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China's Xi says will support Pakistan in stabilising its financial situation


I believe this is the Pak Def Forum, not the China Def Forum or the Gobar Times. Anyone who takes interest in Pakistan's affairs is welcome to post on it, subject to maintaining proper etiquette and decorum. We have no interest in your projects in say Burkina Faso or Ecuador. You can sell your usurious projects there, no Hindoo will bother you there.


I believe this is the Pak Def Forum, not the China Def Forum or the Gobar Times. Anyone who takes interest in Pakistan's affairs is welcome to post on it, subject to maintaining proper etiquette and decorum. We have no interest in your projects in say Burkina Faso or Ecuador. You can sell your usurious projects there, no Hindoo will bother you there.

Your foremost concern is to build more public toilets in your country, Chinese CPEC is no concern of you Indian, period. China doesnt need instructions from you fools on how to run CPEC in conjunction with Pakistan.
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Regardless of what the CCP bots, recycled soda cans and the shitcan blabbers, CCP contracts involve nit just interest but also guaranteed return clauses, mandatory project award to CCP company, ongoing ownership and steep project costs. You can't blame CCP, it's Pakistan that walked into that trap.
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