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China's Race for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology

I doubt China will do that. Chinese are rational people. I think this is just a sensational news.
Read the article again. It's AI assisted control system. Means the crew still makes the decision but there a safety interlocks in place to prevent human error. Example, the system can only launch if both the AI and the Commander agree on launching nukes. This will be a redundant system.

Actually this technology is very advanced and China is leading in this field.

China is already reportedly using AI assisted satelite imagery analysis.
China designing AI-POWERED nuke sub that can ‘THINK for itself’ & destroy ENTIRE CONTINENT

CHINA is believed to be designing a nuclear submarine run by artificial intelligence with enough firepower to destroy an entire continent.

By Anthony Blair / Published 4th February 2018

BREAKTHROUGH: China are developing the world's first AI-powered nuclear submarine

A submarine that could "think for itself" would free up the commanding officers and reduce the chance of mistakes, according to researchers.

Speaking to Chinese media, a researcher who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the project, said that the plan would give China's huge navy an upper hand in future battles under the sea, and would push the potential of AI technology to the next level.

Up until now, major decisions on nuclear subs — such as detecting objects underwater and answer signals picked up sonar — have been carried out by human naval personnel.

But now AI has advanced to the point where Chinese scientists believe it could replace most of the human decisions, creating the potential of future wars being entirely led by machines.

TRAINING: Chinese navy on military manoeuvres recently

The so-called "machine learning" process means that the advanced computer running the nuclear submarine would be able to acquire knowledge, build on its skills and develop new battle strategies without any human involvement.

The system mimics the workings of the human brain, processing large amounts of data.

It could also recognise and flag potential threats from enemies faster and more accurately than its human crew.

The researcher said that the AI system will be simple and compact, to reduce the risk of it failing at crucial moments in the theatre of war.

"It is like putting an elephant into a shoebox," he said when asked about the challenge.

"What the military cares most about is not fancy features," he went on.

"What they care most about is the thing does not screw up amid the heat of a battle."

Beijing is ploughing money into the project, the researcher claimed, amid growing military tensions between China and the US in the region.

There are fears that China is racing ahead of its rivals when it comes to the development of AI in military equipment.

“We may have a runaway submarine with enough nuclear arsenals to destroy a continent”
Zhu Min, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Recently Joe Marino, CEO of US naval supplier Rite-Solutions, warned that America was falling behind.

He said that without matching other countries advances, "Our commanding officers would be fighting an opponent who could make faster, more informed and better decisions," he said.

"Combined with undersea technology advancements by competitors like Russia and China in areas such as stealth, sensors and weapons, this 'cognitive advantage' could threaten US undersea dominance."

But replacing humans with AI in war could pose huge dangers, warns deep water scientist Zhu Min from the Chinese Academy of Scientists.

If the system can think for itself, he said, "we may have a runaway submarine with enough nuclear arsenals to destroy a continent.

"This is definitely a risk the authorities should consider when introducing AI to a sub."

The development comes just days after China unveiled the world's first warship armed with a hypersonic railgun.

And Chinese troops were recently spotted in Afghanistan amid a fresh power struggle in the region.

Attack subs/recon subs = Yes- possible.
Nuclear Ballistic subs = NO

There are areas in military technology that will perpetually require input from the human brain only.
There is no victory in nuclear winter buddy...Chinese cpc is still stuck in cold war era...

In fact it is Indian fascists that are stuck up in the Cold War. China has never been in that mentality, to start with. India, on the other hand, even though not a capable country known for efficiency, behaves like a Cold War bully in its near periphery, scaring and pushing its neighbors into the th arms of more sensible and cooperative countries.


China has great AI capabilities and using it for peaceful defensive military purpose makes sense. Especially given that the US government has made a decision to build up Obama's nuclear development strategy.

The key is to keep the US in check. No body can read Dotard's mind because he lacks one.
In fact it is Indian fascists that are stuck up in the Cold War. China has never been in that mentality, to start with. India, on the other hand, even though not a capable country known for efficiency, behaves like a Cold War bully in its near periphery, scaring and pushing its neighbors into the th arms of more sensible and cooperative countries.


China has great AI capabilities and using it for peaceful defensive military purpose makes sense. Especially given that the US government has made a decision to build up Obama's nuclear development strategy.

The key is to keep the US in check. No body can read Dotard's mind because he lacks one.

Not only they are stuck in this "Zero Sum" Cold War mentality, they have been also engaged in a "Hot War" with Pakistan for god-knows how many years, shooting and shelling on daily basis but gaining absolutely nothing.

Talking about incompetent "superpower wannabe".
Not only they are stuck in this "Zero Sum" Cold War mentality, they have been also engaged in a "Hot War" with Pakistan for god-knows how many years, shooting and shelling on daily basis but gaining absolutely nothing.

Talking about incompetent "superpower wannabe".

India fails to understand that their country is in a bad relationship with almost all of its neighbors and seen as a pathetic bully - in capable yet lecturing. Not really an impressive feat. One would like to be bullied at least by a fairly competent country. Indian foreign policy is very much like a low IQ elephant in a china shop.

Their invitation of the US as a military ally to help contain is even more pathetic looking; just like a beggar inviting rich guy living far off to boast against its rich neighbor.

