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China's first man in space reveals astronauts ate dog meat to keep up their strength


May 14, 2010
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China's first man in space reveals astronauts ate dog meat to keep up their strength


Dog diet: Yang Liwei boards China's first manned spacecraft Shenzhou 5 in 2003 - where astronauts had a canine diet

By Allan Hall
Last updated at 9:40 AM on 14th May 2010

China's first man in space has revealed that the menu on his spacecraft included dog meat - to keep the astronaut's strength up.

Yang Liwei, who commanded the Shenzhou Five mission in 2003, revealed canine menu samples that were on-board his craft along with chicken and fish.

In his autobiography ‘The Nine Levels between Heaven and Earth’ he said: 'Many of my friends are curious about what we eat in space and think that the astronauts must have some expensive delicacies, like shark's fin or abalone.

'Actually we ate quite normal food, there is no need to keep it a secret,' he added, listing chicken, steamed fish and dog meat from Huajiang county in Guangdong.

Chinese nutritional experts recommend dog meat, especially in winter months.

Finding dog meat, bones and even skulls - they are boiled to make broth - in Chinese supermarkets, particularly in the north of the country, is by no means unusual.

Germans and Swiss were recently horrified to find that St. Bernard dogs - traditionally associated with rescuing avalanche victims in the Alpine regions of both countries - are now bred in China on special farms for their flesh.

The dogmeat menu was still in use last year, when Chinese astronauts conducted their first ever spacewalk.

If China has its way, it will be served when the country accomplishes its goal of a man-on-the-moon in 2030.

Animal rights campaigners in China were horrified at the revelations.

They believe dog consumption is the preserve of peasants and should not be promoted by people who are in effect the national elite.

'Yang Liwei is a role model for so many young people and he is one of China's greatest heroes,' said Jill Robinson, the founder of Animals Asia.

'We hope that he might recognise dogs as the heroes they are too: they found survivors after the Sichuan earthquake and protected people from potential terrorists during the Olympic games. Surely they deserve more.'

European astronauts do not have to resort to snacking on man‘s best friend.

One of Germany’s Michelin-star chefs now cooks for the crew of the International Space Station (ISS).

Harald Wohlfahrt, fifty-two year old chef of the prestigious Schwarzwaldstube Restaurant in Germany’s Black Forest, was recruited to spice up what was a down-to-earth menu.

Chef Wohlfahrt began revamping the tubed and tinned paste food about 18 months ago when he first learned that the astronauts were eating healthy but less tasty meals because of the special requirements of space.

Salt accelerates bone loss, vitamin D must be added due to lack of sunlight, and sauces can’t be used for fear of spills, which, in a weightless environment, could damage electrical equipment with potentially disastrous results.

Foods also need to be highly seasoned, because astronauts’ sense of taste is diminished in outer space.

Astronaut Frank De Winne gave Wohlfahrt’s new menu a taste test prior to his launch into space and gave the food an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Admittedly there was plenty of room for improvement.

Wohlfahrt tasted some standard astronaut fare before beginning his space food project. 'I felt sorry for the astronauts,' he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung. 'It tasted like cat food.'

He now offers Swabian potato soup, braised veal cheeks with wild mushrooms and plum compote.

China's first man in space Yang Liwei reveals astronauts ate dog meat to keep up strength | Mail Online
Dog meat!!!!!!!:woot::woot::woot::woot:

Ohhhh..... Now i understand, where the hell all these dogs went missing in china !!!!

If they don't mind,can we export dogs to china??You know we have lots of street dogs here....;)
I don't think any meat is necessary now a days to keep up strength because modern pharmaceutical tech has given so many artificial and easy ways to keep up strength. Tonic, syrups, capsules, tablets... even injections are the easy and quick ways to keep up even instant strengths.
Just different food culture, japanese eat whale meat, koran and vietnam aslo eat dog meat. Just like indian like open defecation and dont use toilet paper, different culture.:lol:

Perhaps Indians can offer some 'delicious Curry r-a-t meat'. Rats are often associated with spreading disease and f-ilth, yet Indians eat dirty rats. And your offer of stray Indian dogs is declined because these dogs feed off dead humans.

We've been through this discussion many times before. Different cultures have different eating habits. First, prove one culture is better than the other. Second, get all of your people to practice what you preach. Lastly, once you accomplish the first 2 objectives, then you can lecture and preach and we the uncivilized will heed your great vast wisdom.:undecided:
what's the difference between dog meat and other meats? nothing!
Insects on the other hand
And his you guys=indian. have a fun.:lol:

Well bro, I think, dog meat eating in public places should be banned now.
The central govt should take the initiatives. It cannot be done over night. But gradually people will be able to give up this food habit.

The national image building is more important.
Well bro, I think, dog meat eating in public places should be banned now.
The central govt should take the initiatives. It cannot be done over night. But gradually people will be able to give up this food habit.

The national image building is more important.

The sale and consumption of dog and cat meat has ALREADY been banned a few months ago. Did you get the news?

Also, surprising so many Caucasians actually felt there was no need for a ban. They realized that a canine is not better than a cow, pig, fish. We basically have two choices nutrients: Meat or Plants. Most species of organisms consume other species of organisms to live --- IT'S THE MOST NATURAL LAW OF NATURE.
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^^^ No need for "counter propaganda", the TRUTH will do fine. If someone lies and tries to defame you, expose their lies with FACTS.
Thanks bro for remining me, i ws just about to post pictures of a Pakistanis get caught in HK, kill four women first, rape next, and ate their b....and n...., but what the hell, it ain't worth it.:cheers:

I'm beginning to suspect U-571 is actually not Pakistani, or even if he is, he is a reject (and doesn't represent Pakistan).

Let's not fall for their trap to malign us. :pakistan::china:

There are GOOD and BAD people in ALL societies. But that's doesn't mean if someone badmouths us that we stay silent -- we need to stand up for ourselves. But let's not let a few cases of "few bad apples" dictate how we treat other cultures and people.

Also, let's forget about India's bad apples as well. Let's not mistreat others based on a few freaks. There are freaks in Germany, USA, England, Africa, and everywhere else as well. Let's end this useless finger pointing best we can.

Pakistan, China, India Zinabad.
chinese eat dog, rats, flies, insects, crocodile, snakes, spiders, lizards, baby humans, does it look like a cool appetite to outsiders, yuuuukkkhhhh!!!!!!!!!

bloody swine eaters they are too!!!
what a moron
guys, listen to this picture and...

dogs and cats are eaten commonly in East Asian countries.

Living in Dubai I come across Pinoys yearning for some of the 'delicacies' we would never eat.

It's a matter of culture. Muslims, even the most non-religious Muslim would find it really hard to take a bite of anything pork. (Some) Indian Hindus are horrified at seeing us eat Beef, the very smell of it makes them go puking.

To the person consuming these forbidden items, its all so normal.
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