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Again, same shit performance of western 'Copy&Paste' criticize, featured with characteristic Wrong Photo that doesn't match what he was shitting in the article... (of course i know he doesn't understand what he was talking about)
So, bro, give your pitiful feeling to that poor guy...

First of all You are all correct, that's not the J-11D ... and I admit I'm a bit angry since I especially cleaned that image for this short news report.

J-11D prototype - maiden flight 29.4.15 - clean 2.jpg

I'm even more surprised since I only sent the two true J-11D images to the publisher and not this J-11B-testbed. As such indeed a failure...:( ... and Your anger is understandable !

However @Yukihime why this bitterness and hate ?? Please explain what's wrong information-wise on that report or what is again a "Shit performance copy & paste" !?? ... or where do You see a fault that shows what I did not understand ... ??

Even more do You fully understand and know the circumstances around the J-11D ?? .. then please explain, otherwise be a bit more careful with such harsh words.

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My guess would be ~2016, when the second batch of AESA-equipped J-15s will enter service as well.

Have PLAAF, PLAN placed formal orders for 11D yet? would Love to see a wing of PAF equipped with 'em
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@Deino @cnleio when will production start for J-11D ?

Thanks for the request, but honestly l don't know. I even think that right now outside the PLAAF & SAC no-one knows that for sure simply since it will depend on the final outcome of the trials.

By my feeling I would assume a timeframe of about two years - similar to the J-16 - is realistically until the avionics systems is certified. So a date between the end of 2016 or more likely mid-2017.

If I were evil I would suggest to ask others - maybe You ask Beast for example - since by his honest knowledge I am only writing BS based as copy & paste from wrong sources and even more coming to false results due to being too much anti-Chinese ! :whistle:

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J-10s deployed on China's third largest island,Chongming Island,Shanghai::coffee:


Interesting ... are these the new twin-PL-12-launcher-rails ?? So far they are rarely seen on operational birds.

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Previously they only stationed J-8IIs and JH-7As on the island. This should be a huge plus.

Hmm ... to admit I'm a bit confused now or better to say I maybe did not read correctly: is it only a) a temporarily assignment or a detachment based there for an exercise or b) a newly converted unit ??

if a), then I'm not too much surprised but I would like to know from what unit they come from ?

if b), then it would mean that the 78. Brigade's J-8H were replaced by these J-10As ... but since they are A-models, where do they come from ??

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