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china wont support India for UNSC, says Pakistan

Quite natural for indian's when they get frustrated to get passive agressive, it's a natural default position for some indian's a national trait for members of your oppressive elite. :bunny:

Italy has already opposed expansion, a lot of countries especially in Africa oppose expansion which is not indian specific, but we know China is opposed :pakistan::china:

Frustrated.. :lol: why because China does nt support India on some UNSC seat.. :lol:

You gotta be kidding me :lol:
China's position looks like a contradiction. China is not a sweet relationship and India, but China's interests is to support India to become members of the Council. But Pakistan has a serious attitude to opposition. So what happens? It is uncertain, no one can know.

China should just stay neutral and that will not offend Pakistan or p!ss off India. However at the end India still won't get a permanent U.N. seat because USA , Italy and others will oppose India's bid anyways.
We need only 2/3 of the votes and we already have confirmed it some time back..

Italy.. well Italy's official position was that it wont oppose any membership.
I think china will take responsible action not to happened this.

India as PM of UNSC!!!

Dream of drunken or Rise of killer, murderer of 150 000 in Kashmir?

Sha..........e Sha..........e Sha..........e Sha..........e Sha..........e
We need only 2/3 of the votes and we already have confirmed it some time back..

Italy.. well Italy's official position was that it wont oppose any membership.

We will find out the result soon....
China should just stay neutral and that will not offend Pakistan or p!ss off India. However at the end India still won't get a permanent U.N. seat because USA , Italy and others will oppose India's bid anyways.

Do not know, that was too much for me.
FM Qureshi speaking on behalf of Chinese foreign office, strange!

Sino- Indian relationship is not a zero sum game as far as Pakistan is concerned.

Let Sino-Indian diplomacy chart its course and one will see, how China does a US.
Yes, that is a fact that none of the present permanent members wish the status quo to be altered. They have a good thing going which they use to further their own interests. Bringing in more members complicates the issue. The UNSC sanctions have been used by some nations regularly to beat other nations into submission. It is like an exclusive club for the highly privileged and they do not wish the others to gain entry.
However, the stated position of the permanent members is as follows:- "The United States supported the permanent membership of Japan and now of India and a small number of additional non-permanent members. The United Kingdom and France essentially supported the G4 position, with the expansion of permanent and non-permanent members and the accession of Germany, Brazil, India and Japan to permanent member status, as well as an increase the presence by African countries on the Council. China supported the stronger representation of developing countries."

Currently, India, Brazil, Germany and Japan are the aspirants for the UNSC permanent membership. Together they are referred to as the G4. The main opposition for UN SC reforms stems from the so called 'Uniting for Consensus (UfC)' or the Coffee Club. The main aim of this movement is to oppose the bid for permanent membership by the G4. " Some of the members of the Uniting For Consensus group are:
Argentina, Colombia, Mexico - opposed to a bid for Brazil
Italy, Netherlands, Spain - opposed to a bid for Germany (wishing for a seat for the whole European Union)
South Korea - opposed to a bid for Japan
Pakistan - opposed to a bid for India
Canada - opposed in principle to expansion not achieved by consensus or near-consensus"

Therefore, it is not really the present permanent members which are opposed to a reform but individual countries with their own axe to grind. In view of this confusion, a reformation of the UNSC is not going to happen any time soon. This fact is well known to all and the aspirants are prepared to wait for as long as it takes.
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My relative in United Nation i asked him about this deal btw US=India and answer from my relative is simple and logicall

My relative said: Are you crazy its an lollypop from US to India nothing else more.. Its not possible for country like India will get permanent seat in UnitedNation. Italy, Brazil, Japan and many other countries are far more powerfull countries even they are not able to get this seat how country like india will get its political strategy lollypop to India about seat nothing else more. China will directly reject VETO this and about Russia (Russia already watching India/US relation very seriously its indian dream that Russia is not feel anything or ignore US/India relation. Russian already watchout this relation.

My relative is working in UN since 81.

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^^ So the source you are talking about is your relative :hitwall:.

I have been living in US and I know people not only of Indian origin but also American who are born and brought up here. who seems to agree with India's stand.

It's gud to consider someone's opinion but it'll be foolish If you think every opinion is truth or will become truth.
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US still has the power to get things done if they want. China tried stopping nuclear deal as well, what happened? It is more important if we have backing from US. It will take time but US can make it happen. Pakistan has to make a statement of this shows their confidence.
I highly doubt the news...China will not be that blunt...and would certainly not announce the news with Pakistan...
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