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China's population to near 1.4 billion by 2015

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China's population to near 1.4 billion by 2015

The population of China, the world's most populous country, is projected to reach 1.39 billion by the end of 2015, with those age 60 or over topping 200 million people, said Li Bin, head of the country's top population policy agency.

Li, director of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, released these estimates Saturday during a speech at the annual conference of the China Population Association in Nanjing, capital city of east China's Jiangsu Province.

The urban population is projected to be over 700 million over the next five years, for the first time exceeding the rural population, according to Li.

She said the increase in the next five years would be based upon the nation's population momentum, which, according to her, would begin to decline after 2015.

Population momentum is the tendency of a highly fertile population that has been rapidly increasing in size to continue to do so for decades after the onset of even a substantial decline in fertility.

Chinese government statistics show China's population stood at 1.32 billion at the end of 2008, which was about 2.5 times the number in 1949 when the People's Republic of China was founded.

To put a hold on the fast growth, the Chinese government adopted a one-child policy in the late 1970s. The policy had helped China's total population increase less than 40 percent between 1978 and 2008, whereas it nearly doubled between 1949 and 1978.

However, during the next five years the development of China's population is expected to go through major transitional changes, Li said.

China's first boom in its aging population is expected in the next five years, with roughly an average of eight million people turning 60 each year, 3.2 million more than occurred between 2006 and 2010, she said.

In the coming five years, the ratio of the population aged 15 to 59 would peak and then slowly fall, whereas the population dependency ratio, a measure of the proportion of the population too young or too old to work, would rise for the first time after over 40 years of decreasing.

In general, China would still retain the advantage of a plentiful labor supply and a relatively low population dependency ratio, she said.

China's population to near 1.4 billion by 2015
There population is out of control. The whole world is overpopulated and it is contributing to global warming. Countries like china and india need to cut there populations.
yeah and from there china's population will start decreasing gradually
If China actually reduced it's population, it's economy would actually become stronger.
If China actually reduced it's population, it's economy would actually become stronger.

In last thirty years China's one child policy has resulted in 400 million abortions. I think China's population would be at least 500 million more today without these abortions including their children. China's population will grow slowly since one child policy has resulted in gender imbalance in favor of boys. The highest population growth rate is in sub-Saharan Africa and not is Asia.
China: Population policy draws wide praise 28 September 2009
Xinhua Economic News Service

Demographers and scholars worldwide have spoken highly of China's family-planning policy over the past 30 years and more, saying it has helped lower the world population growth.

"We know that China, being the most populous country in the world, is especially important in the area of population," said Hania Zlotnik, director of the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

Whatever happens in China has a great impact on world population, and certainly on the population in the developing world, she explained.

"Thanks to the changes in fertility, especially in China, the growth rate of the world population (and) of the developing country population is a quarter of a point lower today than it would have been if China did not have such a big drop in family size," she said in a recent exclusive interview with Xinhua.

China's family planning policy, which requires most couples have one child in urban areas and two in rural areas, has been in effect for more than three decades. It has helped prevent an estimated 400 million births. That means if China had not implemented its family planning policy, its total population would have exceeded 1.7 billion in 2008.

"So it's a much more complex policy than the slogan of one child per woman. Therefore, China doesn't have, at this moment, one of the lowest fertility in the world," she said. "It has a moderately low fertility. It is being lowered and that is an achievement."

Gill Greer, director-general of the London-based International Planned Parenthood Federation, told Xinhua in a recent interview that the family planning policy has contributed a great deal to China's remarkable economic and social achievements over the past 30 years.

By adopting the population control policy, Greer said, China has reduced its population growth rate and alleviated problems from overpopulation.

"Thus, the policy is very conducive to China's development in various aspects such as economy, education and health care services," she said.

American scholar Barbara Pillsbury, who has worked for the United Nations Population Agency, shared similar views with Greer.

"China won't have achieved so much in the country's development if it did not pursue its population control policy," she said.

Pillsbury compared China's population policy with India and said China has successfully controlled its population while India's population will increase dramatically.

She predicted that by 2040, India will surpass China as the world's most populous country with 1.52 billion people, while China's population is expected to stand at 1.45 billion.

Carl Haub, a senior demographer at the non-profit Population Reference Bureau, based in Washington DC, told Xinhua that birth planning, a basic national policy that China has stuck to for over 30 years, has helped reduce the country's population growth rate.

"It has not only lowered China's demand for resources from outside the country, but also relieved pressure on the domestic labor market," he said.

In this way, the Chinese government could focus its efforts on providing better material conditions for its people, and improving their living standards," he said.
There population is out of control. The whole world is overpopulated and it is contributing to global warming. Countries like china and india need to cut there populations.


By what means?

Civil war or suicide?

By what means?

Civil war or suicide?

You can cut the population by implementing programs that will reduce births, such as making alot of women sterile (by there own wish of course) if you reduce births, the population will go down as people naturally die.
You can cut the population by implementing programs that will reduce births, such as making alot of women sterile (by there own wish of course) if you reduce births, the population will go down as people naturally die.

Why don't you first implement these programs in Australia and we will observe its results. I know that the Nazi ideas were adopted by Zionists but did not know that Australians are now also on the same track.
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Why don't you first implement these programs in Australia and we will observe its results.

Because Australia is a very underpopulated country that is going to have labor shortages in the next 10 years, so it would be kind of stupid to do that.
I know that the Nazi ideas were adopted by Zionists but did not know that Australians are now also on the same track.

Birth control has nothing to do with nazis...... it's stupid of you to say that. The current chinese government plan of 1 child per person is a type of birth control, so are you saying they are nazis?

Chinas extremely large population is holding back their economy. If they could reduce their population to 1 billion people or even 900 million people 1. There economy would sky rocket 2. It would help fight global warming.
There population is out of control. The whole world is overpopulated and it is contributing to global warming. Countries like china and india need to cut there populations.

You can cut the population by implementing programs that will reduce births, such as making alot of women sterile (by there own wish of course) if you reduce births, the population will go down as people naturally die.

:angry: I am shocked at your totally selfish replies.
Do you have any basic moral bottom line?
And by the way, economy development isn't everything.
Economy growth is for everyone of my country to live a better life.
:angry: I am shocked at your totally selfish replies.
Do you have any basic moral bottom line?
And by the way, economy development isn't everything.
Economy growth is for everyone of my country to live a better life.

How are my replies selfish?

Lol nothing i have said is bad, infact the ideas is suggested are already implemented in african countries to control population.

I don't know why your acting like i have said something offensive.
You can cut the population by implementing programs that will reduce births, such as making alot of women sterile

Birth control has nothing to do with nazis..

You don't know history so you could not understand my answer.The Nazis started sterilization of women from some ethnic groups in Europe without their knowledge.
Because Australia is a very underpopulated country that is going to have labor shortages in the next 10 years, so it would be kind of stupid to do that.

Then China could send 100 million people to Australia that would solve Australia's underpopulation and China's overpopulation problems.
You don't know history so you could not understand my answer.The Nazis started sterilization of women from some ethnic groups in Europe without their knowledge.

You are the one trying to connect what i am saying with the nazis.

What i am saying has nothing to do with the nazis and is in no way connected to them.

Participants in a sterilization program would be VOLUNTARY of course, as i said in my original post.

Infact right now, anyone can go to the doctors and get sterilized. Remember, kids are not always born on purpose, some are accidents.

Then China could send 100 million people to Australia that would solve Australia's underpopulation and China's overpopulation problems.

But there would be a propblem. The chinese would out number Australians then our country would no longer be Australia.

We do have a high immigration of Chinese people into out country at the moment.
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