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China's top ten high-tech weapons list


May 23, 2011
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China's arsenal in recent years added a lot of high-tech weapons, including land, sea, air, and Second Artillery Corps of the arms. Integrated a number of factors (including the scientific and technological content, the importance of the number of listed equipment, etc.) is to be a high-tech weapons, China's top ten list, as follows:

1, DF-based intercontinental ballistic missiles -31

Dongfeng -31 is the use of solid fuel three mobile missile with a range of up to 8,000 km carrying a 700 kg equivalent to 1 megaton warhead. Dongfeng -31 limited range intercontinental ballistic missiles could provide China with a strong strike capability. And the various stages of very advanced way of counter-missile from launch to the missile before the end of the flight maneuver, will be very difficult to intercept.

Waves as established in the east -21 -1 missile missile based on the way, Dongfeng -31 and -2 waves are actually the same type of missile, a deployment on land, and the other deployed in the ocean. East front 2 -31 propeller is canceled by a conventional medium-range ballistic missiles -25 wind technology-based Dongfeng -41 successor to continue to use it in level 2 on the basis of the engine, fitted with an even greater propeller. Nearly 5,000 miles east range of -31 can be effective against any target the U.S. west coast and the northern mountainous area of ​​several states. It is estimated that the missile used in the design process, some of Russia's active missile technology. These include improving the mobile launch platform (TEL), missiles and warheads on the use of advanced materials, missile defense systems to break through the use of dummy warheads, and improved solid propulsion equipment.

-31 Deployed in the east, China will gradually phase out the existing fleet of wind -5 ICBMs. China's ICBM force will shift to road mobile launch, as well as enhancing the viability of nuclear missiles and anti-missile measures of resistance. Dongfeng -31 new delivery vehicles in the dress, the appearance closer to Russia's SS20.

Strategic nuclear force is the core of a country's armed forces, the most threatening part of, so I will type ICBM DF -31 ranked first in China's top ten high-tech weapons!

2,094 ballistic missile submarine

094 ballistic missile nuclear submarines, will be equipped with the most advanced ballistic missile waves -2. The missile's maximum range of 8,000 km sub-guided warhead, and can carry 3 to 6 pm warheads, each warhead explosion equivalent to 200,000 tons TNT. A 094 can be equipped with 16 JL -2 missiles, that is equipped with a 094 total explosive yield of all missiles of up to 9.6 to 19.2 million tons TNT! 094 just go to the Pacific, a range of 8,000 kilometers waves -2 missiles with a range sufficient to cover the whole of Eurasia, Oceania and the Americas, only if each missile equipped with three warheads, a 094 can also hit 48 Target, equivalent to 4 Xia-class nuclear submarines.

As for self-defense weapons, the new 094 will be equipped with supersonic anti-ship missiles -12 YJ. It is a multi-purpose high-supersonic stealth cruise missiles, cruise speed of Mach 3, it is conceivable, the last paragraph of the dive attack on the higher speed range of 300 kilometers, with active radar guidance. Ton warship hit a fatal even finish the long march a hundred thousand ton aircraft carrier will be hard hit. 094 also made ​​a new generation of synthetic aperture sonar equipment, detection capabilities to a higher level. While 094 is equipped with 650 mm torpedo tubes, integrated fighting very powerful.

In order to maintain the nuclear deterrent force, China will build at least 094 eight ballistic missile submarines, to two patrol duty in the second island chain theater, two patrol duty in the theater of the first island chain, two at the base with the first and second Island chain from the theater, two supply and maintenance of combat readiness at the base of the deployment model.

Nuclear power accounts for a national water strategy for the higher proportion of nuclear forces, will greatly enhance the strategic nuclear deterrent forces, which will effectively protect national security, or even made ​​in the local war deterrent "third party " intervention effect, the real Achieve "the enemy without fighting the soldiers. " Taking into account the type of DF -31 094 ballistic missile submarine intercontinental missile is an important foundation for the successful development, so there will be 094 Chinese ballistic missile submarines came in second place in the top ten high-tech weapons!

3,093 attack submarines

Recently, many reports the site as 093 attack submarines with the relevant message, and 093 attack submarines attached pictures. I think the current "open" the 093 attack submarine image is likely to be Type 091 attack submarines improved relevant photos, is not a true submarine attack 093 pictures!

