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China's giant, quiet step in space


Feb 21, 2012
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China's giant, quiet step in space
By Leroy Chiao, Special to CNN
June 29, 2012

(CNN) -- In May, SpaceX became the first of the new generation of commercial aerospace companies to deliver cargo to the International Space Station. The cargo delivery was part of the first flight test of the integrated Falcon-9 launch vehicle and the Dragon capsule spacecraft with rendezvous and berthing mechanism systems.

By all accounts, the major test objectives were successfully achieved. Previously, such spacecraft and operations had only been achieved by governments. What made this a historic first was that a commercial company had done it. The news was widely covered in the international media, especially in the United States.

One month later, China launched its fourth crewed space mission, Shenzhou-9. This was also a history-making flight, in that China, which had in 2003 become only the third nation capable of launching astronauts into space (and is now only one of two, since the retirement of the U.S. space shuttle in 2011), demonstrated crewed rendezvous and docking to their orbital module, Tiangong-1. The crew also featured China's first female astronaut. They spent several days docked to Tiangong-1 conducting various operations, before safely returning to Earth on Thursday night.

China's mission was widely covered in the international media, but the coverage in the United States was notably quieter than that of SpaceX. This is somewhat understandable, as SpaceX is an American company. But the sentiment of many in the United States is that the Chinese mission was a big "So what?" After all, the United States and Soviet governments had demonstrated crewed docking missions back in the 1960s, and operationally, China is still far behind.

The difference in U.S. attitudes toward these two accomplishments is striking. This is especially interesting given the relative positions of the two. SpaceX is off to an impressive start, but it will be several years from now before they (and/or other commercial players) could have an operational, crewed orbital spacecraft. China, on the other hand, has a relatively mature human spaceflight program that is nearly a decade old.

We downplay China's accomplishments at our own peril. That the United States and the Soviet Union demonstrated crewed rendezvous and docking operations more than 40 years ago is not the point. The point is, now the Chinese can do it, too.

China's first crewed space docking was a giant step. It enables the Chinese to build and operate their own space station, establish the technology that is necessary to efficiently send astronauts to the moon and beyond, build and operate fuel depots, and construct vehicles and bases in space.
Opinion: Will China overtake America in space?

The commercial efforts to low Earth orbit, which SpaceX achieved, are only a piece of the U.S. space program. The other much larger piece is exploration of deeper space. This is the domain of government space agencies. In this, the United States must not scale back.

I have seen China's space technology. It is impressive. What the Chinese lack is operational experience. In that, we are still far ahead. But we in the know hear footsteps. It's time not for another government space race, but for expanded space cooperation and collaboration -- an effort the United States would lead, as it does today with the International Space Station program. Bring China into the international fold. This is how we can retain the leadership position. Otherwise, we risk falling behind.

China's giant, quiet step in space - CNN.com

Leroy Chiao: China's first manned space docking in June was a giant step for the country
Chiao: We celebrated SpaceX's mission, but were notably quieter about China's mission
He says: We downplay China's accomplishments at our own peril
Chiao: We don't need another space race, but we must not lose our leadership in space


Leroy Chiao

Editor's note: Leroy Chiao is a former NASA astronaut and commander of the International Space Station. He served as a member of the 2009 Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee, and is the special adviser for human spaceflight to the Space Foundation.
I have seen China's space technology. It is impressive. What the Chinese lack is operational experience. In that, we are still far ahead. But we in the know hear footsteps. It's time not for another government space race, but for expanded space cooperation and collaboration -- an effort the United States would lead, as it does today with the International Space Station program. Bring China into the international fold. This is how we can retain the leadership position. Otherwise, we risk falling behind.

China's giant, quiet step in space - CNN.com

Interpretation: China's space program should be under US control like the rest of the world because we don't want to allow an independent nation to have the ability to compete with us, but if you don't become our subordinate then we will fall behind and you will surpass us and there's nothing we can do to stop you.

Interpretation of interpretation: Give me your food so I can have it all to myself, if you don't give your food you get to eat it and live and will have the strength to fight and there is nothing I can do to forcefully take away your food so you must hand it over or else I will do nothing.

The US would lead the world to total destruction。
Interpretation: China's space program should be under US control like the rest of the world because we don't want to allow an independent nation to have the ability to compete with us, but if you don't become our subordinate then we will fall behind and you will surpass us and there's nothing we can do to stop you.

Interpretation of interpretation: Give me your food so I can have it all to myself, if you don't give your food you get to eat it and live and will have the strength to fight and there is nothing I can do to forcefully take away your food so you must hand it over or else I will do nothing.


You are obviously inebriated.

