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China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

Don't take Chinese as fool when we tolerate Tukic bad mouthing about us.

Right. China has a sophisticated and efficient industry system. China can arm a large, modern army in very short time. I mean if China wants to.
We won't because we never interfere in others internal affiars. Hope the Turkic notice our concern and don't stir up in China domestic affairs. Muslim is not euqal to terrorists, there are alwals some bad guys in certain religions.

I'm a Chiristian, i never hold grudge against Muslim cause we are all the citizens of PRC. We are brothers and sisters, they are loalty to the country, then comes the religion.

We China is not a religious country, we respect all kinds of people with different kinds of religions. They are euqal. When the religious practice against the National security, we will ban it without hesitation.

I don't think Turkic women dressing Burqa cause they are pro-west life style.
We won't because we never interfere in others internal affiars. Hope the Turkic notice our concern and don't stir up in China domestic affairs. Muslim is not euqal to terrorists, there are alwals some bad guys in certain religions.

I'm a Chiristian, i never hold grudge against Muslim cause we are all the citizens of PRC. We are brothers and sisters, they are loalty to the country, then comes the religion.

We China is not a religious country, we respect all kinds of people with different kinds of religions. They are euqal. When the religious practice against the National security, we will ban it without hesitation.

I don't think Turkic women dressing Burqa cause they are pro-west life style.

Very fair analysis , and if your view is representative of the overall Chinese nationals in regards to national harmony in respect to religious acceptance and communion, then China definitely can find a solution. Hope to read more of your fair points.

Totally agree. The problem will be automatically solved if China becomes developed in next 20-30 years, all the social members equally enjoy plenty of education, medical and unemployment compensation resources like the West. Even now China can't provide enough scholarship or education to all Han Chinese, not to mention the minorities. China is developing and gathering huge amount of fiscal revenue every year, but the spending on people's livelihood is still too low, the supply of public service is in short, the social development is going on but at a not very high level. This is the root cause.
I'm not so sure. UK as well as western Europe is developed but these Muslim want to legalize Sharia law and cause many social problems. An iron fist policy is the only effective method when dealing with extremists as well as birth control, but that's another topic.
Don't take Chinese as fool when we tolerate Tukic bad mouthing about us.

We won't because we never interfere in others internal affiars. Hope the Turkic notice our concern and don't stir up in China domestic affairs. Muslim is not euqal to terrorists, there are alwals some bad guys in certain religions.

I'm a Chiristian, i never hold grudge against Muslim cause we are all the citizens of PRC. We are brothers and sisters, they are loalty to the country, then comes the religion.

We China is not a religious country, we respect all kinds of people with different kinds of religions. They are euqal. When the religious practice against the National security, we will ban it without hesitation.

I don't think Turkic women dressing Burqa cause they are pro-west life style.

The problem of Turkics with China is about ethnic tensions in Uyghur regions, not religious stuff. As far as religions are concerned, I personally agree with PRC policies. China illegally occupied Tibet and East turkistan in the past, that's the problem.
I'm not so sure. UK as well as western Europe is developed but these Muslim want to legalize Sharia law and cause many social problems. An iron fist policy is the only effective method when dealing with extremists as well as birth control, but that's another topic.

Yes :tup:

We believe in Xi's iron fist policy, terminate any kind of extremists forever, for the sake of all human beings.
I could understand the feeling of common muslim.But I think religion must develop as well especially the extremist is rampant now.Anyway I hope our government could deal with the issues carefully and don't annoy common muslim.Government should put more attention to the terrorist and safeguard the border and pay more attention to the welfare,salary and living condition of local muslim residents.Frankly China government has put a lot of energy on this region.Because Chinese crave for peace more and we would rather give more to minority.But we need to get the peace and sovereignty in return.In addition,Urumuqi is far away from other cities and it is hard to develop to some extent.So we need to invest more on infrastructure and we need more time.
The problem of Turkics with China is about ethnic tensions in Uyghur regions, not religious stuff. As far as religions are concerned, I personally agree with PRC policies. China illegally occupied Tibet and East turkistan in the past, that's the problem.
then who is the legislator here?

Turkey is far away from Chinal, how it gonna claim responsibilty for Uyhgers well-being not even adjacent to it? Weird logics. Can China claim responsibility for Singaporean just because we have the same ancestor?
Some ladies with burqas are very gentle to our kids during trip to Muslim countries.
Cannot ask everybody stripped off all of their clothes to make sure there's no weapon they bringing.
Well done China. Im with you on this one. These bullshit called Burqa should be ban by every country in the world. Our government should follow suit and do the same like France, Belgium and China who have all banned Burqa in public(however i dont think this will happen, since our stupid politicans are always trying trying to be 'politically correct':disagree:). This is one of the only things i admire about the Chinese, they dont greally give a rat *** about what foreign countries will say or whateever, they will do what they think matters for their internal stability. I dont find anything wrong in this.

