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China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

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Sure, so where are the B-2 attacks on China?

Let us have it. :lol:

Ignore the soon-to-be Third World Greek

Amalakas is a bankrupt Greek. I don't remember anyone putting him in charge of the USAF.

How is he any different from an Egyptian pretending to control Russia's nuclear arsenal?

Both situations are equally ridiculous. Amalakas is delusional.


Amalakas should be focused on the discussion of demoting Greece into a Third World developing country. He is not an American and he should stop talking big about a country that he knows nothing about.


"MSCI holds fire on South Korea; Greece could be demoted to EM
June 20, 2012 10:27 pm by Pan Kwan Yuk
But perhaps the bigger shocker (or not depending on your point of view) is news that Greece is being added to MSCI’s review list for potential reclassification from developed to EM status. Talk about a kick in the teeth.

From the MSCI press release:

The MSCI Greece Index is structurally no longer in line with Developed Markets size requirements with only two index constituents. If these two remaining index constituents were to experience further decrease in size, MSCI may be forced to discontinue the calculation of the MSCI Greece Index. The weight of the MSCI Greece Index in the MSCI World Index has decreased from 0.16% in May 2010 to 0.03% in May 2012.

In addition, the Greek equity market is the only Developed Market in which in‐kind transfers and off‐exchange transactions are prohibited and stock lending as well as short selling practices are not well established. This has created significant concerns for market participants and in particular for passive portfolio managers. The Greek authorities have not been receptive to repeated complaints from the international investment community and did not manage to bring equity market regulations and practices in line with the evolving standards of Developed Markets.

MSCI may launch a public consultation on a proposal to reclassify the MSCI Greece Index to Standalone Market status outside of the regular reclassification cycle if the country were to introduce accessibility restrictions to its equity market following a potential exit of the country from the European Monetary Union.

Amalakas is a bankrupt Greek. I don't remember anyone putting him in charge of the USAF.

How is he any different from an Egyptian pretending to control Russia's nuclear arsenal?

Both situations are equally ridiculous. Amalakas is delusional.


Amalakas should be focused on the discussion of demoting Greece into a Third World developing country. He is not an American and he should stop talking big about a country that he knows nothing about.

[snap]: MSCI holds fire on South Korea; Greece could be demoted to EM | beyondbrics

"MSCI holds fire on South Korea; Greece could be demoted to EM
June 20, 2012 10:27 pm by Pan Kwan Yuk
High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights. [snap]: MSCI holds fire on South Korea; Greece could be demoted to EM | beyondbrics

But perhaps the bigger shocker (or not depending on your point of view) is news that Greece is being added to MSCI’s review list for potential reclassification from developed to EM status. Talk about a kick in the teeth.

From the MSCI press release:


What has his country of origin or the state of his countries economy have to do with mission planing?
What has his country of origin or the state of his countries economy have to do with mission planing?

He does not understand American policy goals or military history. He has no business talking about the USAF.

How would you like it if someone from Bermuda kept talking about scenarios where the Bermudan uses Russia's nuclear arsenal?

Wouldn't you find that ridiculous?

The guy (Amalakas and the Bermudan) needs to have his head examined.
Amalakas is a bankrupt Greek. I don't remember anyone putting him in charge of the USAF.
And we do not remember anyone putting you in charge of the PLA.

Considering you have no military experience and no related experience in the technical issues discussed, who is the truly delusional one here?
And we do not remember anyone putting you in charge of the PLA.

Considering you have no military experience and no related experience in the technical issues discussed, who is the truly delusional one here?

My military analyses are fully supported by citations. For example, I quote Admiral Willard or PLA general Peng.

By the way, you are guilty for your sparsity of quoting American military leaders in your sometimes ridiculous posts.


At Amalakas:

Look, a member of a PIIGS bailout country has no right to talk trash. It is a sign of mental illness.

Your country Greece is crap. You Greeks are just a bunch of beggars. I'm tired of your anti-China posts.
And we do not remember anyone putting you in charge of the PLA.

Considering you have no military experience and no related experience in the technical issues discussed, who is the truly delusional one here?

Usually those who have military experience lack experience and wit in other fields. Scientists never have military experience like you have but do think you understand the world better than a scientist ?
My military analyses are fully supported by citations. For example, I quote Admiral Willard or PLA general Peng.

By the way, you are guilty for your sparsity of quoting American military leaders in your sometimes ridiculous posts.


At Amalakas:

Look, a member of a PIIGS bailout country has no right to talk trash. It is a sign of mental illness.

Your country Greece is crap. You Greeks are just a bunch of beggars. I'm tired of your anti-China posts.

You know your arguments lack sufficient understanding and hence you are resorting to semi-personal insults.

Nothing new here. Your attacks will not change the way I take down your false understandings.

I respect China far more than you do, that is why I don't make false assumptions about it. Its military and anything else along the way.

I had military training, The first thing they teach you is "To respect your opponent" ,any opponent.

China is NOT my opponent, and I doubt it will ever be, but you are drawing lines in the sand as if you are responsible for foreign affairs. (Thank God you are not!)

Now to answer your questions and explain to you why I understand US foreign policy better than you.

Because I was serving in a NATO air force for a long time. I was briefed on US foreign policy, I was given leaflets with instructions for out of country deployments. I have been given briefings and material to study. I went to seminars.
One of them was titled, "NATO structure in the face of the ever changing geopolitical aspirations of the Far East: A complex time game"
I still have that leaflet among others. You think our jobs was just going into work every day and taking care of Jet engines like your buddy has suggested in the past?

