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China's political system is more flexible than US democracy

In a world that has imperfect versions of democracy I for one would prefer the chinese model.
In a world that has imperfect versions of democracy I for one would prefer the chinese model.
I have high respect for Chinese but i don't think many in Western would like a Chinese model
I guess as well the democracy like it exists in Nordic countries is something far from acceptable in many asian societies
Bcz USSR helped liberating countries dominated by those greedy Western colony .you can see how USSR help China-N.Korea-VietNam-Cuba etc....we did not have independence that time , and we needed USSR support.

USSR also wanted to expand her influent to ASian to counter NATO-US also

USSR also helped democratic countries like India and dictatorships like Egypt during the Cold War, but that didn't change the fact that India is still democratic and Egypt is still a dictatorship (eventhough they changed sides mid-1970s). Also USSR is long gone.

---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

In a world that has imperfect versions of democracy I for one would prefer the chinese model.

For that first you need a revolution....a bloody one.

---------- Post added at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ----------

I have high respect for Chinese but i don't think many in Western would like a Chinese model
I guess as well the democracy like it exists in Nordic countries is something far from acceptable in many asian societies

I am a big fan of Nordic democracies, as I heard the Govt takes care of citizens from cradle to grave ...Why you think they will not be acceptable to asian societies.
I am a big fan of Nordic democracies, as I heard the Govt takes care of citizens from cradle to grave ...Why you think they will not be acceptable to asian societies.
I didn't want to offend any country by this statement
but i believe that each country with its culture and history having a model that is more matching than another.
that's why in US they are in a unperfect democracy in the eyes of europeans but i don't think americans see it like that.
you know even in Europe nordic countries have model that they think it would not be 100% sure working . One exemple is that in a latin country, the people are less caring about the interest of respecting the all system . more people cheat the taxes for exemple. you see in greece: they don't pay the tax on the products which cause a high damage to the country. this is something impossible to see in germany or nordic countries.
harpoon said:
USSR also helped democratic countries like India and dictatorships like Egypt during the Cold War, but that didn't change the fact that India is still democratic and Egypt is still a dictatorship (eventhough they changed sides mid-1970s). Also USSR is long gone.
Pls don't compare India and VN , we have diffrent history, after defeated US, we still needt follow communist idea bcz we had problem with CHina and her ally Khmer Rouge in Cambodia after that, we needed USSR support again , we had many wars from 1946 untill 1990, and we really need USSR help, we had No choice.

after USSR collapse, we still must follow the way to Communist bcz US want to split us into 2 like Korea and we don't want to be like that.We don't want half of VNese starve every day, and another half living under NUke threat.
I have high respect for Chinese but i don't think many in Western would like a Chinese model
I guess as well the democracy like it exists in Nordic countries is something far from acceptable in many asian societies
Correct, we will not apply Western systerm, bcz it so easy for enemies to set up their spy inside my country.

for example: if you want to be a police in VN, you need your CV, your file clean without any crime from your grand dad, if your grand dad, your father made a minor crime, so you should not apply for police job. not just bcz you're good, so you can be a normal police.
You mean the communist or dictatorial political systems have no interest groups? This would be a denial and delusion we expect of dreamy eyed communists yearning for a Marxist Utopia.

In China, when some of the representatives of interest group caught embezzlement, cheating, etc. they get fined, get jail term, even get their life exterminated; in USA, specifically in Wall Street, cheatings done, by for instance the rating systems such as Moody, S&P, embezzlements done, by for instance Goldman Sachs, nobody is in jail, nobody is punished. Instead, their bonus is heftier and their life merrier.

Why is that? This is because the “democracy” is now conducted by the alligators of Wall Street, aided by losers to Communism. The representatives of Wall Street blood suckers occupy such position as Federal Reserve, Ministry of Finance, etc.

American political system is more and more becoming dictated by bankers and the clowns raised by bankers.

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of US (1743 - 1826) , said : “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. “

Wall Street alligators and their interest groups are more dangerous to our liberties than any communism. The danger specially lies in a sad fact that vast haters with their acerbic psychology and dark-dirty mentality due to their wrecked personal experiences in the past were hallucinated by bankers and warlords. While trumpeting their Utopia of “democracy”, they actually have to swallow down the sour reality that their war machines are financed by Chinese communist money; their housing properties in California or elsewhere are reduced in value by half, and are waiting buyers from communist China or socialist Canada…
Communism will not evolve from industrialized countries because what we are seeing in the US and Europe are not real capitalism. We must have real capitalism first before we can evolve into real communism. See how that 'real' argument can work both ways...??? :lol:
Oh, so now you denie that US and Western are develope countries ??sorry, you alone can not denie it, when every one know that CHina-VN still in third world countries , so it's impossible to call us as industrialized countries
Hussein said:
the reason is that you don't understand the ideas of Marx
read him then comment

capitalism? they are, as you know i am sure, many ideas in capitalism
Democrats and the Death of Keynesian Economics | Truthout
i was listening a discussion about it not long time ago here.. about the liberal anti keynesian
so yes they are many kind of capitalism policy
The truth is just too hurt for him, a poor over sea VNese living in USA after VN war. he put alot of hope in US and he belive one day, US will 'liberate ' VN like Iraq, but US just betray him time after time , and now, US capitalist is VN's friend :lol:
I wonder how many, including Mr. Eric Li himself, actually read Fukuyama's latest book. I have and it is an excellent read, as usually from Mr. F himself.

