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China won, but never wanted, Sino-Indian war

I think its best to not piss off the dragon till we have substantially augmented our muscles. Till then keep the chinese at bay with some trade talk and some bilateral talks and some more CBMs.

Lets face the facts, they emarassed us in 1962, and with the current levels of unpreparedness, they could leave india with a bloody nose again. I mean the airfields along the chinese border are barely operational, watsup with the light weight 155mm howitzers?

2 more aircraft carriers, high density of the the howitzers in the hills, improvement of road rail infra, special training for combat in mountaneous terrain, operatinal airfields, better guns for infanty units - then lets talk dirty with the chinese!!
War is the last option, the best way for word is trade and I'm sure China thinks the same way.
The article shows = what is called propaganda
According to the declassified U.S. diplomatic record, there is at least some truth in it: summary, full. However, both the conflict and China's unilateral pullback took Washington by surprise. Both the Indians and the Americans then grasped that it was a punitive expedition. Yet only afterward did the U.S. supply a frightened India with arms - on the condition they be employed against China, not Pakistan.
Let's accept that some mistakes were made in the foreign relations department and the general line adopted at that time.. We might have lost a good friend in China, but since then both countries have been restraint in their approach to any and all areas.. Media hype on Indian side cannot be helped much because all we have is a overzealous press rather than a quality press, blame it on the sudden entry of these media houses... which found themselves on world stage overnight...

Everything will improve over time.. lets be hopeful..
Lets see towards future

India has showed honesty by avoiding going in antiChina camp of America
Hope China backs down from prodding of Pakistan, and reduce presence in Gilgit Baltistan.

China India are cooperating on several fronts in different forums of world. so hope relations go further to look after economies in tough economic times.
I mean troops placed further inside Tibet which as per arunachal pradesh as part of india further inside tibet further than AP

Nope we never placed troops into tibet...
The chinese felt alarmed, when we started to deploy troops in places, which we have never deployed before......
Through a little conflict china lost india for half a century and counting ..you may have rejoiced with your newly found victory for a while and want us to forget but damage has been done ..you are in negative list and with your delusion (containing india through pakistan) and policy on ap you kept the fire burning ..we have a long memory and everything will be paid back with interest ..
It is unfortunate that most Indians still harbour the delusion that it was China that instigated the border war back in 1962. Most records - western and Chinese- attributes Indian foward policy, arogance and irresponsible loquaciousness as the main reason for the war.
It is well known that premier Zhou Enlai telegramed 3 messages to Nehru to halt the fighting during the war despite PLA forces decimating their Indian counterparts in the battlefield. Nehru didnt even bother to respond!
China has moved on, the 62 war is considered another era.
India however still has not come to terms with the war, their humiliating loss poisoning the psyche and pride of the Indian people to this day.
Indian comrades it is time to move on.

Though the war made more harm to China in long term. As soloman said it was a surprise attack and withdrawal, the attack made a permanent skeptical neighbor near Himalaya border.
It is unfortunate that most Indians still harbour the delusion that it was China that instigated the border war back in 1962. Most records - western and Chinese- attributes Indian foward policy, arogance and irresponsible loquaciousness as the main reason for the war.
It is well known that premier Zhou Enlai telegramed 3 messages to Nehru to halt the fighting during the war despite PLA forces decimating their Indian counterparts in the battlefield. Nehru didnt even bother to respond!
China has moved on, the 62 war is considered another era.
India however still has not come to terms with the war, their humiliating loss poisoning the psyche and pride of the Indian people to this day.
Indian comrades it is time to move on.

China has moved on really ??

Then inspite of taking Aksai chin from India that you never returned , why do you still conyinue claiming AP ? You mischievously call it 'South Tibet' to needle India even though the only Tibetan area in AP is one Tawang district .

We see Chinese members here telling us that China will one day reclaim all its territory back to what was part of Qing empire . Just today there was a thread on annexing Mongolia in which we see most Chinese cheering for the idea .

It is China that needs to move on from it's Qing empire day dreams . If India wanted to go back to it's old Mughal empire , Chola empire or Mauryan empire days than 5 more countries today would be a part of India. But no , India has moved on , China clearly hasn't.

The day you drop your claim on AP which is not a Tibetan area , never was( Except Tawang district) then the sole issue between India and China will stand solved .
This made cold war run between China and India which was taken as advantage by west . Else we would have been in the position of current US and UK .
showing restraint in such matter is much wiser than shout out loud. It makes you look weak and helpless. Restraint is the best thing in such cases as it occurs both ways. I would also ask you this question, why does your media never reports Indian incursions in chinese territory?