093 is a multi-purpose attack submarines, and its quiet nature, weapons and sensor systems currently in service than the "Han" class Type 091 attack submarine has improved significantly (after development for decades.) In addition to equipment, weapons, 093 anti-submarine torpedoes and missiles, the submarine-launched anti-ship cruise missiles will (China newly developed cruise missiles.) 093 attack submarine launched the current trial should have been at least, is likely to have several ships in service - the security work in China is very good!

093 is a key role in offensive nuclear submarine ballistic missile submarine escort for the 094 (in the future even after China has an aircraft carrier escort for the aircraft carrier), its position is no doubt that it ranked the top ten high-tech weapons in China, ranking third!


4,052C air defense missile destroyer

The emergence of the Chinese Aegis warships have shocked the whole world, when the national media uproar quarrel!

In 2002, two Type 052B (Guangzhou class) multi-mission guided missile destroyer launched, the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai started based on the same hull design and construction of two Type 052C destroyers, but the use of more advanced weapons systems and sensors specifically used for fleet air defense mission. The new 052C destroyers of the first vessel 170, "Lanzhou" No. (Lanzhou) keel laid in late 2002 and in April 29, 2003 was launched in July 2004 service. The second ship, 171, "the sea" No. (Haikou) in the October 30, 2003, and launched scheduled to enter service in 2005.

Different from the combination of equipment, systems in Russia and its destroyer 052B, 052C completing their national self-development technology-based (except for a few sensors outside.) The most notable feature is the four - ordered multi-function phased array radar (PAR), similar to the U.S. AN/SPY-1 Aegis system. Additional, the destroyer also used their long-range HQ-9 air defense missile systems and the latest equipped with vertical launch system (VLS) of the YJ-85 (C-805) anti-ship missiles, two Chinese warships in the past did not look on from the to.

Destroyer based in the same shipyard launched the same 052B destroyer hull and power plant. This modular approach will save construction time and cost. And the 052B-type contrast, 052C type has a higher bridge, four fixed installation in the four phased array radar antenna. In the end there is a helicopter flight deck and a suspension of Russia Ka-28Halix-ASW/SAR to accommodate two helicopters.

The overall air defense destroyers, surface combat and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities will mainly depend on a variety of good performance weapon systems and sensors, were integrated combat system. Use of most Chinese warships from France's Thomson-CSF TAVITAC command and control systems, but may use a newly developed type 052C system with improved processing power to war with the anti-ship missile threats.

Although based on 052C detailed information on the battle system is unknown, but likely the system will include multi-function phased array radar systems, command and decision-making systems, battlefield display systems and weapons control systems. Command and decision system receives sensor data from ships and to provide command, control and threat assessment. Weapon control system receives the command and decision system from fighting instruction, the use of weapons and weapon fire control system selection interface.

Together with its long-range anti-aircraft missiles and weapons systems in recent (CIWS) together, 052C type is truly the first fleet air defense capability of surface ships in China. Combat system will ensure that ships to war with a variety of aerial targets, such as sea-skimming missiles and aircraft simultaneously. The ship also able to transmit data link and satellite communication information to other ships and combat aircraft to construct a sea battle network.

052C air defense missile destroyer came, the Chinese naval fleet air defense weak "chronic" problem with China is the most likely military threat in the navy, so the 052C-to-air guided missile destroyers came in ranked China's top ten high-tech weapons The fourth list!

It's all up to opinion and I'm sure the list is nowhere near complete.
5, F -10 fighter jet

F -10 fighter jet developed by China with independent intellectual property rights of third-generation fighter, as a new generation multi-role fighter, sub-single-seat, two seat, high performance, wide range of uses to achieve the second generation of military aircraft from historic leap to the third generation.

J -10 items 80 validation studies, began from the 20th century, when by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation and 811 aircraft design is based on the J -9 abortion fighter design. J -9 original project was to design a speed of Mach 2.5 with a canard delta wing air defense fighter, and its goal is to combat the former Soviet Union and Soviet MiG -29 -27. The original plan called for, then major changes have taken place, so the 1988 re-locate this new fighter design using new technologies in a medium-sized multi-purpose fighter aircraft to replace the huge Chinese Air Force F--6, -7, and F Strong -5 fleet and effective response was the same type of Western fighters.

