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Chinese army refuses to vacate Arunachal

Pakistan - China fantasy .......... remember India - USA - Russia - Israel and next you know what will happen to you ally's, so pray it doesn't happen.


NATO are leaving the region, they are going far far away from these shores my friend, they even have declared the Kashmir issue is regional and for us to settle, even your media reported this.

Russia just sold you a submarine which exploded, does not constitute a military ally.


Israel is the size of my foot, they are not invading anyone.

So reality is you are all on your own.:tup:

NATO are leaving the region, they are going far far away from these shores my friend, they even have declared the Kashmir issue is regional and for us to settle, even your media reported this.

Russia just sold you a submarine which exploded, does not constitute a military ally.


Israel is the size of my foot, they are not invading anyone.

So reality is you are all on your own.:tup:

You can fantasize a number of things now, but you'll come to the reality if it at all happens. :D God forbid it doesn't happen!! Will be good for you and your ally. Anyways I love my neighbors and I have good friends from both China and Pakistan and would never advocate a war among us!!

So you may continue with this delusional thread!! All the best!! :enjoy:
We should move forward with colonization procedures, as soon as the Indians get the courage to stand up for themselves.
It's called Zangnan。

Indians should give back what their former colonial master gave them。
You can fantasize a number of things now, but you'll come to the reality if it at all happens. :D God forbid it doesn't happen!! Will be good for you and your ally. Anyways I love my neighbors and I have good friends from both China and Pakistan and would never advocate a war among us!!

So you may continue with this delusional thread!! All the best!! :enjoy:

Oh now you love us.

Actions speak louder than words.

Bagal Mein Churi Aur Mun Mein Raam Raam
You guys gnuinely believe taht you can take China and Pakistan at same time,fighting a war on two fronts,we will be doomed.

Of course they do。

They believe anything that's fed to them by their exaggeration and sensation loving,aka stupidd media。
We should move forward with colonization procedures, as soon as the Indians get the courage to stand up for themselves.

:omghaha: Make sure your big head does not get stuck in those narrow Himalayan passes...when you crossover to colonize them poor Indians.
Oh now you love us.

Actions speak louder than words.

Bagal Mein Churi Aur Mun Mein Raam Raam

I don't love you. You are not a person to be loved. But there are others. And I don't need to learn from you how other Pakistanis are. I have seen many. So ... :pop:
It's called Zangnan。

Indians should give back what their former colonial master gave them。

Chinese should stop making such stupid demands, claiming something, they never had in the first place.
Worry about yourself!! By the way we are cool! :D

Pakistan - China fantasy .......... remember India - USA - Russia - Israel and next you know what will happen to you ally's, so pray it doesn't happen.

Now whine, in the meantime I leave the thread for you to carry on!! I enjoy seeing that!! :enjoy:

You think those countries will fight for India? you must be smoking something for so long.
You got border issues with a country 2000miles away from you (malaysia) , infact you got border issues with every god damn country around you ... This aggressive policy of the Chinese are going to one way or another bite back at them ...

as for relations with neighbors....our relations are fine with every country except Pakistan and China ....

India has problems with BD and SL as well. so all of India's neighbors that do not rely on India for support have problems with India.

China is a great country . Does these small things are in accordance with China's stature ? I think China deserves better victories than pitching tents and getting concessions from Indian regime and pitching tens again and stopping Indians patrols getting stopped by Indian patrols and then exchanging beers and so on ....

I will request my Chinese friends here to uphold dignity of their great nation by not engaging in such petty things and petty arguments !!!

You are very different from most Indians in here that you try to communicate with common sense. If most of Indians here are like you, this forum would have a different atmosphere.
India has problems with BD and SL as well. so all of India's neighbors that do not rely on India for support have problems with India.

India may have some issues with Bangladesh , Sri-lanka but so also have historic ties. Does these issues make India evil ?
These issues are neither in surmounting nor overwhelming to destroy those friendly ties . India has earnestly desired peace in world and its neighborhood.

You are very different from most Indians in here that you try to communicate with common sense. If most of Indians here are like you, this forum would have a different atmosphere.

Thanks. But I believe it's natural human tendency to go for revenge , even if it is verbal one ... I believe these forums can be platforms for discussion and not place to vent anger . One can disagree and yet have civil discussion.I know all of us are capable of that. I do not condone racial ,abusive , inflammatory , humiliating rants .
How we talk to others is a measure of our cultural upbringing .

We are sort of cultural ambassadors of our respective countries and so shall act accordingly , Lest we bring bad name to our great nations .
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