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Chinese daily fears India may resume nuclear tests

Some Chinese phrase?

European is not a race.

Paksitanis, Indians, Bangladeshis, Myanmaris, Thais, Viets are all Asia, but they are not the same!!

But if it makes you happy then OK the world is Chinese!

You did not answer my question, you avoid it , sorry it is not enough to clarify your paranoia.

I don't know what the man who froze below is saying, but then the truth is substitute "China" for "India" wherever he mentions India and it will be the real truth!

should use a language that is international in an international forum or else some can mistake it for some ancient cave writings done by the Neanderal man!

Of course, if you have something to hide, then that is fine, even though it shows poor manners and uncivilised behaviour while interacting with an international audience!

Quite boorish, if you will!

During the crossing of the Yangtze River, there occurred an incident which pointed up the significance of the whole China war in a fashion more revealing than a dozen political dissertations. The Yangtze, one of the world's great rivers, which has its source in Tibet and its mouth three thousand miles away in the China Sea, is navigable for its last thousand miles by ocean-going steamers. On this stretch of the river, foreign warships have been maneuvering for nearly a hundred years, with no Chinese government able or willing to keep them out. As the battle over this great waterway began, British naval authorities, with a sublime indifference to the new realities in China, ordered the sloop Amethyst to move out of Shanghai with supplies for British embassy officials in Nanking. This action was definitely, though perhaps not purposely, provocative. Later both Kuomintang and British authorities were to declare that the ship had a perfect right on the Yangtze because of treaties concluded with the Chiang government. But it was just these treaties which the Communists were fighting to destroy. As might have been expected, Communist soldiers in the midst of a battle with the Kuomintang fleet and Kuomintang soldiers on the opposite shore opened up with their American-made batteries on the Amethyst. She was severely damaged and ran aground fifty miles from Nanking. From that city another British warship, the destroyer Consort, headed downstream but was beaten off by Communist guns. Adding folly to arrogance, two other British warships moved upstream from Shanghai; they too were heavily shelled and turned tail and fled. In all, the British suffered forty-four seamen killed, eighty injured.

The significance of this event is tremendous. Thirty years earlier, the mere presence of the British warships on the Yangtze would have been enough to turn the tide of any civil war. Twenty years ago, such an incident would have sent every foreign warship on the China station scurrying up the river to silence the insolent Chinese; diplomats would have sternly demanded apologies; the foreign press would have thundered for revenge and editors would have written philosophic dissertations on the need for "law and order." But 1949 was not 1929.

The crossing of the Yangtze - like the crossing of so many other river barriers in history, from the Rubicon to the Rappahannock or the Rhine - may stand as a decisive date in world history.

It is likely to stand [remarked the New York Heraid Tribune] as the day on which Chinese Communist gunners, learning how to use American equipment, brushed the Royal Navy contemptuously aside. It is likely to stand as the day when a bankrupt old regime in China was forced finally to confess itself impotent, and when the Western policies, founded upon hopes of its survival, were compelled to admit they could not save that regime and that new and different forces had assumed dominant power over the Chinese millions. It is proof certainly the old order is done, that neither the Chinese monied classes, British imperialism nor the American "open door doctrine" have sufficed to open a pathway through the tangled problems of the times which the Chinese people could follow.
You did not answer my question, you avoid it , sorry it is not enough to clarify your paranoia.

If you write in English, then one can understand.

If you write in what you think is English and it cannot be understood by those who know English, I daresay, you can expect any reply.
Do not bring your mouth, you tell me, how can you argue?

This is no English, if you don't mind.

However, if you want to know if when I argue do I use my mouth.

I presume any sane man would do so.

Only a pervert would talk through other orifices in the human anatomy.

Even the British Monarch you had colonised you would not know what in the name of the good Lord, you have written.

As far as your statement that French British etc are European, I have explained that while they are Europeans, they are a separate races!

And as they say in Punjabi - Balle, Balle, Pape!

Char de Kalan!
If you write in English, then one can understand.

If you write in what you think is English and it cannot be understood by those who know English, I daresay, you can expect any reply.

You have not answer my question, not to debate and air, and you can to refute my point of view. You can now begin.

