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China's Google Earth rival claims Arunachal.

how about Nanning, Guangxi? one of our poor cities on Sino-Vietnamese border?

I don't blame you for being brainwashed, you are the victim of the regime in new delhi. however, for the sake of your family and your kids, time to consider to migrate to Nanning, probably start working as a taxi driver there.

again i'm asking same queston are they born developed:pop:
well i am visiting their website and seems like they are far behind Google Earth
Here is the link

Hope they can make it better and also provide Street View facility like google :)

It lags much when loading, which is likely to deter many users. Apart from this I would say this indeed a good initial effort/platform for further add-on improvements, which may in the long run put it in competition with the more complex Google Maps service. Below is a screen shot with the maximum zoom (1:2300).

world politics 101: our land base missiles deployed in our border can wipe out the entire New Delhi within minutes, there will be no conflict between us in the future because you guys simply do not stand a chance.

work harder, get yourself qualified to be our enemy, for now, please just shut up.

Land based missiles. :rofl:. We know how capable you guys are. Stealing and reserving engineering Technology from all over the world speak volumes of your true capabilities. We also got BMs and hypersonic missiles that can destroy all your major cities.

We are working hard and with our knowledge based economy in long run we would out run u and you would keep sweating in your sweat shops. With 100 billion dollars we are spending on modernizing our military , u guys would not know what hit you if we decide to go to war with you.
Land based missiles. :rofl:. We know how capable you guys are. Stealing and reserving engineering Technology from all over the world speak volumes of your true capabilities. We also got BMs and hypersonic missiles that can destroy all your major cities.

We are working hard and with our knowledge based economy in long run we would out run u and you would keep sweating in your sweat shops. With 100 billion dollars we are spending on modernizing our military , u guys would not know what hit you if we decide to go to war with you.

and the last world class weapon india made by it self was?

also 100 billion, ha, forgetting who economy is larger?
the point is your sicked nation couldn't even come up with a domestic version.

your IT industry is just a lie.
your people are not capable of doing this.


Our IT industry is a lie .I think this what u people believe bcoz of
restriction of information followed by ur Communist party .But i can help u with the information india has launched it's own version of google earth before u Guys did it's called as Bhuvan Go through the following link

link:India’s “Google Earth” Bhuvan Gets Massive Upgrade: 2D, Rediff Maps, Community; Releases API - MediaNama
btw, please stop contributing your view on Taiwan.

tell me dude, since when india/Indians have a say about world politics? or even politics in Asia? do you seriously believe your nation is capable of this?
world politics 101: our land base missiles deployed in our border can wipe out the entire New Delhi within minutes, there will be no conflict between us in the future because you guys simply do not stand a chance.

I am scared bcoz we dont know what we can do if china fire a missile
bcoz we dont have any missile in our inventory and we dont have any good aircraft which can enter chinese territory and bomb ur cities
and also we dont have any army deployed in the north-east to stop chinese invasion.I think indian goverment should take the threat given by you seriously and our prime minister should start creating some missile

work harder, get yourself qualified to be our enemy, for now, please just shut up.

Ya ur great country has lost a war with vietnam so i would suggest u to win a war with them and then talk until then u shut up
Our IT industry is a lie .[/url]

how about check out how silly (in terms of international patents filed) your "infosys" looks like when compared to Huawei?

how about spend just 1 minute to have a look at our real IT system that are supporting over 100 million concurrent users?

I am scared bcoz we dont know what we can do if china fire a missile
bcoz we dont have any missile in our inventory and we dont have any good aircraft which can enter chinese territory and bomb ur cities
and also we dont have any army deployed in the north-east to stop chinese invasion.I think indian goverment should take the threat given by you seriously and our prime minister should start creating some missile

Ya ur great country has lost a war with vietnam so i would suggest u to win a war with them and then talk until then u shut up

lost a war with vietnam?

:rofl: maybe tomorrow you want to tell me india saved the world by fighting Nazi in WWII.

:rofl: trust me, I will be damn happy if such view is shared by all indians. it would help to directly prove the iq of your nation.
When did China lost a war to Vietnam? Are you being brainwash by your India media? I was born and live in HK so don't tell me I was blinded by Mainland China Media.
indians, please, please claim victory for our 1962 war. you can even claim Shanghai belongs to you.
how about check out how silly (in terms of international patents filed) your "infosys" looks like when compared to Huawei?

how about spend just 1 minute to have a look at our real IT system that are supporting over 100 million concurrent users?


What a pathetic comparison
Huawei is a networking and telecommunications equipment supplier
Infosys is a information technology services company

These 2 companies can never be compared with each other bcoz they are completely in a different domain .And when did i compare indian companies with the chinese counter part i have shown the link about india's Google earth .So dont be a fool by making such patheic comparison
Peaceful is just a fool. Why take his statements seriously? Ignore the bloody idiot.

And his comment about moving to a chinese city to be a taxi driver is just in a bad taste. Ignore the troll.
you guys really need to grow up. what's big deal? If indian made such a map, you will include Kashmir as well.

We are already there in Kashmir and our people were there since time in memorial.Who speaks Mandarin in aruncahal and how come devout buddhist places become a part of atheist china?
What a pathetic comparison
Huawei is a networking and telecommunications equipment supplier
Infosys is a information technology services company

are you kidding?

Both are considered as high tech companies in ICT sector.
Both are the biggest technology companies in mentioned two countries.

The difference is: Infosys produce about zero patent, while Huawei files thousands of patents a year.

why? because indian couldn't accept truth and move one.
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