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China's new launch rocket

Qian Xuesen Study in the USA, 1936.
China founding, 1949.

returning scholars = spy?

Is China should arrest all foreign students?

See, how the fallacies from the Western sources can easily be busted.

In their eyes, all Asian-looking people must be communist spy.
In 1955 Qian was released and deported from the United States together with his wife and their two American-born children as a part of post-Korean war negotiations to free American prisoners of war held by China. He went to work as director of mechanics at Academia Sinica and head of the Chinese missile development immediately upon his arrival in China. Qian deliberately left his research papers behind when he left the United States. He was not a communist in the US but became one in 1958.[citation needed]

Qian established the Institute of Mechanics and began to recruit his former students and train Chinese engineers in the techniques he had learned in the United States and retool the infrastructure of the Chinese program. He started a library and taught people how to research aeronautics. Within a year Qian submitted a proposal to the PRC government to establish a ballistic missile program. This proposal was quickly accepted and Qian was named the first director of the program in late 1956.

Qian Xuesen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One smart guy

He was not a spy.
He is a scholar who is willing to China's service.
I admit that he learned rocket knowledge from the USA, but he was not a spy.
The Bodhi Tree, also known as Bo (from the Sinhalese Bo), was a large and very old Sacred Fig tree (Ficus religiosa) located in Bodh Gaya (about 100 km (62 mi) from Patna in the Indian state of Bihar)

Yes Lord Buddah is a Avatar for hindus this is true :cheers:
He was not a spy.
He is a scholar who is willing to China's service.
I admit that he learned rocket knowledge from the USA, but he was not a spy.

I dont believe he was a spy but someone who decided to return to China and help his motherland which he did with great honour. I hope all those smart Indians living in USA would put nation b4 $$ and come home to help India like this guy.
Whether China has not copied, it does not matter, introduction of technology is the correct behavior.
We see farther because we stand on the shoulders of giants.

I think that Indians were not qualified to criticize China. Because the Chinese people do not copy anything in India, and the Indians copy a lot of Chinese people.
For example. Android India 35 USD tablet Plagiarism Shanghai, China Hivison Company 's tablet, Indicted!

Chinese carbon copy of hamara Bajaj - The Times of India
belongs to everyone not to a single country or person

My friend. Not the same with India. China is a unified country, began 2,400 years ago. We say that the same language, using the same text and Currency and Measurement.
We still keep “concept of State”. So You do not understand Qian Xuesen.

When Indians said: "I am a New Delhi man" or "I am a Mumbai man" or "I am a Calcutta man".
The Chinese said: "I am a Chinese!"
My friend. Not the same with India. China is a unified country, began 2,400 years ago.
We still keep “concept of State”. So You do not understand Qian Xuesen.

When Indians said: "I am a New Delhi man" or "I am a Mumbai man" or "I am a Calcutta man".
The Chinese said: "I am a Chinese!"

I salute your history but at one time we also were united my friend and yes we may hail from Mumbai or Delhi but we all Indian first nation comes first for most Indians.

I salute your history but at one time we also were united my friend and yes we may hail from Mumbai or Delhi but we all Indian first nation comes first for most Indians.


Yes. India has great historical! I pay tribute to the ancient Indian civilization.

But I think that India has never been truly unified before the British invasion.
Perhaps the ancient Indians have a common king, but you still is a City-state system country.
You have no common language and text and custom etc... Even city-states often war with each other!

Ancient India like Greece and Zhou Dynasty(China 1046 BC - 256 BC).
Yes. India has great historical! I pay tribute to the ancient Indian civilization.

But I think that India has never been truly unified before the British invasion.
Perhaps the ancient Indians have a common king, but you still is a City-state system country.
You have no common language and text and custom etc... Even city-states often war with each other!

Ancient India like Greece and Zhou Dynasty(China 1046 BC - 256 BC).

English and Hindi is the national language dude in India and most states share similar culture with each other but with unique features of their own. Sanskrit is our old written language which in fact is mother to greek and latin.

There are many customs in India i give you one example 'Namaste' is one and 99% of Indians understand the word and the meaning of it.
My friend. Not the same with India. China is a unified country, began 2,400 years ago. We say that the same language, using the same text and Currency and Measurement.
We still keep “concept of State”. So You do not understand Qian Xuesen.

When Indians said: "I am a New Delhi man" or "I am a Mumbai man" or "I am a Calcutta man".
The Chinese said: "I am a Chinese!"

I'm from Hong kong , I'm from Tibet , I'm from taiwan
I'm from Hong kong , I'm from Tibet , I'm from taiwan

Our solidarity is much stronger.

The majority of Tibetans have already accepted to be part of China. And Hong Konger never claimed their nationality else except Chinese.

Taiwan was built by Pro-China Nationalists, and those Pan-Green separatists have done nothing, except destroying Taiwan's economy.
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