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China's Hollywood 'killed' nearly 1 billion Japanese last year

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even fanboys with a commen brain wont by those stuff, dont you agree?``but apparently that viet boy does
I don't know about China but in India this is a dangerous staff. Psychologically a child's mind is tender like a clay. It takes shape as you wanted to. I do not know how many children hang themselves here to imitate a famous superhero character. May be the OP is nonsense to you and me but to a tender mind it always act like a poison.
Unlike Taiwan, mainland Chinese mass can be easily manipulated. The "party" knows what right what wrong for Chinese peasants. Though fuelling nationalistic sentiments can be dangerous if their wishes cannot be fulfilled.

yes so 'easily manipulated' that in my school history and pilitics books the government 'brainwashed' us to call viets comrade, but in real life all of us call you the M word``and now we are FOOKed because we did not 'follow' what the government 'told' us
kid `do not play this with me, I bet you spent your entire clueless day searching funny things like this to support your personal agenda against China. can you do anything useful in your life apart from this?
I work fulltime as engineer, and you? This is my first ever anti China thread, I believe.
and if you have ball answer my Post 8
Sure, there is a difference between reality and fiction. As far as I know we never produce such stuffs to make people hating China and its people.
I don't know about China but in India this is a dangerous staff. Psychologically a child's mind is tender like a clay. It takes shape as you wanted to. I do not know how many children hang themselves here to imitate a famous superhero character. May be the OP is nonsense to you and me but to a tender mind it always act like a poison.

you are underestimating the child in your country, you know people will grow up and their commen sense will 'grow' too```i used to like superhero movies or 'killing' japanese movies when i was small, you know childern like actions, guns and explosions on screens.... and now do I believe in those or hating those 'enemies' from the TVs i saw when i was little``??
Unbeliveable! and you know what happened during Cultural Revolution?

what do you think? my parent were students by then ,and the biggest impact for them is they can not participate in the college entrance examination. though poor, their childhood were much happier than us , for that the society was very egalitarian ,and they don't have to struggle for money, houses , cars.....
Cut the crap, film is just film, of course there will be some senses of national pride or whatsoever. The same thing goes for Hollywood too. I am no fan of Chinese movies, but I don't think bashing China for killing a billion Japanese in movies justify the accusation of spreading propaganda. It is just a matter of perspective, I can say that almost all war movies from Hollywood are propaganda, but most people will take it as entertainment, bomb blast gun shot blood spilled, heck I love those things more than the story itself in any war movies.

Moreover, China is not North Korea, whether the movies are propaganda or not, it is up to the Chinese viewers to decide. But I am sure that most of the viewers don't really take it too seriously.
I work fulltime as engineer, and you? This is my first ever anti China thread, I believe.

Sure, there is a difference between reality and fiction. As far as I know we never produce such stuffs to make people hating China and its people.

stupidity has no boundary, dont say things that you are not sure kid...communists regime is called for making 'golorious' and 'mass killing' enemies stuffs```dont tell me the self-claimed vietcong is not one of them
you are underestimating the child in your country, you know people will grow up and their commen sense will 'grow' too```i used to like superhero movies or 'killing' japanese movies when i was small, you know childern like actions, guns and explosions on screens.... and now do I believe in those or hating those 'enemies' from the TVs i saw when i was little``??
This unfortunate but am afraid it's true that there are not too many people around me like you. Most of my fellow engineers are from urban,sub urban sides of India and you cant imagine their reaction when they came to know that I am on a Pakistani defence forum:lol:
what do you think? my parent were students by then ,and the biggest impact for them is they can not participate in the college entrance examination. though poor, their childhood were much happier than us , for that the society was very egalitarian ,and they don't have to struggle for money, houses , cars.....
can you pls elaborate a bit for the bold part? That isn´t the first time I hear from a Chinese. Just want to understand.
Unbeliveable! and you know what happened during Cultural Revolution?

and now you tell me that you are not extreemly ignorant and brainwashed about China```lol

This unfortunate but am afraid it's true that there are not too many people around me like you. Most of my fellow engineers are from urban,sub urban sides of India and you cant imagine their reaction when they came to know that I am on a Pakistani defence forum:lol:
``````good luck to you with your friends then```:lol:
Although Japan wartime crimes occured long ago, the CCP continues to use it as a tool to manipulate the people, to make them to forget what happened after WW II in China: social experiments with millions of death, inititating and involvement in wars in Korea, India, Soviets and Vietnam. Not to forget supporting acrotities of the Red Kmers in killing fields. :hitwall:

Yeah, tell Hollywood to stop making Holocaust, Nazis killing Jews, GIs saving the world movies.
stupidity has no boundary, dont say things that you are not sure kid...communists regime is called for making 'golorious' and 'mass killing' enemies stuffs```dont tell me the self-claimed vietcong is not one of them
Vietnam is a one party state, everything relating to China is a subject for censor. China is a hot and sensitive topic, as usual since 1,000 years.

For instance the Sino-VN war of 1979 is taboo for the press.
can you pls elaborate a bit for the bold part? That isn´t the first time I hear from a Chinese. Just want to understand.

what do you want to know?killing? never heard of it in my hometown,maybe there are in big cities.starvation?my parents have 16 brothers and sisters(both my father and mother's family have 9 children) ,none of them starve to death.for having too many children ,my grandparents are the poorest in the village for having too many mouths for food.
I think we need more anti-Japanese movies, not enough imo. It needs to be more hard hitting.
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