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China's Deep Sea Ambition, Technology, Expeditions: News & Updates

Buoys, beacons in Qiongzhou Strait updated with help of Beidou navigation marks
Source: Xinhua| 2020-01-09 07:47:11|Editor: ZD

Aerial photo taken on Jan. 8, 2020 shows staff members on the sea patrol ship "Haixun 172" deploying a buoy installed with a telemetry and telecontrol unit based on Beidou Navigation Satellite System and Beidou AIS (Automatic Identification System) physical navigation mark in Qiongzhou Strait, south China. Staff members of the Haikou navigation mark office of the Navigation Guarantee Center of South China Sea (NGCS) of the Ministry of Transport updated the No. 1 buoy in Xiuying Port of Haikou by installing a telemetry and telecontrol unit based on Beidou Navigation Satellite System and Beidou AIS (Automatic Identification System) physical navigation mark on Wednesday. In the past four month, about 112 buoys and 6 beacons in the Qiongzhou Strait have been maintained and updated, which realized the fully coverage of telemetry and telecontrol system on the navigation marks in waters in the strait. The navigation and transportation efficiency are expected to be improved as the Spring Festival travel rush is upcoming. (Xinhua/Yang Guanyu)




Construction starts on deep sea research center in China's Qingdao
Xinhua | Updated: 2020-01-14 15:52
Deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong prepares for a dive in June 2017. LIU SHIPING/XINHUA

QINGDAO - Construction has started on a deep sea research center in East China's port city of Qingdao to explore frontier fields such as the origin of life on Earth.

The center is established by the Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao).

The center will pool domestic and foreign resources to carry out interdisciplinary research on the deep sea, including marine physics, chemistry, biology and geology, according to sources with the national laboratory.

The center also plans to conduct research on frontier fields such as deep-sea dark energy, the evolution of deep sea life, as well as technologies for deep sea exploration and resource development.

In recent years, the pilot national laboratory in Qingdao has accelerated the pace of exploring the deep sea with the development of a 10,000-meter underwater glider and submersible targets.

It is also developing unmanned mobile observation platforms such as all-sea-depth autonomous underwater robots to provide support for deep sea research.

"Our knowledge of the deep sea is still very limited. Many mysteries remain unsolved such as the impact of the deep sea on the global climate and how organisms survive in the light-free and oxygen-free deep sea environment," said Hu Dunxin, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
China's underwater gliders complete observation in Indian Ocean
Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-16 18:02:36|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, March 16 (Xinhua) -- China's self-developed underwater gliders have successfully conducted observations in the Indian Ocean, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Chinese oceanographic research ship Xiangyanghong 06 has returned to the city of Zhoushan in east China's Zhejiang Province on March 12, finishing a research expedition in the Indian Ocean. Developed by the Shenyang Institute of Automation under the CAS, 12 gliders codenamed Haiyi participated in this voyage as important survey equipment.

The 12 underwater gliders carried out cooperative observation in a designated sea area. Together they traveled more than 12,000 km and conducted more than 3,400 profiling observations, obtaining a large number of hydrological data including temperature, salinity, turbidity and oxygen content.

The mission of the 12 underwater gliders marks the application of indigenous gliders with the longest time and largest scale in Indian Ocean observation. It will promote the large-scale application of domestic marine equipment, according to the CAS.
China's deep-sea manned submersible to explore furthest reaches of Mariana Trench
2020-05-25 16:20:43 Ecns.cn Editor : Mo Hong'e

A deep-sea manned submersible capable of 10,000-meter dives is assembled. (File photo/CGTN)

(ECNS) -- A deep-sea manned submersible capable of 10,000-meter dives will explore Challenger Deep, the deepest part of Mariana Trench in the Pacific this year, according to China State Shipbuilding.

Mariana Trench is the deepest known trench on Earth.

The submersible was assembled in March and started complete pool flow testing to last till June.

Technologies including spherical shell welding and buoyancy material will provide necessary support during the dive, said Ye Cong, its chief designer.

Researchers ditched the original melon petal design for a spherical shell, reducing the number of welds and significantly improving stability.

The submersible is expected to conduct sea tests in coastal waters before attempting its 10,000-meter dive, Ye confirmed.

The yet-unnamed submersible is not China's first to be manned.

In June 2012, China's first deep-sea manned submersible, named after mythical sea dragon Jiaolong, set a world record by diving 7,062 meters down Mariana Trench.

Shenhai Yongshi (or "deep-sea warrior"), China's second deep-sea manned submersible, is able to dive underwater to a depth of 4,500 meters.
China announces name of its deep-sea manned submersible
Source: Xinhua| 2020-06-21 01:46:27|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhua) -- China has named its new deep-sea manned submersible "Fendouzhe," which means "striver" in Chinese.

An expert panel chose the name from a shortlist of 10 nominees, which were voted by nearly 100,000 web users during an online campaign launched by state broadcaster China Media Group.

The manned submersible for 10,000-meter deep-sea exploration recently completed tank experiments in a Wuxi-based research institute under the China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited.

This 10,000-meter manned submersible project was launched in 2016 by scientists who previously developed manned submersibles Jiaolong and Shenhai Yongshi (Deep Sea Warrior).

According to media reports, the new submersible is expected to dive in the Mariana Trench after the final experiments in Wuxi.

