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Chinese Arrogance at its best !!!!


Jan 27, 2011
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Global Times: Philippines walking a very fine line

The Philippines has been making waves in the South China Sea of late. It has settled to refer to the disputed waters as the "West Philippine Sea," sent officials to claim sovereignty on a disputed island and called on ASEAN countries to form a united front against China. The cabinet members of the Philippines have boldly lashed out against China, publicizing that the US-Philippine military cooperation is a strong warning signal.

These Philippine provocations bring negative political influences to the region, although some of them are only pet "performance projects" of the Philippine government. China must take fitting measures to pay the Philippines back. This is necessary to prevent another country taking a leaf out of the Philippines' book against China. :angry:

Currently, a similar strategy is prevailing among other East Asian countries, that is, benefiting from economic cooperation with China as much as possible while containing China's influences by either joining with the US or forcing China to make concessions on disputed issues. The Philippines is carrying out such a strategy.

China' punishment on the Philippines should be strong enough to offset negative influences brought by the Philippine insolence and discourage the dream of some nations to join with the US to contain China. :lol:

The pressure of domestic opinion is no excuse to forgive the Philippines' irresponsible behavior. The Philippines' unfavorable attitude toward China will not change quickly, but as long as punishing the Philippines does not affect the steady relations between China and other neighboring countries, the Philippines has fewer cards to play than China in the long run.

China's punishment on the Philippines should not go overboard, but should let the Philippines pay the real price. The best way is to ignore the Philippines when China is intensifying cooperation with other Southeast Asian countries.

Economic means are the first choice. China could postpone the implementation of investment agreements. Chinese people could reject traveling to the Philippines and China should decrease imports from the Philippines. China is the third largest trading partner of the Philippines and this would be a grievous blow indeed. As a country whose GDP per capita is only about $2,000, the Philippines expects much from China to stimulus its economic growth. Any slowdown in Sino-Philippine cooperation will put long-term pressure on the country.

Meanwhile, China should enhance cooperation with countries like Ma-laysia and Indonesia, allowing them to benefit more from the Philippine vacuum.

China has no intention to have a military clash toward the Philippines. But it should prepare to strike back, if the Philippines makes the first armed move. China's punishment against the Philippines should also be convincing. Shocking neighboring countries might be inevitable, but China needs to be both careful and decisive.

Wow!!! Looks like China's new found economic super power status has gone to its head..
and now it is threatening war for small reasons...no wonder every South East Asian Country hates China...
Provocative thread title.

Not at all. In-fact a very apt title....If you bothered to read the article....it screams "arrogance".

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

comparing to US arrogance?...

I don't see the US making ridiculous territorial claims and idiotic statements like the Chinese establishment. Seriously, who do they think they are?....lol....
comparing to US arrogance?...

How about keeping this one about China?

OT: Even if one would read this balderash as being the Communist party's line before the next change of Tsar, but still all this is quite uncharacteristically vitriolic.

Even when they are trying to avoid the anti-China contagion, all this arrogance could on the other hand just hasten it. The rim is anyway now alienated, it was just Indo-China that China could have controlled but maybe this condescension is just making other countries more and more wary of the land (Sea too counts) grab.
Yes but unlike the TOI, Global times is state sponsored.

True but so are the more serious papers. The state sponsored papers run the gamut of editorial styles. They still have to meet circulation numbers (ie people want to read them) even if they do fall under government control.

I'd actually wait to see what China does in the next few months before I'd give credence to what GT writes.
Global times, the Chinese version of Times of India.

If you were a government sponsored propagandist, you could have lost your job for criticizing the Communist Party mouthpiece.

However, I would differ with you since Global Times is even clearly more partyline than the Daily Times insert being put in newspapers in different countries to further the Communist Party propaganda. Global Times is overtly partyline with no attempts to hide it at all. So may be there was a message meant in the opinion.
I first read the article and read it again..I thought may be Global times has a blog section where some fan boy might have written this..I was shocked to see it was an editorial..

The arrogance exhibited by the Chinese is reaching limits..This is bound to come back and bite them..already Vietnam, Philippines, even Malaysia are looking for aligning with USA.
Yes but unlike the TOI, Global times is state sponsored.

Hence proved.... Chinese Govt spread stupid articles while Indian Govt + Private media + general Population is showing its arrogance 24/7.
Not at all. In-fact a very apt title....If you bothered to read the article....it screams "arrogance".

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

I don't see the US making ridiculous territorial claims and idiotic statements like the Chinese establishment. Seriously, who do they think they are?....lol....

haha,you dont see?US tops the poll on "biggest threat to global peace",see how the country behaves,sending troops everywhere around the world,invading and killing sovereign countries top leaders,how many civilians died from US bombers and cruise missiles??US is the world biggest butcher.where are your eyes if you say you dont see.
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