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China’s Semiconductor Ambitions Fuel European Brain Drain

US has been around for only 300 years, and we humans had lots of inventions before that, countries rise and fall, no one stays on top forever.

The pace of innovations in the last 300 years outpaced anything in human history. As far as no one staying at the top forever you should tell it to the mandarins in Beijing
stealing Western technology is not considered a brain drain just to let you know
When robbers accuse others of stealing their technology... :rofl:

The colonial pariah has no shame.
you take the finest Grauburgunder grape from Europe and plant in China you’ll get shiddy Pinot Grigio. The problem is the shiddy soil and environment, China already has the talent dear, it’s the CCP that’s making that talent produce shid.
Relax. Luxshare will provide technology to India.
The pace of innovations in the last 300 years outpaced anything in human history. As far as no one staying at the top forever you should tell it to the mandarins in Beijing
But can you gaurantee the innovations in the next 300 years wouldn't beat those of the past 300 years?
. . .
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