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China's moon landing: the space race with India

I just waana to tell the truth which maight hurt the India buddy
Put the China and India together as to space ability is nothing more than a big insult to China
There are huge advance on the China side.
Its worthless to compare the two together.
Coz the space power race between SU and USA last century are very close,obvioursly,Here are more more gap between the new two China and India.
At least India should be modest and hard working for 2 or 3 decades to catch up China.

Chinese culture is too look down upon others. Very destructive.
on the countary,Chinese should be rotated by Indian
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One thing I do not believe at all: India will land on Moon before China???

Just ask the world, who will believe that???

1958: China launches first rocket, Soviet-built Base 20

1963: India's first rocket launched, US-built Nike-Apache

1967: India launches its own RH-75 rocket

1970: China puts first satellite into orbit, but its space programme is then interrupted by Cultural Revolution and split with Russia.

1975: India's first satellite is launched from the former Soviet Union

1984: India's first astronaut, part of Soviet Soyuz mission

1990: China's first self-built rocket launched, carrying a satellite into orbit

2003: China's first astronaut, sent into Earth's orbit on its own Long March 2F rocket.

2008: India's first rocket to Moon orbit, the Chandrayaan-1, which drops impact probe to surface and finds evidence of water

2013: China becomes first country to "soft-land" on the Moon in 37 years when the unmanned Chang'e-3 spacecraft successfully lands.

What's next?

2014: India's Mars Orbiter mission launched last November due to reach planet in September

2017: India plans first manned space mission

2017: China expected to return unmanned lunary mission to earth

2020: China intends to build space station

2020: India aims to have astronauts land on Moon

2024: China aims to have astronauts land on Moon

China's moon landing: the space race with India - Telegraph

I do not want to hurt your so-called self-esteem. China is way more advanced in her space program than india.

Indeed Chinese have more budget for their space program and so is their GDP. So if we wanna so called compare, we can only do is technological advancement if any and not tonnage. Technology is intangible in nature and hence not directly proportional to monitory investments.

By the way who said India is better than china. It was a simple comparision.No mention of china better or india better. Why do i see chinese so insecured when India name is taken? Are u guyz actual Chinese? Coz ur habits look more like Pakistanis. :D
Chinese are miles ahead of India... atleast a decade ahead...and i believe both have programmes with totally different priorities and both have reached most of the priorities set...so in the end both countries got wat they intended...
china is an inspiration to us and will remain so in future...though we maynot agree with them on all fronts...
all this so called race and rivalry is made by naive people or who people with there asses burning looking at pace these two countries moving forward!
all this so called race and rivalry is made by naive people or who people with there asses burning looking at pace these two countries moving forward!
I have to agree with you on this one.

One thing I do not believe at all: India will land on Moon before China???
Just ask the world, who will believe that???
Like I had mentioned earlier...
2017: India plans first manned space mission
2020: India aims to have astronauts land on Moon
I have a question for you Indian. What exactly do you want from us in a Space Race? Does beating us make you feel good?

For us, going to the moon has very ancient significance. Many of our ancestors always wondering of the moon and creating folklore and legend but they never had the opportunity to investigate it.
Erm, I have to correct you on an issue----technological development is pretty much directly proportional to monetary investment. The theoretical base for most technology will often sit on paper for decades if not centuries before people investing enough money to turn theory into applicable technology.
Well its again subjective. Can u explain how is Indian Mars mission not even 1/10th of the price of NASA same Mars mission. Most of the scientists of history did inventions in their private labs and not many inventions happen in corporate labs of today. so its not related to money but brains.

Chinese are miles ahead of India... atleast a decade ahead...and i believe both have programmes with totally different priorities and both have reached most of the priorities set...so in the end both countries got wat they intended...
china is an inspiration to us and will remain so in future...though we maynot agree with them on all fronts...
all this so called race and rivalry is made by naive people or who people with there asses burning looking at pace these two countries moving forward!

Nooo. Dont tell that you are pointing at Pakistan?:what::undecided:
I am still waiting for an Indian to explain this one. I don't think no Indians here have an answer to this plan? Even the biggest Indian boaster would not defend this statement. Except @JayAtl who posted this article. But this guy has no brain so its excusable.

