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China’s Ultimate Nightmare: Japan Armed With Nuclear Weapons

China already has 4 nuclear armed neighbours plus potentially three more viz Japan, Soko and Vietnam.
Supplying nukes to Pakistan will be avenged by India at a time and place of its choosing.

India should have been nuked when you were developing your program. You don't deserve it and never did. India does nothing good for the world.

To think Japan and South Korea need your country's help developing nukes, what a laugh.

The Chinese regime is so used to trampling over its own people that it sometimes (always?) forgets that the rest of the world are not as easy to manage. Majority of world governments distrust China and with good reason. The onus is not on me to do/prove anything. Let China take care of the fact that all its immediate neighbours detest its regime and are more comfortable dealing with a Western nation on the diplomatic front. For all of its great power ambitions, China is friendless in its own backyard. The truth hurts, I know.


India is hated by all neighbors, China is liked by most.
India is hated by all neighbors, China is liked by most.

Yes, like Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and India. Oh...but wait...Pakistan loves you. When they are not busy training terrorists for infiltration into Xinjiang, that is.
Yes, like Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and India. Oh...but wait...Pakistan loves you. When they are not busy training terrorists for infiltration into Xinjiang, that is.

54% of Filipinos still favorable to China
Over 60% of Indonesians and Koreans
Taiwanese do billions in business in China
Thailand loves China
India is an irrelevant shithole like Vietnam
54% of Filipinos still favorable to China
Over 60% of Indonesians and Koreans
Taiwanese do billions in business in China
Thailand loves China
India is an irrelevant shithole like Vietnam

So says the CPC, the most reliable news source in the world.
So says Pew. Have you heard of it, Crapholian?

Quoting from Pew Research on Global Perception:

About American involvement in the region:

In its geopolitical rivalry with China, U.S. efforts to “pivot” to Asia – both economically and militarily – have general public support on both sides of the Pacific. Roughly half or more of the publics in seven of the nine nations surveyed that are involved in negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade and investment treaty, which is being pushed by the Obama administration, say such an accord would be good for their countries, though Americans are among the least supportive. Majorities or pluralities in five of eight TPP countries say it’s more important to have strong economic ties with the U.S. than China.

On American military involvement:

On the military side, half or more of the publics in six of ten nations in the U.S. and Asia think American plans to rebalance military resources to the Asia-Pacific region is a good thing because it could help maintain peace in the region.

Only the first two points raised by you could possibly be from any poll. The rest is gobblygook.
Quoting from Pew Research on Global Perception:

About American involvement in the region:

, U.S. efforts to “pivot” to Asia – both economically and militarily – have general public support on both sides of the Pacific. American plans to rebalance military resources to the Asia-Pacific region is a good thing .

Crapholian doesn't know what a weighted average is. Eat some more, your brain needs to grow.

Lurch Adams is what gets created when 1 billion people live in the world's biggest shithole where almost everyone is functionally illiterate and half-starving.
Crapholian doesn't know what a weighted average is. Eat some more, your brain needs to grow.

Lurch Adams is what gets created when 1 billion people live in the world's biggest shithole where almost everyone is functionally illiterate and half-starving.

Is this why the US is favoured by all Chinese neighbours over China as a diplomatic partner? Weighted average, yeah right. First learn the following words:

Human Rights
Freedom of Speech

Then we can talk about "weighted averages" - pigdin bunny.

And btw...you can simply prove me wrong by showing any statements given by a government in the region supporting Chinese actions in South China Sea. That would be proof enough. You can't, so you will give this shit instead.
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Is this why the US is favoured by all Chinese neighbours over China as a diplomatic partner? Weighted average, yeah right. First learn the following words:

Human Rights
Freedom of Speech

Then we can talk about "weighted averages" - pigdin bunny.
You are lying! Chinese Neighbors include North Korea and Russia. They clearly do not favor United States.

Japan is the only country clearly favoring United States, even though economically it still favors China. India, Vietnam and Philippines favor United States for territorial disputes. All other countries without territorial disputes are trying to balance China and United States. In terms of economy, most Chinese neighbors favor China.

Because Western Media only broadcast the voice of people who favor United States, this is how you get brainwashed.

When people vote with their own money, most Chinese neighbors vote for China, instead of United States.
You are lying! Chinese Neighbors include North Korea and Russia. They clearly do not favor United States.

Japan is the only country clearly favoring United States, even though economically it still favors China. India, Vietnam and Philippines favor United States for territorial disputes. All other countries without territorial disputes are trying to balance China and United States. In terms of economy, most Chinese neighbors favor China.

"All other countries without territorial disputes with China" is a group of hardly any. As I said, you can simply show any diplomatic support for China's actions in South China Sea, from any country. That would prove your point, wouldn't it?
"All other countries without territorial disputes with China" is a group of hardly any. As I said, you can simply show any diplomatic support for China's actions in South China Sea, from any country. That would prove your point, wouldn't it?
What do you mean diplomatic support? Is Australian joint military exercise with a China a support? You just treat balancing actions as support.
Strictly only Japan and Philippines are supporting each other. Even Japan is trying to walk out now. Almost everyone is just playing diplomatic tricks, by saying words China like to china and US like to United States.

Indonesia also criticized recent actions by United States.
Philippines are the dude.
Japan is trying to improve its relation with China. Abe is eager to meet with Chinese leaders.
Merkel is rushing to come to China for support.
Only Philippines is afraid of China. Even Vietnam doesn't feel this threat.
China is the good neighbor for many neighboring countries, who are eager to broaden connections with China, including India and Japan.

You are just brainwashed by this kind of media, who only express its own one-side opinion.

and you like to listen to them because of your own attitude and pretend that they tell all the story.

You also need to take US army into consideration. Many countries, with US army, present, do not have the freedom to express their true opinions. They are expressing their opinions under the gunpoint of US army.
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