Forced assimilation? only history can make national assimilation, in a few centuries or even millennia, it is a great national integration with a trade \ Culture \ war exchanges. When the minorities in China's political power, the Emperor \ officials claimed Chinese This is enforced? No, this is a cultural appeal. Do you think the EU is forced to European countries? the future, the Earth will become smaller, more of each other's exchanges, which is a form of assimilation, do you think he Is bad, is an obsessive?
If these were the actual figures of US and Korea then you can imagine Chinese figure would be 5-10x more....

They are carved in stone by the US. Can't change what you carved in stone.

Chinese figures are 10 million? :lol: less than 1 million Chinese served in Korea. Face it, we stomped the UN with less total troops and less losses even with lower technology, and the US has this recorded on a wall of shame for all of history to see.

---------- Post added at 04:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 AM ----------

I don't know what the man who froze below is saying, but then the truth is substitute "China" for "India" wherever he mentions India and it will be the real truth!

should use a language that is international in an international forum or else some can mistake it for some ancient cave writings done by the Neanderal man!

Of course, if you have something to hide, then that is fine, even though it shows poor manners and uncivilised behaviour while interacting with an international audience!

Quite boorish, if you will!

Sorry I don't speak ape. Can you translate your rant to something human for me?
This is no English, if you don't mind.

However, if you want to know if when I argue do I use my mouth.

I presume any sane man would do so.

Only a pervert would talk through other orifices in the human anatomy.

Even the British Monarch you had colonised you would not know what in the name of the good Lord, you have written.

As far as your statement that French British etc are European, I have explained that while they are Europeans, they are a separate races!

And as they say in Punjabi - Balle, Balle, Pape!

They are independent people, no problem, however, European exchanges are also deep, including personnel exchanges and intermarriage, which is assimilation. Do you think it is bad and forced?
Treaty of Naking.

Two conventions in Peking.

That is adequate.

Do explain those and not bring out anecdotes.

Even the Jomo Kenyatta and the Mau Mau has small victories!
DOn't kid yourself Laowai. You guys were slaves just like every other Asian country in that period. You guys were unified which was a greatest strength. But still slaves nonetheless. Tell me if you were so independent why would you allow allow the Brits to dictate demands on the Opium Trade. Oh yeah you lost the war right. USe some of the critical thinking and realize you were puppets of the British. They used your ppl and country. There was no respect or other nonsense. It was economic pure and simple.

You must really have an inferiority complex because I can understand why India became a colony but you fail to acknowledge that though China was not colonized, her ppl were still slaves to the British. Wake up

Not All of Chinese people were slaves to the British or Europeans as you think, they may be at a disadvantaged economically back then, but I don't see any shackles and chains on them, do you? It is only a few ports and Hong Kong that was lost, not an entire land mass being conquered and controlled 24/7 like INDIA was. Vietnam was like that once with the French and my people finally seize the opportunity and show them what happened to their azzholes if they ever try that colonizing crap again with us.
They are independent people, no problem, however, European exchanges are also deep, including personnel exchanges and intermarriage, which is assimilation. Do you think it is compulsory?

Give me another bedtime story!

Then the Anglo Indians in India are assimilation and are British?!!

---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 AM ----------

Not All of Chinese people were slaves to the British or Europeans as you think, they may be at a disadvantaged economically back then, but I don't see any shackles and chains on them, do you? It is only a few ports and Hong Kong that was lost, not an entire land mass being conquered and controlled 24/7 like INDIA was. Vietnam was like that once with the French and my people finally seize the opportunity and show them what happened to their azzholes if they ever try that colonizing crap again with us.

The Qing, who was the Emperor of China became a slave by ceding parts of China!!

There were independent Kingdoms too!


Opium eaters were not a part of colonialism?

Obviously the British did not want to burden itself totally with lazy and indolent opium eaters. They got what they want since the Chinese were subjugated by making them dazed and drugged as also sorting out the Qing Emperor by the various treaties.

Jago Mohan Pyare.
Treaty of Naking.

Two conventions in Peking.

That is adequate.

Do explain those and not bring out anecdotes.

Even the Jomo Kenyatta and the Mau Mau has small victories!

Do you think we stopped the resistance? Finally, we get our rights because of the fighting, never give in our hearts and actions.
Do you think we stopped the resistance? Finally, we get our rights because of the fighting, never give in our hearts and actions.

Good one.

Will pass it on to the children of the School so that they have a nice story to help them to sleep!

Good night, tongzhi.
And how many British saying no?

God, how juvenile can one get with such warped humbug and bilge.
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