Per Isro's official website they don't have any plan for a manned moon mission, they do have a plan for human spaceflight to low earth orbit. But they didn't have any specific date for this. I don't know where all these "manned mission to moon in 2020" is coming from.

GSLV's failure in 2010 delayed the human spaceflight program atleast by 5 years.So probably it may happen in early 2020s. As far as manned moon mission, i don't think ISRO has any idea for this even in the next decade. They will definitely have robotic deep space missions in the future but it all depends on the success of GSLV.

As far as I know, majority of Indians who have knowledge on space programs agree to the fact China is ahead of us in Space program. Even ISRO agrees to that. Most of these articles talking about the space race are coming from wetern media. No point of blaming Indians for this.
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I have a question for you Indian. What exactly do you want from us in a Space Race? Does beating us make you feel good?

For us, going to the moon has very ancient significance. Many of our ancestors always wondering of the moon and creating folklore and legend but they never had the opportunity to investigate it.

Simple thing Indians never started this thread it was a American who opened it
2nd of all do you know why when all the World was ranting about India's mars mission
UK-Our money uses for India's mars mission
USA-India try's to catch up with china,Poverty
Only Chinese & Russian media were praising us & only reporting on the mission. & not telling how to spend our money & how poor we are
This country of ours knows who are its real friends
These kind of stupid comparison threads are. Opened by Westerners to create a misunderstanding BTW India & China
In reality they are just Psised at how fast we are progressing in Space
India is ahead in this race as India will be the first to reach Mars...:p:
Simple thing Indians never started this thread it was a American who opened it
2nd of all do you know why when all the World was ranting about India's mars mission
UK-Our money uses for India's mars mission
USA-India try's to catch up with china,Poverty
Only Chinese & Russian media were praising us & only reporting on the mission. & not telling how to spend our money & how poor we are
This country of ours knows who are its real friends
These kind of stupid comparison threads are. Opened by Westerners to create a misunderstanding BTW India & China
In reality they are just Psised at how fast we are progressing in Space

Every chinese member here knows who is JayAtl, he is an Indian troll. he created this thread.
India for all its social flaws has an exemplary space program. There is no need to compare it with X, Y, Z really. Its considered to be a "Class A space agency"! There are only a hand full of countries in that exclusive group. Whats more, all of it is self funded, self created.

Respect is due where its deserved to be honest.

But I understand that this thread is about China's achievement... who actually are only behind US and Russia in their space program.
The best part of the article is, in 2017 India plans a manned space flight and then 3 years later 2020 India plans to put a human on the moon. If that's Rajinikanth's space program then good wishes. If not, I don't see the poor astronauts coming back.
Dude Rajnikanth is the reason you have a space program....

On topic....2017 Manned space Flight is very much possible.....2020...Indian on the Moon is also possible....We don't need to re-invent the wheel.
Simple thing Indians never started this thread it was a American who opened it
2nd of all do you know why when all the World was ranting about India's mars mission
UK-Our money uses for India's mars mission
USA-India try's to catch up with china,Poverty
Only Chinese & Russian media were praising us & only reporting on the mission. & not telling how to spend our money & how poor we are
This country of ours knows who are its real friends
These kind of stupid comparison threads are. Opened by Westerners to create a misunderstanding BTW India & China
In reality they are just Psised at how fast we are progressing in Space

What American? Jayatl is an Indian. Don't be confused by his flag or his location. He is a patriotic Indian and his allegiance is only to India, not America.
Dude Rajnikanth is the reason you have a space program....

On topic....2017 Manned space Flight is very much possible.....2020...Indian on the Moon is also possible....We don't need to re-invent the wheel.
You must be extremely intelligent. But let me ask you something.
1. After India launches it's first manned flight, in the three years, when does India experiment the soft landing?
2. When will India prepare a spaceship that can soft-land on the moon and take the astronauts back to earth in a re-entry fashion?
3. If all these can be achieved within 3 years, then you have indeed over taken China in the space race.

The thing is, if the lunar landing is a piece of cake you could have done it much before China.
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