No other body actually read it but you... :lol: Funny logic in display again!

Keep it up....

There is nothing 'extraordinary' about it. Absent an alternate since the communists effectively crushed all oppositions on mainland China and the Nationalists have been quite isolated on Taiwan, if the CPC does not radically change course to compensate for shifting geopolitical conditions and the effects of their disastrous policies, China would have collapsed before the Soviet empire did. These radical changes were necessary out of two sense of self preservations: Of first the Party and of second China.

How foolish are those statements!

If USA does not radically change course to compensate for shifting geopolitical conditions and the effects of their disastrous policies, by abolishing slave system, by granting woman suffrage, by enhancing social welfare… it would have collapsed before the Soviet empire did. These radical changes were necessary out of self preservations.
I have high respect for Chinese but i don't think many in Western would like a Chinese model
I guess as well the democracy like it exists in Nordic countries is something far from acceptable in many asian societies
I agree with you. The Chinese model is not wanted over here because there is no need for it. All the prerequesites for a sustainable working democracy are met. Eventually the Chinese will also have to become a democracy of some sort.
the reason is that you don't understand the ideas of Marx
read him then comment

capitalism? they are, as you know i am sure, many ideas in capitalism
Democrats and the Death of Keynesian Economics | Truthout
i was listening a discussion about it not long time ago here.. about the liberal anti keynesian
so yes they are many kind of capitalism policy
I probably read Marx long before you were borne.

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

In a world that has imperfect versions of democracy I for one would prefer the chinese model.
Ah...So you prefer a perfect dictatorship ruling over a sheeple.

---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

How foolish are those statements!

If USA does not radically change course to compensate for shifting geopolitical conditions and the effects of their disastrous policies, by abolishing slave system, by granting woman suffrage, by enhancing social welfare… it would have collapsed before the Soviet empire did. These radical changes were necessary out of self preservations.
Of course the US had to change and those were radical changes. But in no way does anyone say that the ability to make changes are in itself 'extraordinary', as somehow Eric Li implied for the Chinese dictatorship. The fact that you can find radical changes in other countries mean you debunked Li.
Oh, so now you denie that US and Western are develope countries ??sorry, you alone can not denie it, when every one know that CHina-VN still in third world countries , so it's impossible to call us as industrialized countries
Nonsense. Where does it say that the US, Canada, and Europe are not developed regions? All I said was that we are not yet 'real' capitalists. We have different degrees of capitalism. But I am just going by your 'not real' argument. Nothing is perfect and no one is saying we are.

The truth is just too hurt for him, a poor over sea VNese living in USA after VN war. he put alot of hope in US and he belive one day, US will 'liberate ' VN like Iraq, but US just betray him time after time , and now, US capitalist is VN's friend :lol:
Me poor? I probably eat better than you at dinner than you do all day.

---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

In China, when some of the representatives of interest group caught embezzlement, cheating, etc. they get fined, get jail term, even get their life exterminated; in USA, specifically in Wall Street, cheatings done, by for instance the rating systems such as Moody, S&P, embezzlements done, by for instance Goldman Sachs, nobody is in jail, nobody is punished. Instead, their bonus is heftier and their life merrier.
Yeah...I guess all those Chinese state own enterprises (SOE) run by party and military elites are squeaky clean.
I probably read Marx long before you were borne.
Probably and it changes everything ;)
I am very far to be a kid.

Anyway it is not because you read Marx in 1960 or you read it in 1980, that the book changed.
You understand that the book didn't change, don't you?

Anyway i am not at all communist. I am just curious of ideas of others.
Thats why being in conservative family i got no problem to read Sartre for exemple (which is forbidden).
Sartre was communist (pro chinese as well). I like his work very much.
Famine killed 7 million people in USA - English pravda.ru

Because, Mr. Li, functional electoral regimes do not advocate Marx's dictum of 'constant revolutions' and practiced by Mao that resulted in the disastrous Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolutions that necessitated the later radical changes to save China from collapse. Revolutions are when the ship is upended by the water with great irregularity. Scheduled regime changes in functional democracies produces incremental course changes that may rock the boat but keeps it steadily upright.

Rampant capitalism democracy caused disastrous great depression in USA where about 7 million people were starved to death » Researcher: Famine Killed 7 Million in U.S. During “Great Depression” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Even there are people saying 10% of US population were starved to death.

If it was 7 million, and US population around 1932 was 124 million. It was worse than China’s Great Leap forward per capita death.

China’s one party system has a lot of problems, so does US two party system, be those problems starvation or McCarthyism - Cultural Revolution. If people see problems get solved, that is a good system. If people see rats are caught, that is a good cat.

Scheduled regime changes in functional Chinese One Party system produces incremental course changes that may rock the boat but keeps it steadily upright, such that the most powerful democracy country of the world has to bow to China to borrow money…
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