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ChinaIndia first broke the Tacit that's why PLA made tent

Let me pose a question....When the British colonized....why didn;t they attempt to do it to CHina?
As the pics shown , China clained the red line as LAC, while India clained the green line as LAC.
However, both have Tacit: both sides don't make fixed post at this small disputed area. Even look at ntensive posts nere the red line(ITBP post, Daulat Beg Oldi, Leh, Indian Army post), but now, look at inner the red line, India made a new fixed post:Raki Nala(in the PLA clained LAC), PLA worry about India want another forward policy, so PLA made tent nere Raki Nala, India should remove the Raki Nala post then PLA will remove tent.
In the past, PLA and India army Cross-patrol between red line and green line, India army never pass the green line, PLA never pass the red line, India should remove the fixed post, this is wake-up memories of the forward policy of PLA, very similar to the forward policy

Thank you

Can you share a link for this please ?
Even the green line and red line should not have been there(and that the fault entirely lies with government of India for its dovish attitude) - the dispute is Mcdonald line/Karakoram range vs Johnson line(includes Akshai Chin) - So the Raki Nala is well south of either of these lines - So the Chinese should not have issue at all.

So here is the basic fact - China layed highways and other infrastructure in the disputed region - Akshai Chin and the government of India kept quiet all along. Now when Indian army raised a tent, it has become a huge issue - That is where most Indians are upset and I am happy that media has blown this issue wide open so that the Government of India can't appear meek.

Thats why I feel anyone who supports COngress is a traitor to India. Only ANTINATIONALS, CORRUPT PPL, and QUOTA SEEKING PPL support these idiots. Let me remind you this is the same party who won;t release Netaji Bose Secret files because it will do harm with relations to another nation. Netaji Bose is an Indian Hero and we should all recognize that. The mere fact our gov;t ignores this means the British truly left India in the hands of a few chosen elite who don;t represent Indian at all. The mere fact that Dynasty politics represents democracy in India is a SHAM.
The map was first shown by India media, in order to make it clear I choose this, bcs all Chinese maple are not in English. I think that if India army not remove the fixed post, PLA will make the tent to be a fixed post too.

Stupid view. If chinese govt thinks like you, then negotiations ultimately break... and there is no solution possible without negotiations.

As I said before, there is no new Indian position ... otherwise china should have raised it, instead of putting up a tent.

Indian govt has acted responsibly, choosing not to go for a tit-for-tat.

The china's action is comparable to pakistanish style action.. and repeated signals of the same tyupe risk putting it in the same club as the unreliable fickle state, which acts surreptitiously and scared to straight talk.

They have high hope of being compared to US .. now imagine US putting up a tent near North Korean border. Leave alone US, even South Koreans are more responsible.
Agree on a line half-way between the red and green lines and call it a day. Where I live (El Paso Texas) the Rio Grande (agreed border between US and Mexico) shifted.....the land was turned into a park to be enjoyed by both nations. (PS.... I understand that given recent history both nations are loathe to give up even small tracts of worthless land, frightened of setting precedent....but it is time to show you have both matured beyond this insecurity.)
Agree on a line half-way between the red and green lines and call it a day. Where I live (El Paso Texas) the Rio Grande (agreed border between US and Mexico) shifted.....the land was turned into a park to be enjoyed by both nations. (PS.... I understand that given recent history both nations are loathe to give up even small tracts of worthless land, frightened of setting precedent....but it is time to show you have both matured beyond this insecurity.)

Yes, negotiations consider all possible solutions and discuss them.

The unilateral action by china doesn't help negotiations. They should realize there is no solution to this without negotiations. They tried and failed to change anything in 1962 or 1967 or 1987. It is naive to think that they can do that now.

LAC isn't the end result since even on so-called "china's side" of LAC is Indian territory (Aksai chin, Ladakh). Ladakh was never a part of Tibet, leave alone china. LAC only serves the purpose of maintaining a temporary status quo, while negotiations can proceed.
Main problem is china does not want infrastructure in karakoran area. China say xinjiang terrorists are making entry through kashmir and they may use it it future.
So may problem is xinjiang terrorists. It can be solve by attacking them from where they are comming and getting training.

this is correct :D
PLA made a tent made India so......., how do you think if PLA made a fixed post?? I don't agree with you, as your logic, India even don't want a Karakoram highway which links Xinjiang and Western Tibet, why India want this area????

PLA first don't want things bigger, but only let India know that and remove post, solved quietly, but some members of India gorv told that to big mouth media

I am answering the boded part. Let me first make it clear India is not interested in the highway and we understand that it is important for China and we have no problem with it.

The RED line posted above is there only because China would be at a strategic disadvantage if the Indian army is allowed beyond that point as the highway would be susceptible for disruption by the Indian forces in case of war.

Similarly we (India) are complaining because the tents come's at close proximity to the DBO air field making it susceptible so we want the Chinese post to be removed.