While China and Israeli officials have denied the two sides in the new fighter carried out the research and development cooperation, but widespread speculation that the United States in 1987 to pressure Israel to abandon its home-made to promote "Lavi" fighter project, the Israel the transfer of advanced research projects to China. Also, the unofficial Chinese media also claimed that J -10 / "Young Lions" did from the start, the two countries in joint research projects. However, considering the two different political backgrounds and J -10 with the "Young Lions" different operational requirements, it seems certain the two sides can not co-exist. Because, in the 80s of last century, the pursuit of the Chinese Air Force air defense fighter, and "Young Lion" design focused on ground attack, air combat capability is second to consider. Meanwhile, China's new fighter design size is greater than both the "Young Lions" to take advantage of its engine thrust of 12.5 tons. "Young Lion" by the engine is 9.4 tons thrust Pratt & Whitney 1120 engines. In addition to Israel's "contribution", equipped with the Pakistan Air Force F-16A is also possible to provide China with some of the advanced technical information.

The first prototype F -10 may be on the first flight in mid-1996, while the official reports of the first flight date is March 23, 1998. But in fact, after a day in heaven is the result of significant improvements in prototype 3. Prototype for the development of the project, produced a total of five flight tests for the prototype (Machine No. 1003-1007) and two ground test platform (machine No. 1008-1009). Two pre-production in the first aircraft F -10 to 28 June 2002 a successful maiden flight.

Starting from February 2003, at least seven (Machine No. 1010-1016), may also be pre-production F-10 -10 (may not be equipped with radar) successively providing to the Chinese Air Force. One of several aircraft currently being used by the Chinese Air Force combat units for operational test and evaluation, while the rest were kept in a few planes in the Air Force, Shaanxi Yanliang flight training center in China for the final stage of project development.

It is reported that the flight tests at -10 F in December 2003 completed, and obtained the production license. The first 50 F-10A may have started production. The first group of fighter aircraft equipped with J -10 (which may go in Southwest China, India face the 44th Air Division) will be the end of 2005 initial operational capability. Estimated that China will produce at least 300 J -10, but the number is still only several thousand of its air force planes J -6, -5 F -7 and strong in a small part. Allegedly, the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group Company J -10 per month to two.

Single-seat F-10A as a basic supplement, a two-seat variant (F-10B) is also conducted in December 2003 its first flight. Improved machine lengthened fuselage to accommodate the increase after the cockpit and inside the tank containing the oil capacity. Modified the appearance of features of that machine is not a trainer aircraft, but is intended to develop a new combat fighter, the F -10 or electronic warfare and air defense suppression models.

And India's "glorious", China also plans to develop a new naval fighter (F-10C). Allegedly, the Chinese navy also hope that a twin-engine carrier-based fighter equipment. Therefore, there may be re-designed F--10, and use both Russia's Klimov RD-93 engines. Taking into account the amount of Navy fighter aircraft procurement is limited, so the program will undoubtedly benefit-cost ratio was poor. Chinese navy do prefer Russian Su--33.

In addition to meeting the needs of the Chinese Air Force itself, J -10 (export type) most likely in the international arms market, find their own place. But for now, China does not have the F -10 obvious signs to the international market, the aircraft has not been seen on the international air show.


6,054 missile frigate

Frigates built in China than before, 054 missile frigate has wrought major changes can be described. Hull smooth and clean, was popular long forecastle deck, transom-ship, the hull and the hull even after a helicopter hangar as a whole, a large sloping bow, the above also added a breakwater board, reduce the former the waves flooded the deck wet. Significantly outside the floating hull, deep V cross section for the type, aspect ratio smaller, only 8.5 or so. Although this ship will sail to some extent increase the resistance vessels, have a certain impact on the speed, but at the same time reduce the hull of roll and pitch, and enhance the stability and seakeeping hull, suitable for COSCO sea ​​and high sea state conditions, ship lines and operations. In the same time improve the seaworthiness of vessels, type of ship tonnage of 054 also increased its full-load displacement may reach 4,000 tons, which has reached my first 051 a missile destroyer tonnage.