This shows how clearly misinformed you are.

The fact that my country is bankrupt has nothing to do with my intelligence and how I perceive your arguments or lack there of.

Bottom line is your arguments are biassed and lack any depth. That is why we are here. Not because I am Greek.

get it ?

Usually those who have military experience lack experience and wit in other fields. Scientists never have military experience like you have but do think you understand the world better than a scientist ?

How about those who have military experience and then went on to get degrees from it and now are scientists in the field?

I see a lot of misunderstanding about how western military works in this forum.
You know your arguments lack sufficient understanding and hence you are resorting to semi-personal insults.

Nothing new here. Your attacks will not change the way I take down your false understandings.

I respect China far more than you do, that is why I don't make false assumptions about it. Its military and anything else along the way.

I had military training, The first thing they teach you is "To respect your opponent" ,any opponent.

China is NOT my opponent, and I doubt it will ever be, but you are drawing lines in the sand as if you are responsible for foreign affairs. (Thank God you are not!)

Now to answer your questions and explain to you why I understand US foreign policy better than you.

Because I was serving in a NATO air force for a long time. I was briefed on US foreign policy, I was given leaflets with instructions for out of country deployments. I have been given briefings and material to study. I went to seminars.
One of them was titled, "NATO structure in the face of the ever changing geopolitical aspirations of the Far East: A complex time game"
I still have that leaflet among others. You think our jobs was just going into work every day and taking care of Jet engines like your buddy has suggested in the past?

This shows how clearly misinformed you are.

The fact that my country is bankrupt has nothing to do with my intelligence and how I perceive your arguments or lack there of.

Bottom line is your arguments are biassed and lack any depth. That is why we are here. Not because I am Greek.

get it ?

How about those who have military experience and then went on to get degrees from it and now are scientists in the field?

I see a lot of misunderstanding about how western military works in this forum.

You are way out of line.

You are a Greek and trash talking with American military power. This is absurd.

If you want to make a point, show a reputable citation and make a reasonable argument.

Otherwise, your anti-China rhetoric is tiresome and annoying.
You are way out of line.

You are a Greek and trash talking with American military power. This is absurd.

If you want to make a point, show a reputable citation and make a reasonable argument.

Otherwise, your anti-China rhetoric is tiresome and annoying.

Your resorting to insults again will have no bearing.

You are once again asking me for citations. Let us all examine what happened last time you asked me for some!

In post #2260 in the J-20 5th Generation Aircraft: Updates & Discussions I posted:

oh .. and because you usually ask for citations ... here they are .. i wonder if you are going to read them.. .

D.Curtis Schleher, Electronic Warfare in the Information Age, Artech House, Inc.

George W. Stimson, Introduction to Airborne Radar

Yang Jing, Lv Youxin, Efficient Digital Channelized IFM Receiver Research

have fun man..

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...ft-updates-discussions-151.html#ixzz23cNkbjQF

Your amazingly intellectual answer to that was :

post #2261
Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you guys? You never post a reputable citation to back up your crap. It gets annoying.

Do you see my post above? It has a reputable citation. Do you understand the difference between my post and your crappy rhetoric?.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...ft-updates-discussions-151.html#ixzz23cNvyvgS

You see how you say they are NOT reputable sources?

And in my response to that amazing comment by you was :
post #2262

D.Curtis Schleher, Electronic Warfare in the Information Age, Artech House, Inc. 1999;

George W. Stimson, Introduction to Airborne Radar (Second Edition), SciTech Publishing, Inc, Raleigh, NC, USA, 1998;

Yang Jing, Lv Youxin, Efficient Digital Channelized IFM Receiver Research, Journal of UEST of China, Vol.34, No.4, Aug.2005;

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...ft-updates-discussions-151.html#ixzz23cNzufEX

You never came back to us with more explanation as to why you consider the above references for that topic as non reputable, especially seeing as a particularly important one for my arguments was actually Chinese ! ..

you only attacked again asking for exact word phrases that mention what only you understand, not realising that the Chinese citation had been written for exactly what you were asking for!!!

In other words you have been busted .. and you have lost all (if any) credibility you might have had in asking for citations , because when they are given to you , you lack the proper education and understanding to use them and evaluate them.

end of story.

unfortunately for you, a forum is a timeline of all the things we post. And guess what, it exposes YOU, not me.

keep it up exposing yourself ..

You see unfortunately, a person's ethnicity has nothing to do with the truth.
He does not understand American policy goals or military history. He has no business talking about the USAF.

How would you like it if someone from Bermuda kept talking about scenarios where the Bermudan uses Russia's nuclear arsenal?

Wouldn't you find that ridiculous?

The guy (Amalakas and the Bermudan) needs to have his head examined.

I have worked with the USAF and the USN, on more occasions than you can even begin to imagine.

Your lack of understanding of NATO structures is amazing.
My military analyses are fully supported by citations. For example, I quote Admiral Willard or PLA general Peng.
No. Your 'analysis' are merely creative reinterpretations of other people's real analysis.

Usually those who have military experience lack experience and wit in other fields. Scientists never have military experience like you have but do think you understand the world better than a scientist ?
And do YOU have experience that are relevant to the subjects here? If not, I suggest stop sucking up to the Chinese, keep quiet and ask earnest questions. Guarantee that you will learn something.
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