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China's Double Game: Hiding ULFA Chief in Yunnan province

India is already playing the Tibet card.

No buddy, it isn't. We still maintain that Tibet is a part of China. Our relations with China are far too important for us to jeopardise it needlessly. All that you see is an exercise in damage control. The options remain though, to be exercised when the chips are down, but as of now, we just want better access into your markets. Tibet is really secondary.
IRA men hiding in Ireland ! Where else they will hide ? In Timbuktu ?

The case is different here. An Indian terrorist wanted by the authorities is hiding in a enemy country . And the border is not porous as you said, China knows he is China

How is the case different? China shares a porus border with you? Obviously you prefer burping and tasting it to when you make your comments.
No buddy, it isn't. We still maintain that Tibet is a part of China. Our relations with China are far too important for us to jeopardise it needlessly. All that you see is an exercise in damage control. The options remain though, to be exercised when the chips are down, but as of now, we just want better access into your markets. Tibet is really secondary.

This is interesting points of view. Besides going short of a diplomatic declaration Tibetan independence what realistic options hasn't India tried? Indian intelligence works with the exile community, India was used as the jumping off point for 1970's covert war against Chinese rule in Tibet, and I'm sure India is well aware of the large portion of Tibetans who escape China to India then infiltrates back to China (now why would they do that if all they wanted was to escape persecution?)

True India is afraid of jeopardizing trade ties and angering China, and I'll contend that this is what is stopping India from doing more not some imaginary sense of restraint.
You contradict yourself

If he is useless and toothless you should be least bothered where he is at the moment?

What proof have you provided that he is there with Chinese Govt. help other than blabber?

The border areas are porus and easy to cross so if you know where he is just take him out or shut up. During the IRA crisis their men frequently hid in Ireland but we never blamed Ireland for our problems. The whining is not going to help.

What makes you feel that we are bothered about PB. We are happy for him to die of old age. We intend to keep him on the run though so that he does not get too comfortable and start getting troublesome. There are various ways to ensure that he does not stay at one place for too long.

Hahahahaha. Don't tell me that the Irish govt was not pressurised to stop clandestine support to Sinn Fein. The pressure was exerted by prominent Irish American politicians and Ireland was bluntly told of dire consequences if they did not exert pressure to get those guys to the negotiating table.

No one is whining here. It just helps the cause to highlight these activities of our neighbour.
What makes you feel that we are bothered about PB. We are happy for him to die of old age. We intend to keep him on the run though so that he does not get too comfortable and start getting troublesome. There are various ways to ensure that he does not stay at one place for too long.

Hahahahaha. Don't tell me that the Irish govt was not pressurised to stop clandestine support to Sinn Fein. The pressure was exerted by prominent Irish American politicians and Ireland was bluntly told of dire consequences if they did not exert pressure to get those guys to the negotiating table.

No one is whining here. It just helps the cause to highlight these activities of our neighbour.

Its obvious you did not read to much about the IRA struggle? The most rabid support to IRA came from the US till it started killing innocent civilians.

The only pressure which came on IRA was the economic development of Europe and a distaste of the the General public for violence.

8 pgs of Indian comments and cribs and you say you think he is a toothless tiger.
This is interesting points of view. Besides going short of a diplomatic declaration Tibetan independence what realistic options hasn't India tried? Indian intelligence works with the exile community, India was used as the jumping off point for 1970's covert war against Chinese rule in Tibet, and I'm sure India is well aware of the large portion of Tibetans who escape China to India then infiltrates back to China (now why would they do that if all they wanted was to escape persecution?)

True India is afraid of jeopardizing trade ties and angering China, and I'll contend that this is what is stopping India from doing more not some imaginary sense of restraint.

1970 is far too ancient a time to have any bearing now. At that time China too actively supported the NSCN, Issac Muivah gang and some other people. But subsequently, China did cut off all aid to our north eastern insurgents and India reciprocated. These are established facts.

Tibetans, Bhutanese, Nepalese, they are crossing over to and fro all the time. Most of the time they bring Chinese made jackets, jeans and electronics stuff into India but that unofficial trade has almost petered out now that these goods are available here at very competitive rates. Stand on the border any day and you will see 3-4 guys with a loaded pony slinking in through the jungles in the mountains. They are harmless poor people with relatives or acquaintances on both sides.
1970 is far too ancient a time to have any bearing now. At that time China too actively supported the NSCN, Issac Muivah gang and some other people. But subsequently, China did cut off all aid to our north eastern insurgents and India reciprocated. These are established facts.

Tibetans, Bhutanese, Nepalese, they are crossing over to and fro all the time. Most of the time they bring Chinese made jackets, jeans and electronics stuff into India but that unofficial trade has almost petered out now that these goods are available here at very competitive rates. Stand on the border any day and you will see 3-4 guys with a loaded pony slinking in through the jungles in the mountains. They are harmless poor people with relatives or acquaintances on both sides.

I'll keep an open mind can you cite me some sources for Chinese support for insurgencies in the NE in the 1970's?
Its obvious you did not read to much about the IRA struggle? The most rabid support to IRA came from the US till it started killing innocent civilians.

The only pressure which came on IRA was the economic development of Europe and a distaste of the the General public for violence.

8 pgs of Indian comments and cribs and you say you think he is a toothless tiger.

I remember this very clearly that there was a very important role played by the Irish Americans in bringing about the Belfast Agreement of 1998. They also roped in Ireland. I remember Gerry Adams thanking some Congressmen on BBC. I heard that interview so I remember.

Of course, the IRA had support in the US. That support goes back hundreds of years when Catholics were persecuted in England and many fled to the 'New World'. You are right about the support base in the US eroding in the 1970s and 1980s due to the violence.

I have told you the status of the ULFA. It is the least of India's worries. Conclusions you draw are upto you.
I'll keep an open mind can you cite me some sources for Chinese support for insurgencies in the NE in the 1970's?

There was no internet at that time my friend. You may find some reference here and there which can not be substantiated through available open sources. But yes China was courted by our insurgents and certain amount of support was indeed made available to them. And then the Chinese stopped all support.
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