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China's modern cities


Sep 15, 2008
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when you want to be the next superpower but have nothing on hand, you start abusing the nationalism of your people and you tell them they are the best/they have the best life quality. however, with the popularity of the internet, it is more and more difficult for the regime to fool its people.

in this series of threads, I just want to show you guys why Indians hate China and Chinese. because they found they are not going to match this in their lifetime.

the solution? stop hating, work harder to make your own dump site better.

Shanghai - my hometown
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Shall I post more major cities like Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing? No, I am not going to do that, I am going to show you the small cities which you don't see on TV - the hidden dragon. I will not post any capital city of any province.

for most of these cities, usually I can't point them out on a Chinese map as we have hundreds of comparable ones.






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ShChinese will you get me an apartment there after retirement lol me my wife n future kids will be thankful to you..
You are wrong boy , Indians don't hate China - in fact we really really marvel at the way China has grown and what it has achieved and when the Olympic ceremony was being telecast live in India - all viewers were amazed at China's achievement and mostly happy to see another Asian nation after Japan to have got so much.

Of all the members on the forum , the ones whom I find have the most hatred for India are You and MBI , not a single Pakistani has so much bile against us. I always notice that post much more in India sub forums or topics than even China or Pakistani sub forums.

Honestly , is your Hatred for India much more then love for China.



the real power of China is not our cities, not our foreign reserves, not our existing infrastructures, not our land and see, but our strong willingness to learn and our willingness of hard working. hundreds of students lining up outside of a university library in such extreme weather.


do me a favor, tell me how india is going to win the race when we admit 5 million such students into our 1000+ universities every year?
You are wrong boy , Indians don't hate China - in fact we really really marvel at the way China has grown and what it has achieved and when the Olympic ceremony was being telecast live in India - all viewers were amazed at China's achievement and mostly happy to see another Asian nation after Japan to have got so much.

Of all the members on the forum , the ones whom I find have the most hatred for India are You and MBI , not a single Pakistani has so much bile against us. I always notice that post much more in India sub forums or topics than even China or Pakistani sub forums.

Honestly , is your Hatred for India much more then love for China.

Your regime hosts terrorist groups including the Tibetan Youth Congress that is encouraging suicidal attacks against Chinese targets. why you don't mention this as a part of your "marvel at the way China has grown"?

please just google the term Tibetan Youth Congress or look it up in wikipedia.
when you want to be the next superpower but have nothing on hand, you start abusing the nationalism of your people and you tell them they are the best/they have the best life quality. however, with the popularity of the internet, it is more and more difficult for the regime to fool its people.

in this series of threads, I just want to show you guys why Indians hate China and Chinese. because they found they are not going to match this in their lifetime.

the solution? stop hating, work harder to make your own dump site better.

From Where did you get the idea indians hate chineese??????
You are wrong boy , Indians don't hate China - in fact we really really marvel at the way China has grown and what it has achieved and when the Olympic ceremony was being telecast live in India - all viewers were amazed at China's achievement and mostly happy to see another Asian nation after Japan to have got so much.

Of all the members on the forum , the ones whom I find have the most hatred for India are You and MBI , not a single Pakistani has so much bile against us. I always notice that post much more in India sub forums or topics than even China or Pakistani sub forums.

Honestly , is your Hatred for India much more then love for China.

You're generalizing that statement. It's not possible. India is a very populous nation and frankly, I don't think if I'm ready to take your word on behalf of 1.1 billion people. The statement "India hates china" didn't originate out of thin air. It's a fact.

Sure, there are people like you who don't hate China but please, speak for yourself.
Then why shchinese are you living in Australia instead of such beautiful chinese cities.

The Communist Party of China encourages Chinese students to go oversea for varies levels of studies. They have been telling me the current progress we are making at home is risky as the growth is largely driven by the urbanization, we are still not good as a wide range of science and technolgies.

The Communist Party of China also educated me about the importance of people to people exchange, they told that is the only way to have permanent peace with neighbors.
Such unabated growth of cities also lead to this

Worldwatch Institute: 16 of World's 20 Most-Polluted Cities in China

China recently said that pollution problems are costing its government more than $200 billion a year. The Worldwatch Institute in Washington says 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in China. Despite the efforts of environmental agencies, China's pollution continues to worsen and spread far beyond the country's borders.

James McGregor

"You can chew on the air in most cities," he said. "The rivers are Technicolor with effluents. This place has gone through a huge economic boom and they've just been ignoring it."

After 25 years of breakneck economic growth, China has admitted that its environmental crisis is getting worse. Environmental researchers estimate that pollution in China causes more than 300,000 premature deaths a year.

At a recent news conference, a top Chinese environmental protection official, Zhu Guangyao, said that pollution problems cost the country more than $200 billion a year, roughly 10 percent of China's gross domestic product.

Zhu Guangyao
"We are facing a tough situation in environmental protection and pollution of the water, air, and soil is indeed a prominent problem," he said.

Some of the country's worst pollution problems come from its heavy dependence on coal. Industry journals say China now consumes more coal than the United States, the European Union and Japan combined.

Coal-burning power plants spew sulfur and climate-changing gases into the air, causing acid rain and contributing to global warming.

Environmental experts say winds are carrying the pollutants from China's factories to the Koreas, Japan and as far away as the United States.

Lester Brown

Lester Brown, head of the Earth Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., says the pollution travels beyond the border of China.

"The pollution that comes eastward from China across the Pacific to the western United States carries a lot of mercury with it and that mercury is being deposited in the western United States," he said. "It's also being deposited in the Pacific."

The pollutants are even showing up in some of nature's most pristine areas - such as Lake Tahoe in the western U.S. state of California. Researchers from the University of California at Davis have found that filters in the mountains of Lake Tahoe are darker than ever before because of byproducts of coal combustion blown over from China.

A woman in China covers her face to avoid polluted air
Beijing has passed many clean energy regulations. Starting in July, for example, all new cars sold must meet stricter fuel-economy standards than those in the United States.

Leaders have also ordered crackdowns on some of the worst polluters.

But Brown says local authorities rarely enforce environmental laws passed in Beijing.

"It doesn't have the staffing even to monitor completely local air and water pollution, much less to enforce it," he said. "So regardless of what is said in Beijing, very little is happening at the grass roots to reduce pollution."

Beijing wants to clean the air in time for the Olympic games two years from now. But as long as rapid economic growth remains the number one priority, China's pollution will continue to soar, while people around the world pay the price.
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