Submersible mother ship upgraded for China's deep-sea explorations
Jun 26, 2020

China's newly renovated deep-sea submersible mother ship Tansuo-2 (Exploration No. 2) successfully set sail on Thursday. The mother ship left Fuzhou Port in southeast China's Fujian Province on Thursday after completing its 18-month renovation process.
10分钟前 来自 HUAWEI Mate 20

“海星三号”长3.5 m,宽3.5m,型深8m,是一种海星外形的电力自给型海洋探测装置。该装置通过海星形的主体设计、吸波浮体实现波浪能被高效吸收转化成电能,其外形与水下附体的稳性设计,使装置主体在海上平稳运行,保证装置上方搭盖太阳能电池板在稳定的角度内高效吸收太阳能发电。通过转换利用两种清洁能源进行互补供电,该装置可持续给装置自身搭载及连接布放的海洋仪器供电。应用后,该装置可提高探测仪器及所附装置的生存能力,将增强长期持续开展海洋探测工作能力,提高海洋探测用仪器稳定性和数据采集率,降低仪器维护费用,对海洋建设具有重要意义。
China Ocean Shipping Magazine
10 minutes ago from HUAWEI Mate 20

[Guangdong COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry successfully delivered the electric self-sufficient ocean exploration device "Haixing III"]

Recently, the electric self-powered ocean exploration device "Haixing III" designed by Guangzhou Energy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and built by Guangdong COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry was successfully delivered.

"Haixing-3" is 3.5 m long, 3.5 m wide, and 8 m deep. It is a self-sustained ocean exploration device with a starfish shape. The device is designed with a starfish shape main body, and floating body parts to ensure that wave energy is efficiently absorbed and converted into electric energy, moreover its shape plus the stability design of the underwater attachment enable the main body to remain stable at sea, thereby ensure that the solar panel on the device can efficiently produce solar energy at a stable angle. By switching and utilizing two kinds of clean energy as duo-complementary power supply, this device can continuously supply power to the marine instruments whether onboard or connected. After fielding, the device can improve the survivability of sensor instruments and attached devices, will enhance the ability to carry out long-term ocean exploration work, improve the stability and data collection rate of ocean exploration instruments, and reduce instrument maintenance costs, which is of great significance for ocean exploration.



China announces name of its deep-sea manned submersible
Source: Xinhua| 2020-06-21 01:46:27|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhua) -- China has named its new deep-sea manned submersible "Fendouzhe," which means "striver" in Chinese.

An expert panel chose the name from a shortlist of 10 nominees, which were voted by nearly 100,000 web users during an online campaign launched by state broadcaster China Media Group.

The manned submersible for 10,000-meter deep-sea exploration recently completed tank experiments in a Wuxi-based research institute under the China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited.

This 10,000-meter manned submersible project was launched in 2016 by scientists who previously developed manned submersibles Jiaolong and Shenhai Yongshi (Deep Sea Warrior).

According to media reports, the new submersible is expected to dive in the Mariana Trench after the final experiments in Wuxi.

China's manned sub dives over 10,000 meters in Mariana Trench
Nov 9, 2020

China's deep-sea manned submersible, Fendouzhe (Striver), successfully landed on the bottom of the #MarianaTrench at a depth of 10,909 meters on Tuesday.

China's manned submersible sets diving record
chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2020-11-10 07:51

A screenshot from CCTV shows China's new deep-sea manned submersible Fendouzhe, or Striver. [Photo/CCTV]

China's new deep-sea manned submersible Fendouzhe, or "Striver", set a new diving record of 10,058 meters on Oct 27 while approaching the Challenger Deep, a 11,000-meter chasm located at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean, according to China Central Television.

The submersible will attempt another dive into the world's deepest known point on Tuesday. Last month, Fendouzhe made its maiden journey to the Mariana Trench onboard its mother ship, Exploration 2.

Fendouzhe is the world's deepest-diving manned submersible, capable of carrying up to three passengers to conduct scientific research in the deep sea. The instrument is electrically powered and can operate for around 10 hours underwater.

Almost all the vehicle's technologies and instruments were developed by Chinese researchers, according to the China Ship Scientific Research Center.

In June 2012, China's first deep-sea manned submersible, named after the mythical sea dragon Jiaolong, set China's previous diving record by plunging 7,062 meters down the Mariana Trench.

Shenhai Yongshi ("deep-sea warrior"), China's second deep-sea manned submersible, is able to dive to a depth of 4,500 meters.

据悉,“奋斗者”号全海深载人潜水器是“十三五”国家重点研发计划“深海关键技术与装备”重点专项的核心研制任务,其核心部件国产化率超过96.5%。(科技日报记者 陈瑜)O“奋斗者”号全海深载人潜水器顺利完成万米深潜...

Science and Technology Daily
16 minutes ago from Weibo

[" Fendouzhe" all-sea depth manned submersible successfully completed the full 10,000-meter deep diving test]

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Science and Technology on the 19th that the "Fendouzhe" all-sea depth manned submersible completed all the 10,000-meter level deep-diving test.

As of November 16, the Fendouzhe has carried out a total of 12 dives, of which 7 dives exceeded 10,000 meters. It broke 10,000 meters for the first time on October 27, created on November 10 a new record for China's manned deep dive of 10909 meters. During the sea trials, a batch of sediments, rocks and seabed biological samples were obtained, which provided first-hand information for further research on the abyss.

It is reported that the "Fendouzhe " all-sea depth manned submersible is a core development task of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" - national key research and development plan of "Key Deep Sea Technology and Equipment", and the localization rate of its core components exceeds 96.5%. (Science and Technology Daily reporter Chen Yu)




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