Afterall, there is nowhere in the Quran which says Women should wear Burqa that covers their whole body from head,hands to feet like they are walking coffins. Why shouldnt men also wear this?? Its just a way for other extremist islamic men to put women below men. Afterall, as far as i know,the source of Islam is the Quran rather than Muslim culture. Muslim culture is a social phenomenon, while the Quran is the Book of God as revealed to the Prophet of Islam.So i dont know why some muslims think its a crime for their women not to wear one or for other countries to stop women from wearing them in public for their own internal security reasons and also for human rights reasons(since this burqa/weil etc is usually forced upon girls from a young age when they are still a child, they have no say in this, as they grow up with their parents putting it up on them). So yes i know, that n reality, the burqa is a part of Muslim culture , but its not a part of Islamic teaching.:disagree: If it is claimed that the burqa, or purdah, is a part of Muslim culture, then I would say yes to that, but if it is claimed that the wearing of it is a part of Quranic teaching, then I would say NO.:smokin:

Afterall, this burqa stuff originated from Persia/Iran. Since it was under the influence of Iranian culture that burqa was adopted by Muslims and gradually it was Islamised and became a part of Muslim culture. So if this was intorduced/infleunced by us humans then i dont see why it cant be changed/modified as well according to our won environment, changing culture, etc.:cheers:

Understanding the fact that China is so essential for Pak, Pakistani's will even put their national or religious dignity at "pause" for it's sake. Same people you will see exploding their heads while speaking against ban on Hijab in Europe but in Chinese case will not only remain silent but will defend it as a "Chinese internal matter".
Torture cells are something else that can be discussed somewhere else. Here We talk on the related topic.

Why don't you yourself start wearing Burqa bro? If you do that, then i will, start believing other countres banning burqa/veil in public are indeed violating Pakistans religious/national dignity. awwwwwww........poor oppressed Pakistan.:(

I'm a Chiristian, i never hold grudge against Muslim cause we are all the citizens of PRC. We are brothers and sisters, they are loalty to the country, then comes the religion.

LOOOL then you will have to wait till thy Kingdom come, since Religion always comes first for most islamist extremists im afraid. Country is wayyyyy behind.:lol: For them there is no such thing as counttry, since to them religion doesnt have border. Case in pojnt, ISIS doesnt recognise anything like Syria/Iraq or any middle eastern country, For them they are all the same under the Islamic Caliphate.:omghaha:
Well done China. Im with you on this one. These bullshit called Burqa should be ban by every country in the world. Our government should follow suit and do the same like France, Belgium and China who have all banned Burqa in public(however i dont think this will happen, since our stupid politicans are always trying trying to be 'politically correct':disagree:). This is one of the only things i admire about the Chinese, they dont greally give a rat *** about what foreign countries will say or whateever, they will do what they think matters for their internal stability. I dont find anything wrong in this.

Afterall, there is nowhere in the Quran which says Women should wear Burqa that covers their whole body from head,hands to feet like they are walking coffins. Why shouldnt men also wear this?? Its just a way for other extremist islamic men to put women below men. Afterall, as far as i know,the source of Islam is the Quran rather than Muslim culture. Muslim culture is a social phenomenon, while the Quran is the Book of God as revealed to the Prophet of Islam.So i dont know why some muslims think its a crime for their women not to wear one or for other countries to stop women from wearing them in public for their own internal security reasons and also for human rights reasons(since this burqa/weil etc is usually forced upon girls from a young age when they are still a child, they have no say in this, as they grow up with their parents putting it up on them). So yes i know, that n reality, the burqa is a part of Muslim culture , but its not a part of Islamic teaching.:disagree: If it is claimed that the burqa, or purdah, is a part of Muslim culture, then I would say yes to that, but if it is claimed that the wearing of it is a part of Quranic teaching, then I would say NO.:smokin:

Afterall, this burqa stuff originated from Persia/Iran. Since it was under the influence of Iranian culture that burqa was adopted by Muslims and gradually it was Islamised and became a part of Muslim culture. So if this was intorduced/infleunced by us humans then i dont see why it cant be changed/modified as well according to our won environment, changing culture, etc.:cheers:

Why don't you yourself start wearing Burqa bro? If you do that, then i will, start believing other countres banning burqa/veil in public are indeed violating Pakistans religious/national dignity. awwwwwww........poor oppressed Pakistan.:(
Are you native English? You even know "politically correct"! I thought it was a Chinese expression.
It's similar like I decide to wear a mask for my own health when go outside in smog air.
we are atheist, but we could still wear a mask, sunglasses whenever we want.

The ban is just like force the Korean not to eat Kimchi right in Korea. Actually they could eat that and even dog meat wherever they want.


