the sub-surface. Microcracks and oxide layer on the specimen surface are potential crack initiation sites in this superalloy. Secondary crack,reared ridge, and microcrack in the front of the main crack tip can all hinder crack propagation during low cycle fatigue.

【Key Words】: aerospace propulsion system single crystal superalloy low cycle fatigue crack initiation crack propagation
【CateGory Index】: V232
【DOI】: CNKI:SUN:HKDI.0.2003-06-005"


DD6 is China's second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy

1. China's first generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy was called DD3. This technology was probably used in the WS-10A and WS-13 turbofan engines.

2. China's newer second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy is named DD6. This latest technology will probably be incorporated into the WS-15 turbofan engine.


Figure 1. (a) HAADF image of alloy DD6 before the creep test. (b) Element mapping images of major constituents corresponding to the area denoted by a white rectangle in (a). (c) Distribution of elements Re and W along the direction perpendicular to the interfaces. The dashed vertical lines show schematically the γ/γ′ interface.

Source: ScienceDirect.com - Scripta Materialia - Distribution of rhenium in a single crystal nickel-based superalloy


DD6 single crystal alloy TLP diffusion bonding process

"DD6 single crystal alloy TLP diffusion bonding process
发表于 2012/08/17 由 admin

DD6 is China's second-generation nickel-based single crystal superalloy with high temperature strength, good overall performance, and organizational stability. With the first generation of nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD3, Cheng Wen capacity increase of about 40 ° C; compared with foreign widely used second-generation single crystal alloys, tensile properties, long-lasting performance, oxidation resistance and heat corrosion all reached and even some more than its level, and containing rhenium low low-cost advantage. Of the alloy is suitable for the production of work below 1100 ℃, gas turbine blade and other high temperature parts with complex cavity [1-3]. Apparently alone casting technology to manufacture the hollow blades with complex cavity is very difficult, even impossible, only the casting and welding the two processes combining to make it a reality. The single crystal alloy as a single crystal highly efficient gas-cooled modular blade manufacturing process, the most important one of the key technologies, foreign countries have to conduct more studies, transient liquid phase diffusion bonding (TLP diffusion bonding) on ??the single crystal turbine blades connection shows a clear advantage and feasibility [4,5]. P & W Company has adopted the TLP diffusion bonding technology to produce outside the compound single crystal blades, and is used on the F100 engine [4]. Developed in our second-generation nickel-base single crystal superalloy DD6 for the study, TLP diffusion welding head the organization and performance analysis.

A test of materials, methods and equipment

Test the parent material for the DD6 single crystal alloy, its composition and typical rupture properties shown in Table 1, the standard heat treatment specifications for the 1290 ° C, 1h from +1300 ° C, 2h +1315 ° C, 4h, air-cooled +1120 ° C, 4h, air-cooled +870 ° C , 32h, air-cooled. TLP diffusion bonding intermediate layer alloy is prepared for DD6 are basically the same, the main component DD6 base metal, adding a certain amount of B as the melting point depressant elements, use the form -150 purpose powder.

Surface preparation before welding in order to prevent the machining stress lead to recrystallization in the base metal in the welding thermal cycle, using the + wire cutting + sanding base metal heat treatment processing. Before welding, all samples with acetone ultrasonic cleaning to oil.

Diffusion welding temperature used to match the temperature of solution treatment with the base metal, ie, 1290 ° C, holding time requirements through tests to determine in accordance with the joints lasting performance.

Docking sample connector metallographic sample and performance samples are first 0.1mm thick stainless steel gasket sandwiched between both ends of the specimen connected surface, and TIG welding positioning, then as usual brazing fill plus brazing powdery intermediate layer alloy is placed in the sample above the binder positioning. Connection, the intermediate layer alloy melt into the cracks in the formation of joints. In order to ensure that the two matching samples of crystal orientation consistent to avoid or reduce the formation of the joint to reduce the mechanical properties of grain boundaries in the test specimen strict matching processing and precise positioning of assembly and welding to ensure that two specimens relative position.

Figure 1 shows the form of the specimen measured the lasting high temperature mechanical properties, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis by means of diffusion welding the head of the organization of different holding time were observed and analyzed."


Reference for WS-10 and WS-15 turbofan engine test dates:

Jet Engine Development in China: Indigenous high-performance turbofans are a final step toward fully independent fighter production | China SignPost


An important Physical chem info: Gānyóu (bǐng sān chún) + xiāosuān huì chǎnshēng zhǐ huà fǎnyìng Biàn xiāohuà gānyóu
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