Sometimes even i also feel so....I feel that Indian is media is slowly evolving...And it takes more time to get matured enough provide the ground reality and more balanced approch that providing sensational news to the target audience....My impression is that border crossing is not a one way affair...If China troops are doing it then i can hope that same might be happening from Indian side too..But the difference is the way a country is mature enough to handle things and trust.....
It has been half a century since peace returned to the Sino-Indian border following the end of the border war in 1962. But 50 years ago, when China faced several difficulties both domestically and internationally, the Nehru administration, encouraged by the US and the Soviets, brought more trouble to the Sino-Indian border between 1959 and 1962.

China initially tried to avoid military confrontation, out of respect to India's ancient culture and sympathy that it had suffered a similar painful past of oppression by colonial powers. However, India's persistent provocation eventually breached China's bottom-line, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was forced to join the battle in self-defense.

Under the command of the central military commission, Chinese soldiers fought bravely and selflessly despite harsh conditions. They not only broke India's offense, but also destroyed its elite forces, such as the Seventh Brigade of the Fourth Infantry Division, and captured Brigadier John Parashuram Dalvi.

But when the sound of China's artillery reached New Delhi, the PLA decisively halted its military operation and pulled back its troops. The PLA's performance in the war shocked Western strategists and did its country proud. Its victory has also brought peace on one of China's most important borders for half a century.

War is a negotiating approach, but not a goal. Similarly, China's decision to fight back against India in the 1962 border war was to strike a peace with its neighbor. Therefore, while fighting with the Indian troops, China constantly urged the Indian government to end the conflicts and solve the border issue on the negotiating table.

China's peaceful intentions were further testified by its unilateral ceasefire on November 22, 1962, and its withdrawal of troops a few days later to 20 kilometers from the line of actual control since November 7, 1959.

China also carefully treated Indian prisoners of war. Injured Indian soldiers were given proper medical treatment and were sent back to their homeland. Chinese soldiers were even ordered by their commander to polish seized Indian weapons and return them back to the Indian army. This was unprecedented.

Then Chinese leader Mao Zedong believed the battle with India was also a political combat, and the real target was not Nehru but the US and the Soviets that had been plotting behind the scenes against China.

As to Nehru, Mao wanted to wake him up from the superpowers' influence by giving him a heavy punch, so that he would come to his senses and end the war. War is an extreme means of communication between civilizations. The Sino-Indian Border War was not only a special interaction of two ancient civilizations, but also an unfortunate tragedy between two formerly colonized and oppressed states.

Mao understood this from both a historical and philosophical perspective, and so gave India room to maneuver and think during the war. By calling for a unilateral ceasefire when in an advantageous position, pulling back troops and returning prisoners of war and well-maintained weapons to India, Mao wanted to send a message of peace to India, and to lay a good foundation for long-term friendship.

Some in India argued that these peaceful gestures were made to humiliate the Indian army. Such an understanding is narrow-minded.

The Chinese and Indian civilizations have generally been in a friendly relationship for 2,500 years. In ancient times, Chinese Buddhists believed that India was the paradisiacal home of Buddha, and this positive feeling about India has never faded.

Now, the two countries have found more similarities. They both suffered gravely from colonial invasion and oppression in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they are both now powerful emerging countries and key members of the BRICS. These similarities and historical bonds indicate the border issue between China and India can be solved, as the issue was a result of former colonial rule.

Fifty years ago, the Indian government was blinded by selfish interests, and wanted to force the Chinese to accept an illegal border line created by colonial powers. This was boldly rejected. Today, both countries need to learn from their ancient friendly ties and the lesson from the war. For the Chinese, they love peace but they will also firmly defend their land.

China won, but never wanted, Sino-Indian war - Globaltimes.cn
i love the 1962 war, we humiliated the indians and stripped their dignity.
i love humiliating indians.
useless people, know only to breed like rats.

post reported.

we don't feel humiliated, when there is a war or a competition, there is always a winner and a looser. all we care is we fought with dignity. the war might have not been in our favour but we did our par.

now about we breeding like rats, thanks for reminding us every day in the forum. though you have your one child policy for the last 20 years +. still we have not displaced you as the largest population yet. so keep your bs to yourself.
India lost but also didn't want the war .Tell us something we don't know .

If Chinese were really so nice they would give us back Aksai Chin that they took from us in 1962 and solve the border issue through talks .

No , they decided to keep the captured territory and also decided to lay claim to Arunachal with an eye especially on Tawang .

sorry man, i disagree, they held back Aksai Chin because by the time Nehru was telling the world that this piece of land belong to us because the British drew a map, China has already laied road to these places.
That land is not a hospitable land for human civilization, Nehru should have said his CHINESE counterpart that they can have the land and should have demanded good will and friendship for eternity.

Instead he chose to stick with the west in this matter and did not realize the long term complication of his actions.

still after 50 years we INDIANS feeling that we were on the right side of this conflict is bad, it was us who pushed the CHINESE to the point of desperation with our forward policy.

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