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China's new launch rocket

It is as much Indian as J-11 is chinese.

China developed every technology for the J-11B (except for the airframe) on its own.

India worked with Russia to develop the Su-30MKI.

It is closer to compare the Su-30MKI with the Su-30MKK in terms of development share

The J-11B is not classified as part of the Flanker family.
The J-11B is also manufactured in China whereas the Su-30MKI is built in Russia.
Your consistently petty behavior reflects poorly on Indian nationals. I'm not sure why you have such a defensive attitude, but if somebody has hurt your feelings you don't have to lash out at everybody.

You know hitler had that high opinion of himself, like you chinese. That arrogrance- Saw that same trait in you and your brethen. China may become the largest economy in the world some day. But you will still not be a super power( US will always be that and surrounds you on all sides) and you guys will still be looked upon as a pariah amongst developed countries. I hope that was not to hurtful of me...;)

The only influence you will exert on the world stage- is with cheap plastic products

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

It is as much Indian as J-11 is chinese.


But the sad reality is that J-11B is 100% Chinese

1. Radar, KLJ-11. Can detect Su-30 like target at 300 KM F-16 like target at 180KM. Can dectect 24 targets, track 12 and engage 6. It also has great anti jamming capability.

2. Engine, WS-10A, it has 10% more thrust than AL-31F.

3. All Chinese weapons. PL-12, PL-9. YJ-83. FT-8, plus more

4. Compelete Chinese avnoics include IRST, new ECM suit plust more.

China can make as many J-11B as it wants and even export J-11B.


1. Radar BAR, Made in Russia

2. Engine AL-31FP made in Russia.

3. Avnoics, French+ Russian+Indian

4. Weapons, all made in Russia.

India can not even produce more SU-30MKI with out Russia's permission, let alone export it.

NOW you see the DFFERENCES??? :lol::lol:
You know hitler had that high opinion of himself, like you chinese. That arrogrance- Saw that same trait in you and your brethen. China may become the largest economy in the world some day. But you will still not be a super power( US will always be that and surrounds you on all sides) and you guys will still be looked upon as a pariah amongst developed countries. I hope that was not to hurtful of me...;)

The only influence you will exert on the world stage- is with cheap plastic products

USA is trying to surrund China but it will FAIL!!

However, China will always be the one that surround india. Pakistan, BD, Sir lanka. Now Nepal. Count Tibet if you want.

ALso, india can not even come up with "cheap" products to compete with China, let along with advanced and high tech products. All you indians can do is buying stuffs from the west. You dont even have the ability to make a rocket that is made in russia fly. You are only able to blow them up in mid air. I hope I am not being to hurtful. ;) :lol::lol:
You know hitler had that high opinion of himself, like you chinese. That arrogrance- Saw that same trait in you and your brethen. China may become the largest economy in the world some day. But you will still not be a super power( US will always be that and surrounds you on all sides) and you guys will still be looked upon as a pariah amongst developed countries. I hope that was not to hurtful of me...;)

The only influence you will exert on the world stage- is with cheap plastic products

Perhaps thats why Hiltler being an "Idol" for Indians:tup:
BBC News - Hitler memorabilia 'attracts young Indians'
Whether you like it or not, India will always live under the shadow of China for yrs to come, that will be a perfect answer for your childish behavior, grow up, stop playing those "A, B, C" kids game for christ sake:rofl:
However, at the end of the day, too much jealousy will get you no where, when a nation being labeled as handicap, there must be a reason behind it, now go figure:lol:
US economy will fail before it can successfully entangle China AKA the 800 lbs Gorilla.

Atleast we never had our rockets destroy entire villages.

Right now China is building a rocket with 60 ton LEO payload. Maybe in 2015 China will be able to build a Rocket that can truly match the Saturn V. Only after we Chinese obtaining such advanced and powerful rocket can then China have a chance of sending man to the moon. The russians FAILED, their N-1failed 4 times in 4 try and cost the Russians huge amount of money. This is why even up to date. Russia does not have the ability to send a man to the moon.

60 ton LEO, that's cute, Russia built a 100 Ton LEO like two decades ago, read up:

S.P.Korolev RSC Energia - LAUNCHERS

Launch vehicle Energia being developed as a part of the Energia-Buran Reusable Space System is a versatile, heavy-lift launch vehicle capable to deliver large payloads up to 100 t attached to the exterior to orbits and near-Earth space.

As for sending a man to the moon Russia does have the capability, they could have done it in the 60's but do to engine problems it didn't happen, as of now there is no rush or urgent need to go to the moon.

If by 2015 China has its own Saturn V like Rocket, then it is safe to say that China has caught up with Russia in SPACE TECH!!! Still need to chase USA for another 10 years before passing them!