Bottom line:
1. There is still a lot of distrust among the two countries.
2. Both the countries don't want to put themselves in a disadvantageous situation on the ground due to lack of trust.
3. India has strategic interest in DBO and China has strategic interest in the Highway.

Possible solution:

1. India needs to reassure China that its post at Raki Nala is only used to for supply and maintenance of DBO.
2. India and China have to sit and finalize the LAC first and come to an understanding on each others perception of the LAC
3. We should encourage joint patrols in areas of miss trust so that there is confidence on both sides.

Finally Thank you @xuxu1457 it was very nice to know the other side of the story.
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@navtrek Well reasoned.....a shame you are not on the negotiating team
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Looking at the picture why dose not China agree for the green line (Indian perception of the LAC) it is almost equidistant from the the Highway and DBO.

Choosing that as the permanent border will settle the dispute. But choosing the red line (Chinese perception of the LAC) will be too close to DBO putting India to a disadvantage.

The green line is in the middle of the two strategic points in question. It would be a win win situation for both the countries what do u feel ?
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That's another thing, India can buid anything out red line, China can build anything out green line; If China or India build anything between red and green line, will sure make another tense. If PLA made a tent can make India so tense, India not make a tent but a fixed post Raki Nala, PLA will feel more tense. Why India feel so tens for PLA's tent and ask Why China feel tense for INdia making fixed post

There are two things that people from China should understand about why things become so tensed in India

1. The media, all this while we never knew that it was India which started the issue by creating the fixed posts. Back home it was portrayed as if China did it unilaterally rather than as a reaction to India's actions.

2. India is a democracy with free media and there is a lot of media hype created with such issues and also due to lack of trust.

However in case of China things are different media is controlled so they are more professional in handling the issues.

off-topic: Can you post the link from where u got the information with which you started the thread.
I am answering the boded part. Let me first make it clear India is not interested in the highway and we understand that it is important for China and we have no problem with it.

The RED line posted above is there only because China would be at a strategic disadvantage if the Indian army is allowed beyond that point as the highway would be susceptible for disruption by the Indian forces in case of war.

Similarly we (India) are complaining because the tents come's at close proximity to the DBO air field making it susceptible so we want the Chinese post to be removed.

Bottom line:
1. There is still a lot of distrust among the two countries.
2. Both the countries don't want to put themselves in a disadvantageous situation on the ground due to lack of trust.
3. India has strategic interest in DBO and China has strategic interest in the Highway.

Possible solution:

1. India needs to reassure China that its post at Raki Nala is only used to for supply and maintenance of DBO.
2. India and China have to sit and finalize the LAC first and come to an understanding on each others perception of the LAC
3. We should encourage joint patrols in areas of miss trust so that there is confidence on both sides.

Finally Thank you @xuxu1457 it was very nice to know the other side of the story.

Aksai Chin is the passageway between Xinjiang and Tibet for about 2000 years, from Han Dynasty to now, this will not change only by one British making one line on map.
Now most west part of disputed areas are at the hand of China, disputed area is about 30000Square kilometers; The middle disputed area is only 2000 Square kilometers; The main disputed area is east part, about 90000 Square kilometers, most of the west part is at the hand of India, today‘s Arunachal Pradesh, in which Tawang is China's interesting, since The sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso, was born in Tawang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawang_district .
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@ All chinese members :
Lets assume every geographical presentation made here is true.
And this hostile land is causing dispute between two Asian BIG nations.

Possibilities and outcomes. Excluding trade and economic relations
1. If china give up the claim hey can buy the calm one border for ever. And can also use this favour as a bargain chip for Tibetian activist in India. And India having no differences will have no reason to entertain US and Japan in millinery aspect.

2. If china don't give up and continue like recent then there will always be situation HOT and both sides will use all mean and be prepared. China being big and powerful might not see that as a problem. But India still not to the mark will take hope form the Chinese adversaries. This might create problems.

3. India agreeing on some middle solution will ease up the tension for now. And India will continue to prepare as this will not build the trust. And India will keep options open in terms of US and Japan.

4. China capturing the comp,tee claim will make India more aggressive and will actively work against China as much as possible. And sometimes that means using Chinese trick to arm the small neighbour. Last thing china want will be Veits acquiring a nuke.

PS. Those all are my opinions and no troll intention. Those who can't reply rationally please don't quote me for your troll urges. Any one who want a decent discussion is always welcome.

Looking at the picture why dose not China agree for the green line (Indian perception of the LAC) it is almost equidistant from the the Highway and DBO.

Choosing that as the permanent border will settle the dispute. But choosing the red line (Chinese perception of the LAC) will be too close to DBO putting India to a disadvantage.

The green line is in the middle of the two strategic points in question. It would be a win win situation for both the countries what do u feel ?
I think the red line is win win too. any broke the status quo is unaccepted without talk on table, keep status quo and talk to solve boundary problem.
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