054 can be loaded with more fuel and ammunition, holding force and endurance has greatly improved, with the current development of the world's escort to the general trend of large tonnage. Another 054-type ship was characterized by taking into account in the design to enhance its stealth performance. The hull has a large degree of foreign Zhang, superstructure low, small size, and avoid using all of the vertical wall, but with an obvious tilt, mainmast, mizzen and chimneys, or they use a body double polyhedron, also made of the arc-shaped corner, the ship's lifeboats and anti-submarine torpedo launchers have been arranged in the hull of internal and external screens covered with a metal shield, the chimney also adopted a sophisticated infrared suppression devices, reduce the infrared signature. All of this is in large part to reduce radar reflection of their own area and infrared signature. Therefore, that 054-type ship is currently the most successful of the construction of the first stealth frigate is not an exaggeration, the design of other ships also have a very good reference.

The emergence of 054 missile frigate is an important step in the Navy to ocean!

7,99 main battle tank

Type 99 main battle tank is the latest army main battle tanks, armored with excellent appearance, its turret and body are made of composite armor, anti-missile capabilities exponentially increase our army armored and mechanized infantry division of the main assault force, known as China's Marine ace.

The tank combat weight 51 tons, when the length of the muzzle forward 10 meters long car 7.6 meters wide and 3.5 meters high 2.37 meters, the maximum highway speed of 70 km / h, 0 to 32 mph time of 12 seconds . 99-style dress new engine variants, the maximum highway speed of 80 km / h, off-road maximum speed of 60 km / hour. Type 99 main battle tanks, 125 mm high with a smooth-bore tank gun chamber pressure, the use of tungsten alloy APFSDS, they can breakdown in the 2000 meters distance of 850 mm homogeneous armor, when the use of special alloy penetrators, with the distance of 960 mm armor-piercing capability, the gun can launch our imitation of the Russian 125 mm caliber artillery missiles, the missile a maximum range of 5.2 km, maximum depth of 700 mm armor, ancillary weapons: a 12.7 mm machine gun, tied for a 7.62 mm machine gun; fire control system uses the international advanced and popular hunting - J-type fire control system (also known as dual-command ceremony), the most notable feature is that drivers can be beyond the fire control system ( gunner's) control, including shooting, track goals and objectives of such instruction; in the back of the tank turret with dazzling laser jamming device. Maximum range of 4,000 meters, "Laser Aiming Concept suppression system", for now, as opposed to the major countries of Western main battle tanks, the system we can indeed be regarded as unique and night fighting capability, equipped with a thermal imagers, night or complex weather conditions, the tank target viewing distance up to 2000 meters, with in day / night in the motion state of the moving target shooting ability; tank protection capability: turret armor plate from the composite structure, can be mounted composite reactive armor plate or shield of armor. Vehicle is equipped with highly efficient automatic fire / explosion suppression device can put out the fire within 10 milliseconds; 99 tanks currently used 883 kW (1200 hp) turbocharged and intercooled high-power diesel engine, maximum travel of 600 km.

Type 99 main battle tanks comprehensive performance can list the top five main battle tanks in the World! But China's army challenged the opportunity to do very little, so the status of 99 main battle tanks, compared to other less important for new weapons, so the ranking was more!

8,022 type stealth missile boats

When the eyes of the world's attention focused on the Chinese navy and medium-sized warship, the April 2004, a Chinese shipyard slipway there is a avant-garde appearance, the use of new marine technology built missile boats. The missile boats of the first boat hull number 2208, now named the boat the same level it has 022 missile boats. 022 missile boats of the emergence of the Chinese navy missile boats to the heart of a people to change Japan, "supporting" the impression, so far have been the national military, industry, media and military enthusiasts talking about. From all indications, the Chinese navy missile boats in the 022 also does shoulder the responsibility.

