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China's newest fighter jet J-16 copy of Sukhoi Su-30MKK

Chinese Tiger, .. I like the uniform in your above pic too ...

Yeah, the modern uniform cannot make the professional army ...
the experience in real combat is more important

Try to make your best weapon, no matter which is from stolen or purchase ... but purchasing is purchasing, steal is steal ... self-develop is self-develop ...
because this is the discussion forum, not a market where they lie to others.

Vietnam don't have experience in information age warfare either dude. As I mentioned before, I can't find any good current Vietnam military pictures that's why I only compared the uniforms, as it shows the difference in generation between China and Vietnam. Not that the difference is only cloth.

If we go to war, Vietnam will have no access to a positioning system and we will shoot down any Vietnamese satellite if there are any. This would mean Vietnam fighters and missiles can't function properly.

Even if as you claim Vietnamese soldiers is superior, which I doubt since ours are much more educated almost all Chinese officers and most elite troops are university graduates, Vietnamese army still needs to put bullets in our boys to win, and you can't do that if you can't get close enough to our troops and your fighter can't lock on our fighters.

I don't think India has any uniform close to the look of the Type 87.

The Type 07 should be an upgraded version of the Type 87 such as the quality of the textile, everything else shouldn't be changed.

See the difference, from 2013 exercise
You know that Vietnamese troops in VN war wearing the sandals made by old rubber tires, we won by our hands and brain, not by superior aspect in weapon or any legion from Allies ...
Wrong...The NVA did not 'won'. The US lost the political will to continue and that was of psychological warfare on the part of the North Vietnamese. But if we are to assess the war from STRICTLY a military perspective, the NVA would have been crushed if there was no political leash.

No thanks, we donot need to adapt to desert storm, because we don't plan to invade Iraq or Tibet ...
Extremely shortsighted. The most important lesson from Desert Storm was not about adapting to the terrain but about the coordination of attack modes made possible by technology.
Vietnam marching without missiles, tanks ... but our people always believe in the ability of our People Military ... because of their strong spirit ...


Vietnam Army


Vietnam Coast Guard


Army official

Wrong...The NVA did not 'won'. The US lost the political will to continue and that was of psychological warfare on the part of the North Vietnamese. But if we are to assess the war from STRICTLY a military perspective, the NVA would have been crushed if there was no political leash.

Extremely shortsighted. The most important lesson from Desert Storm was not about adapting to the terrain but about the coordination of attack modes made possible by technology.

Let study again about Vietnam, US reports say that Vietnam troops are experts in camouflage.
Try to win a war by keyboard and you never need to think about uniform ...

Let read on US article, we may not won, but they lost the war ///


The Wrong War
Why We Lost in Vietnam
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Vietnam don't have experience in information age warfare either dude. As I mentioned before, I can't find any good current Vietnam military pictures that's why I only compared the uniforms, as it shows the difference in generation between China and Vietnam. Not that the difference is only cloth.

If we go to war, Vietnam will have no access to a positioning system and we will shoot down any Vietnamese satellite if there are any. This would mean Vietnam fighters and missiles can't function properly.

Even if as you claim Vietnamese soldiers is superior, which I doubt since ours are much more educated almost all Chinese officers and most elite troops are university graduates, Vietnamese army still needs to put bullets in our boys to win, and you can't do that if you can't get close enough to our troops and your fighter can't lock on our fighters.

See the difference, from 2013 exercise

Yeah, better camouflage.

The combat uniform of the Type 07 is pretty good.
The troop with university class, cannot compete with the highschool educated troop in the battlefield, when face to face ...
except they face to a computer ...

Your policy 1-child killed your troops spirit

If your leader set the 1-child policy 10 year before Sino-Viet conflict, then much more loss on morale of your troops afterward
The troop with university class, cannot compete with the highschool educated troop in the battlefield, when face to face ...
except they face to a computer ...

Your policy 1-child killed your troops spirit

The point is we won't be face to face, information age warfare as it sounds is not about the face to face combat anymore, nobody is there to go face to face with you, and the war is won on a computer. The soldiers are just the trigger man.

If we did go to war, I doubt we will lose more than 1 to 100 due to the difference in equipment.

The only damage you can do is if we stay and occupy than you can ambush and surprise like the Iraqis are doing, but on a battlefield you may as well be a lamb waiting for slaughter.
PLA is mechanized + information warfare, while Vietnam's army is neither mechanized nor having the information warfare capability.

For example, the Taliban soldiers are 100 times more courageous than the US soldiers, yet they still got slaughtered due the huge technological gap.
Bsmat: 5122106 said:
Japan aircraft carrier is difficult to copy ? why you must buy a Liao ning so-called scrap bulk ... in order to start copying ?
why you don't just make a competition of aircraft carrier designing in China and start to build, without purchase of above-mentioned garbage ?
Why China start to exaggerate their ability just after recover that ?

Why China must ask for purchasing Su30MKK , Su-35, Su27, ... ?
it's for copying purpose ... because you cannot design ...