Unrelated, but I didn't feel it was not covered enough at all, but that was probably because I use internet news sources to get my news and not tv. For example it was in the top headlines of google news for some time and a top headline in Science (or up there thereabouts) even longer. Getting more news from the internet than tv would be one large difference between my generation and the last one imo.
It is a power race between USA, Russia, China, European Union.
I have seen China's space technology. It is impressive. What the Chinese lack is operational experience. In that, we are still far ahead. But we in the know hear footsteps. It's time not for another government space race, but for expanded space cooperation and collaboration -- an effort the United States would lead, as it does today with the International Space Station program. Bring China into the international fold. This is how we can retain the leadership position. Otherwise, we risk falling behind.

China's giant, quiet step in space - CNN.com

To late for that.

going solo like china is now is a better plan but we can cooperate with smaller countries.
No need to cooperate with our number 1 enemy in space.

If it weren't for the US, China would never have been accepted into the WTO, and hence its boom

If it weren't for the US, the Soviet Union would've taken more than just Vladivostok.

If it weren't for the US, China wouldn't even have an internet to censor.

If it weren't for the US, there wouldn't even be a Taiwan "issue." It would still be an integral part of the Japanese Empire.

The existence of the US as the world superpower is more beneficial to China, than any close alternatives, such as Nazi Germany, which view Mongoloid as the next race to exterminate or the USSR, which views China as a giant farmland fit only to grow food for Soviet citizens.
If it weren't for the US,

China would never have been accepted into the WTO, and hence its boom
US will never enjoy its low inflation during their financial crisis, a better liquidity and hence its aversion to a depression and a polluted environment because it has China to outsource its pollution and inflation to

If it weren't for the US, the Soviet Union would've taken more than just Vladivostok.

But we have Japan, Taiwan, Xinjiang and South Xizang, the South China Sea ( Vietcongs, Pinoys) to worry about because of usa

ps indian is just more an harrassment than a serious issue, so indian cheerleaders should relax

If it weren't for the US, China wouldn't even have an internet to censor.
and we dont have to worry about us political spams, cyber espionage and ridiculous insults

If it weren't for the US, there wouldn't even be a Taiwan "issue." It would still be an integral part of the Japanese Empire.

and the us is leeching billions from our folks in Taiwan through their arm sales and contaminated beef.

The existence of the US as the world superpower is more beneficial to China, than any close alternatives, such as Nazi Germany, which view Mongoloid as the next race to exterminate or the USSR, which views China as a giant farmland fit only to grow food for Soviet citizens.

they can be just as or at times more dangerous to China than the Ruskies

US will never enjoy its low inflation during their financial crisis, a better liquidity and hence its aversion to a depression and a polluted environment because it has China to outsource its pollution and inflation to

But we have Japan, Taiwan, Xinjiang and South Xizang, the South China Sea ( Vietcongs, Pinoys) to worry about because of usa

ps indian is just an harrassment more than a serious issue, so indian cheerleaders should relax

and we dont have to worry about us political spams, cyber espionage and ridiculous insults

and the us is leeching billions from our folks in Taiwan through their arm sales and contaminated beef.

they can be just as or at times more dangerous to China than the Ruskies
Cyber espionage :lol:
The US was the one who refused China entry into the International Space Station. The reason?

They didn't feel China could contribute.

LOL. It's the same story with the Europeans and their Galileo. China got fed up and started our own Beidou system. Good thing that we did. Because Beidou is now in operation, and Galileo has lagged behind and plagued with delays.

Moral of the story? Let the Americans and others keep China out. China will eventually develop the technology if need be, and achieve independent technical expertise in the process.
If it weren't for the US, China would never have been accepted into the WTO, and hence its boom

If it weren't for the US, the Soviet Union would've taken more than just Vladivostok.

If it weren't for the US, China wouldn't even have an internet to censor.

If it weren't for the US, there wouldn't even be a Taiwan "issue." It would still be an integral part of the Japanese Empire.

The existence of the US as the world superpower is more beneficial to China, than any close alternatives, such as Nazi Germany, which view Mongoloid as the next race to exterminate or the USSR, which views China as a giant farmland fit only to grow food for Soviet citizens.

There are no "if s" in history.

It is a power race between USA, Russia, China, European Union.

You left out Japan.
In terms of current active launcher's lift capacity Japan HII is more powerful than China LM2-3.

However once China's LM5 becomes active it will bump China up the lift capacity ranking.

Wow, you will have a lot of Indians trolling as you omit India from the list.

Because India launcher lift capacity is not significant enough ?
The coin has two sides. You mentioned one but forget the other side???

BTW, tell me how the heck taiwan will remain with the japs after the japs was defeated in WWII and China was the major contributor???

If it weren't for the US, China would never have been accepted into the WTO, and hence its boom

If it weren't for the US, the Soviet Union would've taken more than just Vladivostok.

If it weren't for the US, China wouldn't even have an internet to censor.

If it weren't for the US, there wouldn't even be a Taiwan "issue." It would still be an integral part of the Japanese Empire.

The existence of the US as the world superpower is more beneficial to China, than any close alternatives, such as Nazi Germany, which view Mongoloid as the next race to exterminate or the USSR, which views China as a giant farmland fit only to grow food for Soviet citizens.
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