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China's Ganzhou City has surpassed the prosperity of Taipei

Very funny!

The most unlikely thing happened in this world!

It's funny, even the new building built in old European style.

Inferior complex and self-hated Chinese.

Brainwashed by the communist!

when will Hồ Chí Minh City catch up with my hometown, Ganzhou City, a city in China's hinterland JiangXi province.

HCMC has not as many Chinese motorbikes as your hometown.
Is there only VN in your mind? :omghaha:

i was about to ask the same question. I really dont understand why someone will bring Vietnam into all this. Maybe he just trolling/trying to invite trolls, because it doesnt make sense at all.:disagree: why will a big country like china be obsessed with 'little' Vietnam? :cheesy: They should look for a country their size/league to compare with, say Japan,U.S, Russia, Europe etc. :agree:
when will Hồ Chí Minh City catch up with my hometown, Ganzhou City, a city in China's hinterland JiangXi province.
Hey, 老表 ! U from JiangXi province too ?
Hey, 老表 ! U from JiangXi province too ?
Could anyone explain about the legend of JiangXi immigration to Hunan 江西填湖广 ?
How could Zhu Yuanzhang say "to have a bath in 3 days" "歇息三天" and it became "to slaughter in 3 days" "血洗三天"? :suicide2:
Why is Vietnam so poor? they need to work hard like the Chinese people.
Why is Vietnam so poor? they need to work hard like the Chinese people.

Is Vietnam really poor? It is a developing nation, like most of Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa. You live in Philippines, right? Have you been to some parts of Manila, or been to Leyte, Aklan an Antique? There are some underdeveloped areas, and similar to Vietnam. The point is, both Philippines and Vietnam are developing.

Give them time.
it‘s a shame on u wish.we should be modest not be pompous!
Just simply said "Empty vessels make the loudest sound" =))
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