Stop the nonesense, China hasn't even scratched the surface, how many launches has China had compared to Russia? What about space walks? What about long diration space travel? How much experience does China have in space stations? How many space stations has China built compared to Russia? How many probes and rovers has China launched? Does China have anything comparable to the Soyuz? Which, btw is the most reliable launch vehical ever created. Does NASA use Chinese rocket engines like it uses Russian engines? Do some research on the RD-180 and RD-171 engines, and then educate yourself.

As much as i don't like Weki, the following is correct:

Soviet space program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1957: First intercontinental ballistic missile, the R-7 Semyorka
1957: First satellite, Sputnik 1
1957: First animal in Earth orbit, the dog Laika on Sputnik 2
1959: First rocket ignition in Earth orbit, first man-made object to escape Earth's gravity, Luna 1
1959: First data communications, or telemetry, to and from outer space, Luna 1.
1959: First man-made object to pass near the Moon, first man-made object in Heliocentric orbit, Luna 1
1959: First probe to impact the Moon, Luna 2
1959: First images of the moon's far side, Luna 3
1960: First animals to safely return from Earth orbit, the dogs Belka and Strelka on Sputnik 5.
1961: First probe launched to Venus, Venera 1
1961: First person in space (International definition) and in Earth orbit, Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1, Vostok programme
1961: First person to spend over 24 hours in space Gherman Titov, Vostok 2 (also first person to sleep in space).
1962: First dual manned spaceflight, Vostok 3 and Vostok 4
1962: First probe launched to Mars, Mars 1
1963: First woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, Vostok 6
1964: First multi-person crew (3), Voskhod 1
1965: First extra-vehicular activity (EVA), by Aleksei Leonov, Voskhod 2
1965: First probe to hit another planet of the Solar system (Venus), Venera 3
1966: First probe to make a soft landing on and transmit from the surface of the moon, Luna 9
1966: First probe in lunar orbit, Luna 10
1967: First unmanned rendezvous and docking, Cosmos 186/Cosmos 188. (Until 2006, this had remained the only major space achievement that the US had not duplicated.)
1969: First docking between two manned craft in Earth orbit and exchange of crews, Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5
1970: First soil samples automatically extracted and returned to Earth from another celestial body, Luna 16
1970: First robotic space rover, Lunokhod 1 on the Moon.
1970: First data received from the surface of another planet of the Solar system (Venus), Venera 7
1971: First space station, Salyut 1
1971: First probe to orbit another planet (Mars)Mars 2
1971: First probe to reach surface and make soft landing on Mars, Mars 2
1975: First probe to orbit Venus, to make soft landing on Venus, first photos from surface of Venus, Venera 9
1984: First woman to walk in space, Svetlana Savitskaya (Salyut 7 space station)
1986: First crew to visit two separate space stations (Mir and Salyut 7)
1986: First probes to deploy robotic balloons into Venus atmosphere and to return pictures of a comet during close flyby Vega 1, Vega 2
1986: First permanently manned space station, Mir, 1986–2001, with permanent presence on board (1989–1999)
1987: First crew to spend over one year in space, Vladimir Titov and Musa Manarov on board of Soyuz TM-4 - Mir

Has China acheived all of these feats? China has not caught up, esspecially when the Chinese space program received assistance from Russia. Building high LEO rockets does not equate to catching up to the Russian space program.
Atleast we never had our rockets destroy entire villages.

60 ton LEO, that's cute, Russia built a 100 Ton LEO like two decades ago, read up:

S.P.Korolev RSC Energia - LAUNCHERS

As for sending a man to the moon Russia does have the capability, they could have done it in the 60's but do to engine problems it didn't happen, as of now there is no rush or urgent need to go to the moon.

Stop the nonesense, China hasn't even scratched the surface, how many launches has China had compared to Russia? What about space walks? What about long diration space travel? How much experience does China have in space stations? How many space stations has China built compared to Russia? How many probes and rovers has China launched? Does China have anything comparable to the Soyuz? Which, btw is the most reliable launch vehical ever created. Does NASA use Chinese rocket engines like it uses Russian engines? Do some research on the RD-180 and RD-171 engines, and then educate yourself.

As much as i don't like Weki, the following is correct:

Has China acheived all of these feats? China has not caught up, esspecially when the Chinese space program received assistance from Russia. Building high LEO rockets does not equate to catching up to the Russian space program.

come down dude, i don't think anyone here is trying to say that china has surpassed russia in space tech.
No one cares about Russia, we are doing what our need for the space program, next steps: space station, moon landing, mars landing, etc.

No need to compare with Russia.
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