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China’s war drums beat

Wrong analogy. Vietnm-Philippines does not equal millions of ants. And the elephant is not dead. Even a rat can consume a dead tiger, if it's dead.

Same analogy you used to describe the big fish in the small pond but were no match to the shark that romp the ocean.
You think China a big bad untouchable superpower nation, even the rest of the world stand no chance?
You are writing like you're drunk. China is drilling in her territories so what is the issue? You are being dramatic thinking this incident will drive the world against China. :lol:
Same analogy you used to describe the big fish in the small pond but were no match to the shark that romp the ocean.
You are writing like you're drunk. China is drilling in her territories so what is the issue? You are being dramatic thinking this incident will drive the world against China. :lol:

Not dramatic, currently Vietnam and Phillipine economy and military no match with China. In the near future their economy can growth to support their own military expansion. With their alliance among Japan, US, Australia military, can China win a naval war with all these nations? This small nation can't take on China alone but united they can defeat China in a naval battle in the SCS.

China have no one willing to fight a war for you. Not even Pakistan willing to fight a war for China.
Not dramatic, currently Vietnam and Phillipine economy and military no match with China. In the near future their economy can growth to support their own military expansion. With their alliance among Japan, US, Australia military, can China win a naval war with all these nations? This small nation can't take on China alone but united they can defeat China in a naval battle in the SCS.
White country will not fight a full scale war against China just for some disputed islands that have nothing to do with them. Vietnamese overestimated their importance to the white countries and to the world.
White country will not fight a full scale war against China just for some disputed islands that have nothing to do with them. Vietnamese overestimated their importance to the white countries and to the world.

This isn't about the perception of Vietnam important status in this world, of course most nation look out for their own interest but the west can rally together and fight a common foe. Vietnam can just jump camp and join the west to fight a naval battle with China. You can't box people into the corner, they will fight back, don't matter how big or strong you are. There always a way the fight against a stronger opponent.
This isn't about the perception of Vietnam important status in this world, of course most nation look out for their own interest but the west can rally together and fight a common foe. Vietnam can just jump camp and join the west to fight a naval battle with China. You can't box people into the corner, they will fight back, don't matter how big or strong you are. There always a way the fight against a stronger opponent.
No Western country will risk billion dollar worth of trade and nuclear annihilation with China over some rocks, reefs, and inhabitable islands in the middle of no where for Vietnam, Philippines, and or Japan. LOL I think you are counting the egg before it hatches. Fact remains, this is localized dispute and the West will only provide emotional support. At best, they will provide weapons but will not involved directly with us as we will retaliate. And you are talking about us today, at the year 2014. I am not sure how they will deal with us in the future when we will be twice as powerful as we are today.
No Western country will risk billion dollar worth of trade and nuclear annihilation with China over some rocks, reefs, and inhabitable islands in the middle of no where for Vietnam, Philippines, and or Japan. LOL I think you are counting the egg before it hatches. Fact remains, this is localized dispute and the West will only provide emotional support. At best, they will provide weapons but will not involved directly with us as we will retaliate. And you are talking about us today, at the year 2014. I am not sure how they will deal with us in the future when we will be twice as powerful as we are today.

Only China can grow but other can't? believe me if China sink US ship in the SCS, you will see the respond of the west to fight a naval battle with China in SCS. Only China can be powerful and everyone stagnant, are you daydreaming?
Only China can grow but other can't? believe me if China sink US ship in the SCS, you will see the respond of the west to fight a naval battle with China in SCS. Only China can be powerful and everyone stagnant, are you daydreaming?
The issue is not grow by buying. We grow in military capability by producing the toys and a lot of toys. We will have endless supply of toys to play with in the future. You think 65 submarines are a lot now, wait until 2030s or 2040s, we will have hundred of it. Why would we sink US's ship? Basically you make the assumption that the US will make the first move to escalate the tension by jumping in on the side of Vietnam or Philippines to fight for contest island for them. Do you believe in this possibility? The US will not fight us for anyone territorial gain. It's a fact.
The issue is not grow by buying. We grow in military capability by producing the toys and a lot of toys. We will have endless supply of toys to play with in the future. You think 65 submarines are a lot now, wait until 2030s or 2040s, we will have hundred of it. Why would we sink US's ship? Basically you make the assumption that the US will make the first move to escalate the tension by jumping in on the side of Vietnam or Philippines to fight for contest island for them. Do you believe in this possibility? The US will not fight us for anyone territorial gain. It's a fact.

You can build your toys but US and Nato, Japan can't?