022 missile boats the most significant and noticeable characteristic is that the boats used boats WPC body. Wave-piercing catamaran is a catamaran Australia in 1983 the company developed a new type of ship. This ship is a catamaran, the main structural feature is a central hull with two symmetrical left and right side plates, the superstructure on the central hull. With the same catamaran SWATH catamaran is different is that wave-piercing catamaran into the narrow body of water films, and the bow is very sharp. This design allows the boat to sail smoothly through the waves cut into the waves to do exercise, greatly reduces the ship sailing in the wave resistance. Compared with single vessel, this design flaw is to increase the friction resistance, but at high speed, high sea state case, the wave resistance is greater than friction. In the case of high speed sailing, wave-piercing catamaran can be shared by the two pieces of hull caused by the body splash spray. Thus, relative to the ship, wave-piercing catamaran flying much less resistance. The world's large and medium wave-piercing catamaran in excess of the maximum speed of 40 knots. 022 missile boats should be at this level.

In addition to use of WPC in this highly innovative ship, the 022 missile boats to another striking is that it is the superstructure. 022 missile boats of the superstructure as a whole have more than one inclination, stealth design is obvious. Superstructure details, such as optical observation, communication equipment and electronic equipment appearance, have also been stealth design. Even the bridge observation windows are used in favor of the jagged edges of stealth design. 022 missile boats with the mast tilted wind polyhedron, not only conducive to stealth, but also to improve the speed. This mast design is not common in domestic ships. The rear of the engine exhaust port hull also carried out infrared suppression design. At the same time, the use of water jet propulsion device to avoid the conventional propeller and cavitation noise generated, the sound of 022 stealth missile boats of great help. However, there is a 022 missile boats with metal frame supporting the rear from the antenna, this antenna is similar in shape and medium-sized vessels of the tripod mast. 022 missile boats anchor with exposed set. There is also the boat railing. 022 of these are likely to have adverse effects on the stealth missile boats.

022 missile boats with weapons systems like the simple majority of the world missile boats. 022 missile boats in the bow there is a boat similar to the Russian AK-630 30 mm 6 stealth gun. Behind the gun close to the bridge, and a four-mounted rocket launchers. Four-mounted rocket launchers total of 2 seats, are installed in the sides. From the common sense judgments, the role of rocket launchers should be fired chaff / IR decoy rockets, anti-ship missiles on the enemy to be interference. But the reality may not be as simple as that. The rocket launcher caliber, length, size is large, so the rocket launchers could be versatile. Bridge and the mast is behind the huge anti-ship missile launching two boxes, hatches shutter doors closed. 022 missile boats are equipped with four C803 missiles could.

022 missile boats and the equipment has been a large number of production units, is the Navy's surface "wolves", so its inclusion in the high-tech weapons, China's top ten list.


9,071 based dock landing ship

Type of independent research and development of the 071 dock landing ship of 20,000 tons displacement, far beyond the outside world suspected that the 9,000 tons, one from the "volume" is completely in the world leading level.

071 landing ship shape and in the past two years, the Chinese navy ships new construction as simple and smooth surface with a small tilt angle, has a stealth performance. Senior cadres side of the flat hull with deck, large bow and wedge-shaped tail flying shear, aspect ratio is small, significantly above the waterline Angular lines, airworthiness better performance. Bow equipped with a new gun, Tower 1, 76 mm, 76 mm cannon, Tower 1, 8 followed by the HHQ-7-mounted anti-aircraft missile unit. Equipped with side arms in the soft, 071 landing craft equipped with a new generation of Chinese short-range metallic chaff jamming devices in the 2,000 meters the waters outside interference enemy missiles. In addition, both sides also have 071, Block 2, AK630 guns. In order to meet the goal of small tonnage, the ship is also equipped with a few very 12.7,7.62 mm machine guns, can be described as both far and near, attention to detail. These weapons with the firepower and frigates have been to make it very, strong in the rest of the world's dock landing ship. In the number of landing craft air cushion, 071 landing craft is undoubtedly the world's most powerful - can accommodate four large air-cushion landing craft. 071 large landing ship flight deck can make it two medium helicopters landing on the deck at the same time, a strong military helicopter carrying capacity makes landings in the future vertical landing capability has been greatly enhanced.

Built dock landing ship Type 071 is the largest ever Chinese naval warships (other than an aircraft carrier under construction, Oh), 071-based dock landing ship of the emergence of great significance, which makes the remote delivery of Chinese military power overseas as possible, and should therefore be Its inclusion in the list of China top ten high-tech weapons,


10, second-generation infantry fighting vehicles

From now public information, the domestic installation of second-generation infantry combat vehicle is known as "the strongest firepower infantry fighting vehicles," the Russian-made BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles of the turret and weapons systems, but the body is of developed a new generation of light tracked chassis.