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五是培养高端技术人才。中船重工集团将继续发挥自身科研力量雄厚、科研人才众多、学科门类齐全等优势,与雄安新区政府开办教育,培养工匠型、大师级、高技能人才。(记者 杨洁)

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China rolls out AI system to spot netizens with suicidal thoughts

2018-02-07 15:15

People's Daily Online Editor: Li Yan

China's top research center has launched an artificial intelligence system to spot internet users with suicidal thoughts, as well as offering them resources on mental health and psychological counseling.

The system, which is developed by the Institute of Psychology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, can scan and analyze users' posts and comments on social network platforms such as Weibo. Once a potentially suicidal user is found, the system will use its Weibo Account to send them a message, encouraging them to call local suicide prevention services for help.

According to China Youth Daily, the system has sent 14,435 messages to internet users since July 2017, with an accuracy rate of 92.2 percent.

Suicide prevention is a priority of the Chinese government, as suicide, especially among young people, is becoming a serious issue in Chinese society. According to statistics from the Chinese Ministry of Health in 2017, suicide has become the leading cause of death of young Chinese people aged between 15 and 35.

Though people with suicidal thoughts usually do not reveal their secrets to others in real life, cyberspace has offered them a place to express their feelings, without fear their identity will be exposed. Such users may use certain negative expressions and wordings and be less active online. By building a corpus of such posts and comments, the AI system can take a proactive approach to detecting suicidal information online.

Though the system cannot stop individuals from committing suicide, it is still a sign of progress in suicide prevention, helping local authorities to detect possible suicides and provide timely care to them, reported China Youth Daily.

CCTV and Baidu launch AI to write Spring Festival couplets

2018-02-09 13:44

chinaplus.cri.cn Editor: Gu Liping

In celebration of the upcoming Spring Festival, China Central Television (CCTV) has teamed up with Chinese Internet giant Baidu to launch an online system that can automatically compose couplets.[Special Coverage]

Spring Festival couplets are handpicked by Chinese families during the New Year period to protect the household from evil spirits, or just to decorate their homes to liven the atmosphere in preparation for the holiday.

Couplets are commonly comprised of two paper scrolls inscribed with auspicious sayings or good wishes matched in rhythm, length, and context. They are pasted down both sides of the front door of a house. Another shorter scroll is usually pasted across the top of the door.

Using AI technology, the Smart Spring Festival Couplets app created by CCTV and Baidu can write a pair of customized couplets within seconds according to the key words entered by users.

Users can share a picture containing their AI-generated couplets to social media. And they have a chance to win a pair of couplets painted by a high-tech calligrapher in the form of a robot arm developed by Dobot, a leading robotics provider in China.

Couplets are not the only Spring Festival tradition to get a high-tech makeover in recent years.

Another Spring Festival tradition is giving gifts of cash to bring good luck. Alipay, the payment platform of Chinese Internet giant Alibaba, is now often used to send gift money during the Lunar New Year holiday.

Some Chinese traditions have also inspired their own advancements in machine learning, according to the Microsoft Research Blog.

In 2015, an online Chinese riddle game was developed in Microsoft Research's Beijing lab that can both quickly answer a user's riddle and generates several riddles based on a Chinese character selected by a user.

Chinese most optimistic about AI impact on job market
Xinhua, February 9, 2018

People in China were found to be the most positive about their job prospects in an era of booming innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), according to a recent survey.

London-based digital marketing company Dentsu Aegis Network ran a survey with 20,000 people from 10 countries participating in it. It found 65 percent of Chinese respondents believe that AI and robotics will create, instead of stealing, more jobs in the next five to 10 years, compared with the global average of 29 percent.

Only 18 percent in Britain and Germany think new technologies will benefit the job market, forming the most pessimistic group, while 57 percent globally think the pace of technological development is too fast.

In order to avoid a technological backlash, Dentsu Aegis is recommending that countries share the benefits of the digital economy, where Britain, the United States and China are leading.

The Chinese government has listed AI as one of the priority sectors. In July 2017, the State Council, China's cabinet, announced that China should lead in AI technology and application by 2030.

According to the iiMedia Research Group, a consulting agency in the mobile internet industry, China's AI industry increased 43.3 percent in 2016, worth over 10 billion yuan (1.47 billion U.S. dollars). It is expected to reach 34.43 billion yuan (5.44 billion dollars) in 2019.
Huawei to invest five billion yuan in 5G R&D

2018-02-09 16:01

hinaplus.cri.cn Editor: Gu Liping

Chinese telecommunications company Huawei Technologies announced on Thursday before the launch of the 2018 Mobile World Congress that this year it will invest five billion yuan in 5G research and development and start the commercialization its 5G technology, huanqiu.com reported on Friday.

Speaking at the event, Huawei's strategic marketing director William Xu said the company will launch its 5G-enabled Kirin chipsets and smartphones in 2019.

According to Xu, Huawei's put more than 12 billion US dollars into its R&D programs in 2017, ranking sixth globally. He said Huawei will keep the investment momentum in the next few years with an annual fund injection of 10 to 20 billion US dollars.

Yang Chaobin, director of the 5G product line at Huawei, said the company started research into the technology back in 2009, and that their commercialization of 5G products will start in 2018. Huawei has already conducted large-scale tests of 5G technology in South Korea and Canada.

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