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China’s disappearing farming land

Born in communist nations with father working for the Govt. of course I learned abt Lenin-Karl Marx since I was a child. I also use Karl Marx's thought abt capitalism to decide when should I trade Gold or stock or buying house to make money. 'Das Kapital' of Karl Marx help me a lot in understanding the rules of capitalism and figure out when economy recession.will happen

When using Karl Marx thought to analyze China, people can see clearly a serious conflict between 2 classes: proletariat and bourgeoisie ( or the rich and the poor) , and base on what Karl Marx said: it will lead to a serious riot in the future bcz rich Chinese getting richer , greedier in land grabbing and more corrupted and poor Chinese is getting poorer with their jobs losing every day :pop:
Very funny, I find a live dogmatist, hope more vietnamese like you, Hehe.
Very funny, I find a live dogmatist, hope more vietnamese like you, Hehe.
Just look at what happening , u will see how serious in China class conflict.
Deadly bomb blasts hit Chinese Communist headquarters
"There are small demonstrations at least once a week and there are big protests once a month," said a 53-year-old man near the scene who would only identify himself as Mr Ma.

Taiyuan has one of the largest wealth disparities in China, with the emergence in recent years of a class of obscenely wealthy coal barons.

"There are so many groups of people who would have a reason to do this," he added. "Lots of people in the city are angry. I remember once there was an attack on the building by 500 people, and another time I photographed a woman who managed to get inside the compound before she was dragged away. The police came to me and made me delete the picture".

The bombs appear to be confirmation that the simmering anger that has bubbled over in recent years in the form of street protests across China has now hardened into more drastic, and destructive, action.

Some noted that the city's new mayor, Geng Yanbo had embarked on a swathe of home demolitions in recent months to clear the way for a new motorway. "They call him 'Point the finger' Geng," said one man. "Because wherever he points his finger, they knock down the house."

Mr Geng, who was until February the mayor of another city in the province, Datong, is a controversial figure. Loved by some for his ambitious urban-planning, he is loathed by those who have to make way for his projects. "There was a protest by some people from Datong here last week," the same man said. "Perhaps this is linked to that."
Deadly bomb blasts hit Chinese Communist headquarters - Telegraph
Just look at what happening , u will see how serious in China class conflict.
Hehe, yes, very very serious, tell you, that may beyond your imagation, I have read such kind of news more than one hundred.

I worry over these, very much, can't sleep well because of these.

And hope you spread your opinion in vietnam, let more vietnamese believe these, let you vietnmese don't worry, China will collapse soon.
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Some points to those who ruin the thread:
1. Vietnamese GDP is less than a City of China - Shenzhen.
2. Vietnamese GDP per person is far less than China.
3. There are many illegal immigrants cross border, some of them became illegal low level labor forces, some became illegal service workers and some became bribes of rural place. Further more, many of them are female. Many of your female abandoned your country.
Think about it when you say 'poor'. You people always prove that you are well 'civilized' and you always show us what are your dreams and delusions.
Hehe, it's great that bros from China have fun. But I remind you that you could put them on your ignored list if you have time.
base on what Karl Marx said: it will lead to a serious riot in the future bcz rich Chinese getting richer , greedier in land grabbing and more corrupted while poor Chinese is getting poorer with their jobs losing every day

Karl Marx said that about 150 years ago and his proletarian theory has proven to be not so well-grounded. Hence theory has progressed to first Gramsci and then the Frankfurt School, which admitted that the proletariat would not act as a historical unified force to change the ownership of the means of production. Some even said that there was no permanent class. That's where we are now.

On topic:

"Local officials in East China's Zhejiang province will be required to swim in rivers in their administrative areas to prove to the citizens that the quality of the rivers has been improved.

The province's CPC standing committee has stated that, by July 12, local governments in the province must nominate rivers that are clean enough to swim in. Once the nominations are approved, the officials must swim in those rivers.

Improving water quality is one of the most important administrative targets of the province this year. Each local official is appointed to one or several parts of a river in their administrative region. Improving the water quality is directly linked to officials' performance assessments." (Beijing Review)
Karl Marx said that about 150 years ago and his proletarian theory has proven to be not so well-grounded. Hence theory has progressed to first Gramsci and then the Frankfurt School, which admitted that the proletariat would not act as a historical unified force to change the ownership of the means of production. Some even said that there was no permanent class. That's where we are now.

On topic:

"Local officials in East China's Zhejiang province will be required to swim in rivers in their administrative areas to prove to the citizens that the quality of the rivers has been improved.

The province's CPC standing committee has stated that, by July 12, local governments in the province must nominate rivers that are clean enough to swim in. Once the nominations are approved, the officials must swim in those rivers.

Improving water quality is one of the most important administrative targets of the province this year. Each local official is appointed to one or several parts of a river in their administrative region. Improving the water quality is directly linked to officials' performance assessments." (Beijing Review)
I guess the next best thing to drinking the water is swim in it
Some points to those who ruin the thread:
1. Vietnamese GDP is less than a City of China - Shenzhen.
2. Vietnamese GDP per person is far less than China.
3. There are many illegal immigrants cross border, some of them became illegal low level labor forces, some became illegal service workers and some became bribes of rural place. Further more, many of them are female. Many of your female abandoned your country.
Think about it when you say 'poor'. You people always prove that you are well 'civilized' and you always show us what are your dreams and delusions.
Hehe, it's great that bros from China have fun. But I remind you that you could put them on your ignored list if you have time.
you sound like you are a korean
Karl Marx said that about 150 years ago and his proletarian theory has proven to be not so well-grounded. Hence theory has progressed to first Gramsci and then the Frankfurt School, which admitted that the proletariat would not act as a historical unified force to change the ownership of the means of production. Some even said that there was no permanent class. That's where we are now.
The West havent collapsed like Karl Marx said bcz they outsourced all low-paid jobs to China, and China was fallen into their trap when betraying the communist block and taking those low-paid jobs, so now, China will face with serious riot due to class conflict again like Tienanmen protest soon.

If China didnt take low-paid jobs from the West, then the Western worker surely would stand up and overthrown the Capitalism bcz Western worker can not stand the terrible working condition like China worker during 1979 to 1990.
China drives home message that golf courses are not the fairway to heaven
All that remains of the long fairways and manicured greens at the 18-hole golf course on the outskirts of Beijing are bits of rubble and mounds of mud. In March, Chinese authorities sent in workers to dig up the course and tear down the clubhouse.
Two others across China were also demolished while another was turned into an eco-friendly park and a fifth converted into a tea plantation, suggesting the government could finally be cracking down on developers who have long ignored a 2004 ban on building new golf courses.

At the Mission Hills golf course in Shenzhen, joining membership fees can cost up to 2 million yuan ($322,100), according to the club's website.
But no one got a chance to tee off at the course in the Chaoyang district of Beijing, which was demolished before it opened.

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