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China's autonomous submersible makes maiden dive

But it was the truth, Chinese negative post has no problem
But it was the truth, Chinese negative post has no problem

Thanks. I think Xinhua never intend to insult Chinese people everyday. They only try to update news to the people.

For example, last year the loss of Yutu rover should be reported to everybody no matter how it failed. Not only Chinese people but we all watch the progress with keen attitude.
Some silences by media at the time killed the patience of everybody.

Same to the Apollo mission to the Moon watched by all human-being just like it belongs to human-being not NASA.

The people has demand to get update informations for what they want to monitor.
Any little response from the item, or NO RESPONSE are news.
That is news. I dont make up it. It would be good, or bad only in someone mind. That doesn't intend to insult anyone.
Its our chance to observe what really going on of a high tech equipment rather than just imagination of something never happen. It is similar to watch a rocket launch by NASA, it could be successful or failed. It is transparent, I highly appreciate that aspect, in recent incident made by China. For good news, actually it could be made up or intentionally created and spread out by the legion of Chinese members here.
Good and bad are two sides of everything, bad even better than good to help everyone improve. I myself appreciate anyone provides another side of our economy, army, community... as long as it reflect the truth.
Even the news Apple sells good is considered as bad news by several Chinese members here, while it helps create many jobs in China...
I admit that I am a poster of ugly truth, remember my thread " The ugly Vietnamese "?
I am responsible to all of my posts.
you don´t get it!

you have a long history of creating negative threads on china one after one. you were banned and banned. your acts on the board speak a different language than you claim here and there. nobody takes you seriously. your intention is not debating, but just trolling. as I said once, I don´t mind if you troll chinese, but you should try a bit more clever, as blackflag for example. but you had done lately, is just boring.

your threads on VN were not not nice at all. you have no right to judge on vietnam and vietnamese people, just citing some bad bahaviors, and claim "ugly". that is not the ugly truth, as you say it, it is a provocation for me as well. we both know what we are good at, and also what we are not good at. don´t you remember of the vietnamese proverb "don´t show your back to everybody!"?

sure, you are responsible for your posts. hense I slap your face. your attempt to link your posts with "NASA" is very poor.
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you don´t get it!

you have a long history of creating negative threads on china one after one. you were banned and banned. your acts on the board speak a different language than you claim here and there. nobody takes you seriously. your intention is not debating, but just trolling. as I said once, I don´t mind if you troll chinese, but you should try a bit more clever, as blackflag for example. but you had done lately, is just boring.

your threads on VN were not not nice at all. you have no right to judge on vietnam and vietnamese people, just citing some bad bahaviors, and claim "ugly". that is not the ugly truth, as you say it, it is a provocation for me as well.

whatever you say.
You tend to become a Moderator, if you need my vote.
You never know why I was banned. It's always unfair reason. Sometime silly reasons.

I respect your right as a free member, I enjoy my own right, pls respect. As everybody know we are free in our mind. No one control us, you dont control my mind. So do I.

Leave me alone, Viet. If one of my post bother you, just report it to the Mod.

I know in advance that most of Chinese people has negative view about "The Ugly Chinese" and most of Vietnamese share the same feeling to "The ugly Vietnamese".
I have it in mind when I created the thread "About the ugly Vietnamese". I'm responsible for that.
I know your feeling, simple, easy to understand, because most of people think like you.

But it's necessity to face those in a brave way.
Dont you think that BoQ 77 trolling Vietnamese?
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you don´t get it!

you have a long history of creating negative threads on china one after one. you were banned and banned. your acts on the board speak a different language than you claim here and there. nobody takes you seriously. your intention is not debating, but just trolling. as I said once, I don´t mind if you troll chinese, but you should try a bit more clever, as blackflag for example. but you had done lately, is just boring.

your threads on VN were not not nice at all. you have no right to judge on vietnam and vietnamese people, just citing some bad bahaviors, and claim "ugly". that is not the ugly truth, as you say it, it is a provocation for me as well.

sure, you are responsible for your posts. hense I slap your face. your attempt to link your posts with "NASA" is very poor.

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Give the kid a good thrashing so that he doesn't embarrass his countrymen more.

Knee him in the face, but do it with love.
it is best for all if you stop creating threads. how old are you? haven´t you noticed that most of your threads and even your posts are subjects to redilucous comments? don´t you feel any shame?

I hate it when other people laugh at our country and people, just because you create another thread on VN.

How you feel if another member told you the same? No it's not me.
How you feel if another member told you the same? No it's not me.
look, this is an international forum. if you act silly and dumb, people of other countries could mistaken not only you is silly and dumb, but other vietnamese countrymen. my advise to you: take care of your words. I have nothing against you. You should try to act clever and smart.

more than 8.600 posts on this forum, but I can remember of every single post I made.
look, this is an international forum. if you act silly and dumb, people of other countries could mistaken not only you is silly and dumb, but other vietnamese countrymen. my advise to you: take care of your words. I have nothing against you. You should try to act clever and smart.

more than 8.600 posts on this forum, but I can remember of every single post I made.

I have nothing to say Sorry !!!
Knowing you feel annoyed with my "About the ugly Vietnamese" I could estimate who you are.

I'm more open.

Sorry to everyone else, we two not always share the same idea, we're independent thinkers.
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I have nothing to say Sorry !!!
Knowing you feel annoyed with my "About the ugly Vietnamese" I could estimate who you are.

I'm more open.

Sorry to everyone else, we two not always share the same idea, we're independent thinkers.

Hey BoQ!
Are you a trader? Are you involved in trading with China?
Yes. I'm trading with China, Korea, Japan, Asean...
Mechanical failure happens everywhere, the Chinese crew handled the problems very well.

How would VIetnamese handle such a problem? Patch it up with banana leaves like on a sinking shrimp canoe?

No need to do that man
On Topic
Things like these happen in every Navy
But it was the truth, Chinese negative post has no problem
agree. we are developing country, and we still have a long way to go. we have some problems but we can fix them.

What is this submarine?

just a deep water investigating sub, only for science not for military
agree. we are developing country, and we still have a long way to go. we have some problems but we can fix them.

just a deep water investigating sub, only for science not for military

ok so no risk of nuclear fallout incase sub got totalled.

Good that crew is safe.
ok so no risk of nuclear fallout incase sub got totalled.

Good that crew is safe.

There're some other manned and unmanned submersibles, together reach the Deep Challenger. Some suffered hull lost.
So it's so lucky to get the crew back safe.

We wish the best to brave men, but it's better to see an unmanned sub to complete the dangerous jobs, such as challenge the deepest point, explore the damaged nuclear plant, not men.
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