Why you keep importing jet engine for your copies ? because your domestic jet engine too bad
You .are smart to pick on a few equipment while trying desperate to ignore others equipment which China develop independantly.
FC-1, J-20, K-8 trainer, WZ-10 attack helicopter? Type 052C/D destroyer , Tyoe 054A frigate,071 LPD, Song class submarine and all Chinese nuclear submarine..
Not to mention many ballistic missile under second artillery are all domestic effort. People who desperate to smear China progress to mask their own impotent.

I feel so proud of China able to send a unmanned rover to moon while Vietnam cant even make a rocket to space. :lol:
You .are smart to pick on a few equipment while trying desperate to ignore others equipment which China develop independantly.
FC-1, J-20, K-8 trainer, WZ-10 attack helicopter? Type 052C/D destroyer , Tyoe 054A frigate,071 LPD, Song class submarine and all Chinese nuclear submarine..
Not to mention many ballistic missile under second artillery are all domestic effort. People who desperate to smear China progress to mask their own impotent.

I feel so proud of China able to send a unmanned rover to moon while Vietnam cant even make a rocket to space. :lol:

This is for J16 you see ... which related to J16 ? Su 27, Su30, J11 ..
You should compete to US, not make your step back to compete to Vietnam, we are less developed military industry, we know mah ...

Above guy said that no face to face combat, so what is the army stand for? why you must hire over 2 milion troops with carbin ? with attack range under 500meters ?

And China is good with meat-grinder tactics ...

I means above man = Genesis

PLA is mechanized + information warfare, while Vietnam's army is neither mechanized nor having the information warfare capability.

For example, the Taliban soldiers are 100 times more courageous than the US soldiers, yet they still got slaughtered due the huge technological gap.

Vietnam handled well with mechanized, mobilized ... troops from USA.
So let go ahead to borrow something from USA then we try ... whether you or US troops better
Vietnam handled well with mechanized, mobilized ... troops from USA.
So let go ahead to borrow something from USA then we try ... whether you or US troops better

Dude, the modern day PLA is overall far more advanced than the US army of the 1960-1970s.

Your provocation can only make the PLA soldiers acting like the happy triggers by simply launching the countless number of missiles and artillery at your army.
I realized you guys now video game-addicted, but the result of the real combat identified in battlefield ...not in the computer ...
Do you know we call well-armed US troops as "Linh Cau" means that "Dude" ... who is not durable in fighting, even well-armed ...

Thought your 1 child policy made all of Dudes ... That's why I said university edu troops cannot beat highschool edu troop

Vietnam marching without missiles, tanks ... but our people always believe in the ability of our People Military ... because of their strong spirit ...
Your amry's spirit is stronger than that of North Korean Army?
Very funny that your tone like that from North Korean media,:-)

I realized you guys now video game-addicted, but the result of the real combat identified in battlefield ...not in the computer ...
Do you know we call well-armed US troops as "Linh Cau" means that "Dude" ... who is not durable in fighting, even well-armed ...
Thought your 1 child policy made all of Dudes ... That's why I said university edu troops cannot beat highschool edu troop
Good "thought"!! Finding that Vietnamese mouth is "strong" as Indian mouth, hehe.
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Lol. Dont twist statements to suit ur wish. US and Russia's 3rd, 4th and 5th gen classifications of aircrafts are clearly shown and classified.
Even a basic wiki read would reveal such knowledge. If Chinese have separate standards of classifications, so be it. Kindly dont compare with other countries to suit ur needs of posting.
This is for J16 you see ... which related to J16 ? Su 27, Su30, J11 ..
You should compete to US, not make your step back to compete to Vietnam, we are less developed military industry, we know mah ...

Why can't talk about other equipment . Are you desperate to prove your agenda which China has demonstrated it candevelop and design many hardware ffor her needs?

While why can't talk about Vietnam when you yourself bra about how superior Vietnam armed forces against US in Vietnam war where you totally ignore the factor it China guarantee the back line of north Vietnam against amphibious assault from US marine. And Ho Chin Minh trail is not.what? Get supply from heavenly gate? It about China supplying the war material.to help.Vietnam win the war.

If you are ashamed to talk about.Vietnam vs China. Just admit it. I will not laugh at you :lol:
I realized you guys now video game-addicted, but the result of the real combat identified in battlefield ...not in the computer ...
Do you know we call well-armed US troops as "Linh Cau" means that "Dude" ... who is not durable in fighting, even well-armed ...

Thought your 1 child policy made all of Dudes ... That's why I said university edu troops cannot beat highschool edu troop

I doubt Vietnam's army is better trained than the PLA, since China has much bigger budget to offer them the best and most scientific way of training.

For example, the PLAAF pilots now regularly fly annually more than 200 hours on the aircraft, while they spend the rest of the time on the flight simulator.

Can you imagine that Vietnam can afford so much budget for their air force?

Also, the current soldiers of VPA were also born in the 1980s and 1990s, they never had the war experience like their parent generation.

You call PLA unexperienced, but the current VPA is the same. So the only thing to be decided is the technology.
If your gov act as "Saving Private Ryan" there's no troop for your army ...

Do you know the title "Vietnam heroic Mother" awarded to the Mother who has several of her son or son-in-law and husband are KIA or MIA during the war?
There's the most Famous Vietnam Heroic Mother has 9 sons and 1 husband of KIA
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