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Chinese Army is full of wimps, sissies & little, PLA never won war in 6 decades: Indian Major Arya

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You got to be kidding!! Insane level of propaganda from India. LOL

There insanity can go beyond any levels...!

Sir, its not about who started, he could have told me if im off topic, there are plenty of opportunities to discuss different topics, not scenery to bring same rhetoric in each thread... it simply derails the conversation.
and yes, calling kid and all is not required at all...

if i'm off topic, call my name and report. you are a senior member you can understand
you're started to derail the thread and bring off topic discussion, if you didn't bring this off topc discussion here he wont so called YOUR SAME RHETORIC, or if you are didn't like him why you're replying him to avoid him just ignore his post or put him in your ignore list, you're bigger troll than him
you're started to derail the thread and bring off topic discussion, if you didn't bring this off topc discussion here he wont so called YOUR SAME RHETORIC, or if you are didn't like him why you're replying him to avoid him just ignore his post or put him in your ignore list, you're bigger troll than him

sir, if you can go back in time and check the thread you will this post, this is where he replied off topic and it started.... then i stopped the whole discussion and after that you replied to me.
sir, if you can go back in time and check the thread you will this post, this is where he replied off topic and it started.... then i stopped the whole discussion and after that you replied to me.
View attachment 638382
so why you replied him just put him in your ignore list, that's shows you that you love to troll and off topic discussion with other trolls and didn't want any serious/positive discussion with serious members here on PDF
so why you replied him just put him in your ignore list, that's shows you that you love to troll and off topic discussion with other trolls and didn't want any serious/positive discussion with serious members here on PDF

he is on my ignore list now, should have be earlier than this though.
No need to praise....enjoy afghani special

What the hell are you smoking, exactly?

I do not understand that why sources from a person of ill-repute has been mentioned here. His tweets as much lack credibility as his God damn reputation and astagfirallah, personal character. On very serious note, we are arguing over such tweets that are one sided, not neutral and heck are not even from a credible person, let alone the source. If the person in question is of good reputation then I would be the first to read it.
Strong nations on a general note, do not chest thump. They quietly analyze and equip themselves than take their stand where needed. China is no doubt a diverse country existing since centuries and has literally proved herself despite of changing times and I really admire their adaptability. However, I do not mean to humiliate or insult any other nation. It is solely decision of natural selection who wins if war broke out since ground reality checks will be put under test.
Warfare is not a joke and any warfare for this region will lead towards dangerous consequences. All countries should try to seek meaningful solution and avoid injustice in their respective lands. In addition to that, I can clearly see how Modi administered India has promoted yellow journalism and extremism and this is engulfing their own citizens.I am trying to say this neutrally and asking you all to ask yourselves that why China will be wasting her energy and resources when Modi is doing the same job and bringing humiliation to present day India?
Last but not least, I have just seen a seriously ridiculous derailing over forest of India versus Pakistan. Bhai, Discovery channel was outsourced by Indians that is why they show everything about India. They also show Indian armed forces and their inner accounts etc and entire channel is narrated in Hindi. So, please use some common sense and their joint exercise as well.If Pakistan has outsourced or influenced then they would have shown about Pakistan. In addition to that since comparing Pakistan and Indian greenery is like comparing apples with oranges. India has more land as compare to Pakistan but yes Pakistan is very green and colorful country and it has lots species of flora and fauna and very similar too since Pakistan is geographically located next to India. Hence, learn first before putting up immature and third class logic.If you all are interested just write Pakistani flora and fauna on google, instead of derailing or making poor arguments for the sake of chest thumping.

Thread locked due to poor source and useless/inciting tweets.
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This means that 1 Chinese is equal to 2 Pakistanis. As we know, One mard e momin is euual to ten Hindu baniyas. Now we see 1 Chinese is is equal 20 Indian soldiers. So this means that 1 Chinese soldier is equal to 2 Pakistani soldiers if the figure of "One mard e momin is euual to ten Hindu baniyas" is not revised.

The mard-e-momin are doing quite well despite 73 years of wars and skirmishes with the 1 billion plus Chanakyas. Keep that in mind.:-)
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