This is what Chinese invented, face mask. I see that's exactly the same to swimwear of Muslim ladies and girls.

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It's similar like I decide to wear a mask for my own health when go outside in smog air.
we are atheist, but we could still wear a mask, sunglasses whenever we want.



This is what I mean before. So "banning burqa" is something done against Islam, not for security reasons, its just keeping the sheath for their action, an effort to legitimize it. Probably they will ban different things related with Islam in the future and finally they will ban Islam.

If the main purpose was security reasons, the law should be "covering-hiding faces in public is forbidden."
It's similar like I decide to wear a mask for my own health when go outside in smog air.
we are atheist, but we could still wear a mask, sunglasses whenever we want.


Are you also trying to justify some muslim extremists saying women not wearing Burqa is a crime?loool Thats new. I know you hate the Chinese , but you dont have to always be negative about everything they do bro, just because you have territorial/other issues/problems with them. I dont understand why members here react this way, once they have a 'rival/ennemy' country they have issues/differences/disputes with, they will bad mouth that country irregarless of if that country does something good or bad.lool This applies to Chinese always bad mouthing Vietnam/Japan and India, Vietnamese always bad mouthing China(Indians do as well, but not everytime i must say:tup:), Turkish/saudis always badmouthing Iran, Russians always badmouthing the West/U.S and vice versa, Pakistanis/bengladeshis always badmouthing India etc etc..... The list is long.

Apart from my friend He-man, Nihonji and to some extent Svensvensonov, Its rather difficult to see a members here who make rational/valuable points/comments which are unbaised/or at least not soo much as to the point of being blind/thinking irrationaly. Reason it's difficult to have a meaningful/respectful/factual discussion with most members on here.:disagree:
Are you also trying to justify some muslim extremists saying women not wearing Burqa is a crime?loool Thats new. I know you hate the Chinese , but you dont have to always be negative about everything they do bro, just because you have territorial/other issues/problems with them. I dont understand why members here react this way, once they have a 'rival/ennemy' country they have issues/differences/disputes with, they will bad mouth that country irregarless of if that country does something good or bad.lool This applies to Chinese always bad mouthing Vietnam/Japan and India, Vietnamese always bad mouthing China(Indians do as well, but not everytime i must say:tup:), Turkish/saudis always badmouthing Iran, Russians always badmouthing the West/U.S and vice versa, Pakistanis/bengladeshis always badmouthing India etc etc..... The list is long.

Apart from my friend He-man, Nihonji and to some extent Svensvensonov, Its rather difficult to see a members here who make rational/valuable points/comments which are unbaised/or at least not soo much as to the point of being blind/thinking irrationaly. Reason it's difficult to have a meaningful/respectful/factual discussion with most members on here.:disagree:

your thinking go too far.
We have Muslim people as Vietnamese nationality.
We have Muslim neighbors in ASEAN.
We think we could live well with them, their religion practices.
I could understand the feeling of common muslim.But I think religion must develop as well especially the extremist is rampant now.Anyway I hope our government could deal with the issues carefully and don't annoy common muslim.Government should put more attention to the terrorist and safeguard the border and pay more attention to the welfare,salary and living condition of local muslim residents.Frankly China government has put a lot of energy on this region.Because Chinese crave for peace more and we would rather give more to minority.But we need to get the peace and sovereignty in return.In addition,Urumuqi is far away from other cities and it is hard to develop to some extent.So we need to invest more on infrastructure and we need more time.

ahahahhahahah.....though your comments seems to be well meaning, im afraid you dont really understand whats the real issue here. You think these muslims/islamist extremists commiting suicide bombings/stabbings civilians etc is because they are poor/not developed enough etc?:lol: If you think that way, then im afraid you dont get the point bro.

Its has nothing to do with development/living standards/infrastructure or whatever developmental projects you have in mind.lool If it was the case, then believe me, we wuldnt have had suicide bombers in the west/U.S etc since we are the most advanced/developed region in this world, but still we still have ilsamic extremists in our soil as well, just because they havent been able to strike us like they have done with Russia and China on a recurrent basis, doesn't means its because of developement or whatever, its just because our intelligence services are more technologically advanced and have more resources/expreience in delaing with these extremists/jihadists before they strike/carry out their evil plans. If our intelligence agents/services werent up to par, then believe me we would be having dozens of bombings/killings every years:agree:. So it has nothing to do with development/freedom/democracy or whatever. The reasons for this lies soemwhere else i.e Religious intolerance, brainwashing, indoctrination, hate preachers by some Imams/clerics/mosques etc. No amount of development will stop those youths who have already been lied to and brainswashed into believing fighting/killing infidels is doing Allah a favour and being a matyr once you die killing these infidels.:rofl: So you have to cut the root of this menace, not the branches.:cheers:

Isil obsessed mother jailed for encouraging jihad online - Telegraph
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