Is it only me who thinks that ever since the discovery of atomic fission, science progress became a race to the bottom of human development?
For a bit of comfort, many are willing to give up freedom till we all become slaves of a neo-feudal oligarchy.
Smart city sounds cool, but it also means 100% supervision. Cashless shopping makes shopping more comfortable, but with the data in the wrong hands or a tyrannical regime (nobody knows who will rule in the future) can used as a weapon against you, e.g. "look, he bought a sex toy at that store, although he was a single or he is a pervert with some kinky phantasy". Or, "He bought that book with forbidden thoughts", although that book was at that time legal and became illegal after the dictator came to power.
Tought about the exact same bolded expression recently.
Social structure had changed rapidly since the end of Feudalism in Europe. In fact ideas like individualism or nationalism or modern state wouldn't even be imagined in a feudally organised territories. Back then there was a rigid hierarchy in society and where you "belonged" determined even before you was born. It was rigid structure because it was coming from a certain social preassure.
After the end of feudalism and with the emergence of national identites, people were belong their national identity. You didn't "belong" to any serf that ruled your region. You had no regional identity. You had a national identity. And that national identity was completely earthly and secular. You can't change your religion and hate it, change where you live and hate it, even hate the serf that rules you. But you can't change your national identity that's who you are. That's your mother's tongue. In all your life you want be able to talk any language better then your mother tongue.
But somehow we changed that beautiful and weel tought out identity again. Right now we are again feeling a "belonging" to our occupation, the company that we work, the social class that we're in, the store that we shop etc. We are forming little feudal serfdoms in the name of companies or NGO's. People not only spend their time in there for money professionally but feel some form of "attachment". If you're gay you're not Turk anymore. You're a gay and you belong to LGBT community. If you're minority you belong to that community. If you're religious then you're from the religious community. If you insist that you define yourself with your national identity, then you're ostracized and "pejoratively" called as nationalist.
In that micro-identities that we invented we are seeing much heavier social preassure to adapt. To become something that we quite not feel right. From the brand we wear to where the hell we go for holiday we simply share them willingly on social media. Because we need to feel that belonging. We need that approval. There is no privacy anymore. We are in the age of sharing. Oversharing in fact.
I'm a computer scientist and spend quite sometime in front of a computer but I never used social media. I don't have any "facebook" or "twitter". I don't take selfies and share on the internet. I don't announce my holidays or where I shop. People can't believe this when I say that. In Turkey if you don't have a facebook people simply assume you don't know how to use a computer and can't find any other reason not to have a social media account.
In that age of social preassure, nothing stays private and with the internet of things coming up the accumulated data of each individual will rise exponentially. And the next dictator won't be a guy who will force us to use these technologies. The next dictator will sell these technologies to us and we will buy them blindly like idiots. We will be watched, categorized, predicted and will be known to other entities so well that probably we don't know ourselves that well.
Even Turkish government with it's very limited technological capabilities and let's say an ideology and state of mind that belongs to 7th century, looks social media accounts of government employees and fire them if they drink alcohol and share that photo on facebook. I don't want to blame the victim here but he shared those pictures willingly. Shared his private life on internet where billions of people use each day. And what could go wrong right?