The issue is not grow by buying. We grow in military capability by producing the toys and a lot of toys. We will have endless supply of toys to play with in the future. You think 65 submarines are a lot now, wait until 2030s or 2040s, we will have hundred of it. Why would we sink US's ship? Basically you make the assumption that the US will make the first move to escalate the tension by jumping in on the side of Vietnam or Philippines to fight for contest island for them. Do you believe in this possibility? The US will not fight us for anyone territorial gain. It's a fact.

Literally Japan, Phillippine is the extension of US empire.
You can build your toys but US and Nato, Japan can't?
US can, Japan can do in limit capacity. And the US will not outproduce us in the future if we reach our full potential. Basically we account for 40% of the world tonnage in ship building right now. In the future, that percentage will rise to 50-60% of the world combine. That is the potential monster that we can be.

Literally Japan, Phillippine is the extension of US empire.
Without the US intervention, Japan, Vietnam, and Phillipines stand no chance even if they combine their power together.
US can, Japan can do in limit capacity. And the US will not outproduce us in the future if we reach our full potential. Basically we account for 40% of the world tonnage in ship building right now. In the future, that percentage will rise to 50-60% of the world combine. That is the potential monster that we can be.

US in the WW2 turned a small shipping industry into powerhouse ship builder and build the most aircraft carrier, battleship, and submarine. US still retain the #1 military industry, this not include the NATO military industry.

US can, Japan can do in limit capacity. And the US will not outproduce us in the future if we reach our full potential. Basically we account for 40% of the world tonnage in ship building right now. In the future, that percentage will rise to 50-60% of the world combine. That is the potential monster that we can be.

Without the US intervention, Japan, Vietnam, and Phillipines stand no chance even if they combine their power together.

You can't fight a naval war against Japan, Phillippine without fighting the US navy since US have naval base in their country.
US in the WW2 turned a small shipping industry into powerhouse ship builder and build the most aircraft carrier, battleship, and submarine. US still retain the #1 military industry, this not include the NATO military industry.
True but that was 1940s when the US were 1st in industrial output. Today they are 2nd to us. In the future, that will only distant further because we have 1.3 billion manpower and control 90% of rare metal. This is not mentioning Russia who are strategic ally that can help us with their energy resources.

You can't fight a naval war against Japan, Phillippine without fighting the US navy since US have naval base in their country.
It is hard to predict how US will respond if the attacker is Phillipines, Japan, or Vietnam. If they attack first, the US will not involve. We are content with the status quo as we control a lot of valuable and strategically important islands in Paracel and Spratly. I see no reason for us to make the 1st shot. Take for instance the oil drilling incident. We drill near our de facto island and nobody can do a single thing about it. The pressure is on Vietnam and Philippines as they don't possess this capability to drill in their de facto control islands.
Only China can grow but other can't? believe me if China sink US ship in the SCS, you will see the respond of the west to fight a naval battle with China in SCS. Only China can be powerful and everyone stagnant, are you daydreaming?

Nevermind what some of the keyboard warriors here say. They don't count, as they have 0 power outside of their PDF fantasy land. Seriously and logically speaking. What are the chances China would attempt to sink a USN ship (first strike) knowing full well that would mean immediate retaliation from the USN. No rational Chinese leader wants to see that happen. That would basically be the only way I could see the US getting involved in a military manner.
True but that was 1940s when the US were 1st in industrial output. Today they are 2nd to us. In the future, that will only distant further because we have 1.3 billion manpower and control 90% of rare metal. This is not mentioning Russia who are strategic ally that can help us with their energy resources.

It is hard to predict how US will respond if the attacker is Phillipines, Japan, or Vietnam. If they attack first, the US will not involve. We are content with the status quo as we control a lot of valuable and strategically important islands in Paracel and Spratly. I see no reason for us to make the 1st shot. Take for instance the oil drilling incident. We drill near our de facto island and nobody can do a single thing about it. The pressure is on Vietnam and Philippines as they don't possess this capability to drill in their de facto control islands.

Even China need to refrain from firing the first shot at any other claimant, Vietnam and Phillippine will allow other country to drill oil in SCS and China can't do nothing about.
Even China need to refrain from firing the first shot at any other claimant, Vietnam and Phillippine will allow other country to drill oil in SCS and China can't do nothing about.
If that is how Vietnam and Philippines want to play this game out, we are okay with it. We drill, we get 100% of the oil profit. Vietnam and Philippines drill, they get only a partial percentage of the profit. Let see who win more.
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