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China's 'Come to Jesus' Moment

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Outlawing it usually ends up not getting rid of it through eroding it like in Russia where Religion was banned during soviet times. look at Europe example through centuries as the heart of Christianity today it's turning Agnostic and Atheist while Russia on the other hand is experiencing a sort of religious revival.

Perhaps that Europeans are more highly educated (or have easy access to) than Russians. Religion...bane of humanity.
christians are imperialists, colonialists, warmoners, rapists, murderers, serial killers, baby killers, scum of the earth.

the day this planet is cleansed from this vulgar religion, is the day this planet will have peace.

Not quite. The Ethiopian believe that they are Christians since Jesus' time. They still got beat up and colonized by the Italians who actually took up the Christian religion in a much later time.
Well it has to do with shifting ideologies and policies throught recent Chinese history.

The idea now (which I agree with) is to find some kind of balance.

The end result will probably be the overwhelming majority of the population staying as Atheists, with a minority of people who practice Taoism/Confucianism/Buddism, and also a much smaller percentage of people who follow the Abrahamic religions. So basically it will stay similar to the current status quo, except with some atheists finding religion, and with some religious people becoming atheists.

Though personally I have noticed the trend that the younger generation is much more likely to become atheist.

Thanks for insights, but for last point I have different views.. what I see here in USA is more and more chines youth is going to church , one who is born here and one who just landed from China. I may wrong.. and one more thing how come people are not going back to roots that is Taoism/Confucianism/Buddism ?
If that (信仰基督越晚 战斗力越高) were a general rule, we should consider convert to Christian after everyone else did that.
Perhaps that Europeans are more highly educated (or have easy access to) than Russians. Religion...bane of humanity.

More developed country as well. currently now in China, Chinese Muslims don't go out and try to convert anyone generally keep to ourselves unlike the Christians through. influenced by Confucianism the Chinese Muslims, Christians tend to go after the rural people who need aid that's how they gain followers.
There is logical flaw in almost any kind of religion's bible. How can you convince yourself/other that you are right?

Secondly, why can you judge others to be evil? That's a very big word for the Christians to use. According to your "god", god says to human "not to judge". You are no more than human, so how could you judge your equals?

Comrade October, where did I leave a tract that I "judged" others to be evil? Did I say I am GWB?

“The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked ..."

That implies my own heart is "deceitful" and my own mind "wicked".

I don't self-flagellate because of this, but it was my choice to ask for forgiveness.
Thanks for insights, but for last point I have different views.. what I see here in USA is more and more chines youth is going to church , one who is born here and one who just landed from China. I may wrong.. and one more thing how come people are not going back to roots that is Taoism/Confucianism/Buddism ?

You are right, I have noticed some Chinese people with Western nationality becoming religious.

However they are not Chinese nationals. So it is unlikely to affect the demographics in China itself.

As to the why, I have no idea. It seems almost illogical, since it's the West that is abandoning religion at a faster pace than the rest of the world. While we Chinese were mostly atheist to begin with.

Perhaps it has something to do with social pressure, since the USA (for instance) is by far the most "Christian" of all the Western nations. Or maybe it's simply that some people want what they don't have. I couldn't say for sure.
You are right, I have noticed some Chinese people with Western nationality becoming religious.

However they are not Chinese nationals. So it is unlikely to affect the demographics in China itself.

As to the why, I have no idea. It seems almost illogical, since it's the West that is abandoning religion at a faster pace than the rest of the world. While we Chinese were mostly atheist to begin with.

Perhaps it has something to do with social pressure, since the USA (for instance) is by far the most "Christian" of all the Western nations. Or maybe it's simply that some people want what they don't have. I couldn't say for sure.

Religion very much Influences the USA Politics today, while most other Western Countries are becoming less the US still remains like that.
Comrade October, where did I leave a tract that I "judged" others to be evil? Did I say I am GWB?

“The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked ..."

That implies my own heart

Dear Sir,

I'm not a comrade of you for sure.

I don't believe in Communism at all, after I learned what it is all about. I read Marx and Adam Smith and I'm more fond of Adam. Karl's assumption of human nature is too big a premise for his conclusion to make sense. And the Russians actually did a 90 years social experiments that turns out not quite successful.
christians are imperialists, colonialists, warmoners, rapists, murderers, serial killers, baby killers, scum of the earth.

the day this planet is cleansed from this vulgar religion, is the day this planet will have peace.
You should not insult God by saying this, everyone has religious freedom. If China turn to a christian country, we will surpass USA in the future.
Thanks for insights, but for last point I have different views.. what I see here in USA is more and more chines youth is going to church , one who is born here and one who just landed from China. I may wrong.. and one more thing how come people are not going back to roots that is Taoism/Confucianism/Buddism ?

Perhaps these people are looking to differentiate themselves from others. I remember reading an article from an Australian comparing life in his hometown versus China. He mentioned that since China have so many people you become just a number making it impossible to be an individual. I think a majority of these new inductees will lose interest.
You should not insult God by saying this, everyone has religious freedom.

Fair enough. :tup:

If China turn to a christian country, we will surpass USA in the future.

The West is declining... and China is rising. So I'm not sure how that works.

We're on the right path now already, all it needs is a little guidance and a lot of perseverance.
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