Showing the bottom of the new infantry combat vehicles, streamlined body, the body width of 3.5 meters, the entire body length of about 6 meters, 3 meters high vehicles. The first car has anti-surfers, water jet propulsion vehicle tail, indicating that a strong amphibious capability. Cars from the track forward, there are six pairs of road wheels, a pair of forward wheels, three pairs care pulley, about 60 cm in diameter road wheels, track width of 35 cm or so, for the hanging plastic track, the vehicle high off the ground about 30 cm. Layout of the whole body: the body right in front of the engine, left front for the driver, the driver for the car after the long position, the central body should be a two person turret, the rear of the passenger compartment body. The first cars should be floating air tank or oil tank transition, there is a rear, and usually for the turret crew personnel up and down, body to open up the back of the roof has four doors, the Department has always been on the turret left and opened the door, the car at length and were always on the driver opened the door. The layout of the whole body to see, who should the crew 4, 6 to 8 people set members. Left the body there are two observation windows, one for drivers to use, one for the rear occupants, occupants of view of aiming a shot hole under the window for shooting with the crew; body position on the right cockpit window and a view aiming a shooting hole. Position with three driver's periscope, the bus captains position, gunner and loader positions have varying amounts of periscope. The whole body from the point of view, the thickest armor the vehicle will not exceed 25 mm in total about 15 tons of material.

Welding for the hexagonal turret turret, in front of the entire tank where most commendable, and that is to attack gun, the one that is similar to BMP3 100 mm guns and a 30 mm cannon combination. Two guns fixed with a fixed device, you can view the common aim device. Armored gun turret on both sides of the board have three interference grenade launchers. Top turret fire control equipment with the aim of view, including a large umbrella-like war on our new concept aiming device, blocked off with a shield, and see clearly what it is. Turret is also equipped with headlights, should be used for traffic.

The biggest highlight of the new infantry fighting vehicles in its firepower, though we can not know in detail the strength of its firepower, but can be imitation of the object from the fire BMP3 get some data, the new step should be BMP3 war on fire. We look BMP3 fire: 1, BMP3 firepower, range of sequence reasonable. Main weapon caliber increased to 100 mm artillery shells and artillery capable of launching conventional missiles to attack tanks, field fortifications, strong support points and obstacles. Arc in front of the car on the target area at least five weapons to shoot, diameter decreased from 100 mm to 30 mm and 7.62 mm, mix and match these weapons to BMп-3 infantry fighting vehicles tracked against hard targets simultaneously and soft targets, shooting at moving targets while moving, and has a certain air defense capability. Gun has a range of 100 to 4000 meters, artillery missiles for the 9K117, the laser beam riding guidance, a range of 100 to 5,000 meters, the thickness of 650 mm armor. 2, fire fast response. The car in 3 seconds on the target within 1 km attack, hit accuracy of 90%; attacks target 2 kilometers takes 14 seconds, attacks on the second goal of 1 km and take 4.9 seconds, the second 2 km of the target requires 19.6 seconds.

100 mm artillery missiles of our 100 mm assault gun and equipment have been developed before, combined with our 100 mm anti-tank gun system many years experience, so our new infantry fighting vehicles over fire is not a Russian BMP3 problem.

Actually, this is why we developed the HQ-9.

But again, the S-300 and HQ-10/15/18 outperforms any Akash missile variant there is.

Nice comback. You should've been there when I trolled them on their exploding rockets. I made them cry hard about SLV-3.
DF31 is almost 30 years old, the newest ICBM is DF41
Besides, the data provided in post 1 is old DF31 not DF31A
7 of them are based on Russian weapons.

---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

Nice comback. You should've been there when I trolled them on their exploding rockets. I made them cry hard about SLV-3.

Canada does not even have SLV-1.
Nice comback. You should've been there when I trolled them on their exploding rockets. I made them cry hard about SLV-3.
What has Canada given the world apart from Maple Trees and Hockey moms in this world ? By the time Canada gets its own launch capability, India would be sending men to the moon. Build a decent launch station first, and then troll back.
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