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China: West has no right to punish Zimbabwe

Stifling political opposition and massive vote rigging. Sure, he's not a dictator, but isn't much better.

Thank you for bringing India into the discussion.

Really? Tell me one dictatorship which China has OPPOSED.

Evidence of electoral fraud? Proved by media?
Tell me one country which China has OPPOSED.

Sir. We are not against any country.
Stifling political opposition and massive vote rigging. Sure, he's not a dictator, but isn't much better.

Thank you for bringing India into the discussion.

Really? Tell me one dictatorship which China has OPPOSED.

The South Vietnamese regime, 1960-1975.
The Syngman Rhee regime in South Korea, 1950-1960.

However, we prefer to not interfere in the affairs of others. Whatever form of government they choose, is their business.
My Indian friend, Let me tell you:
We do not know whether Mugabe is corrupt, But we know two truths.
1, Trade freedom is one of the most important freedoms. Trade sanctions destroy the freedom of trade.
2, Wrong should be corrected. But we can not do wrong behavior to correct the wrong.
The South Vietnamese regime, 1960-1975.
The Syngman Rhee regime in South Korea, 1950-1960.

However, we prefer to not interfere in the affairs of others. Whatever form of government they choose, is their business.

Very clever, you failed to point out that you opposed the South Korean regime but supported the NORTH Korean one of Kim Jong Il's dad.
Regarding South Vietnam, that was when you were supporting the communist govt. in North Vietnam against the south.
My Indian friend, Let me tell you:
We do not know whether Mugabe is corrupt, But we know two truths.
1, Trade freedom is one of the most important freedoms. Trade sanctions destroy the freedom of trade.
2, Wrong should be corrected. But we can not do wrong behavior to correct the wrong.

I'm sorry, whoever brought along the idea of Mugabe being corrupt being the reason for these sanctions? These sanctions were imposed when Mugabe regime indulged in reverse racism and took away land of white farmers in the name of 'land reforms'. I urge you to read about that to see who is right and who is wrong.

And of course trade sanctions destroy the freedom of trade. That's the whole idea. That's the ONLY tool that we have to deal with people ruling sovereign nations, short of invading them. We can't just go ahead and trade with them as if nothing wrong has happened. Where are your morals?
Basically China doesn't care about whats going on in other countries as long as it doesn't affect them. Interfering in other countries matter has both its pros and cons, and at this moment China rather use its resources and money for the development of its own people instead of poking their nose in others matters. Later on when China will grow bigger economically, we will perhaps see a change in this regard. Gets a :tup: from me on this matter.
to My Indian friend

You have a deep misunderstanding of China, Allow me to explain it for you.
China has a traditional Ruling Ideology, that is "内圣外王".

That is why most Chinese people do not trust the USA. Because the USA is that "内圣外王"! We are too familiar with the practice of the USA. We have 5,000 years to play "内圣外王".
What is "内圣外王"?
make easy, "内圣" is "protect own citizens, defend their interests", "外王" is "unfair treatment of foreign, implementation imperialism."
内圣外王 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

So USA democracy is only democracy in the American people.
Other countries democratic, have or have not, the decision by the US's interests.

Therefore, Chinese people will see "Dictatorship" or "Democracy" as the USA to develop rules of the game.
Britons have rules "The transmission of civilization", use it to colonial the world.
Crusader have rules "Holy war", use it to invasion of the Middle East.
Ancient China also have rules "教化蛮夷", we certainly is not a good neighbor...

So we will not follow the rules of the USA, we will draw up own rules. Our rules is "Non-interference in internal affairs".

USA media can not deceive us. It wants us to do, not necessarily in our interest, just consistent with USA interests.
We will find own way, to develop new rules of the game, protect our own interests.
to My Indian friend

You have a deep misunderstanding of China, Allow me to explain it for you.
China has a traditional Ruling Ideology, that is "内圣外王".

That is why most Chinese people do not trust the USA. Because the USA is that "内圣外王"! We are too familiar with the practice of the USA. We have 5,000 years to play "内圣外王".
What is "内圣外王"?
make easy, "内圣" is "protect own citizens, defend their interests", "外王" is "unfair treatment of foreign, implementation imperialism."
内圣外王 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

So USA democracy is only democracy in the American people.
Other countries democratic, have or have not, the decision by the US's interests.

Therefore, Chinese people will see "Dictatorship" or "Democracy" as the USA to develop rules of the game.
Britons have rules "The transmission of civilization", use it to colonial the world.
Crusader have rules "Holy war", use it to invasion of the Middle East.
Ancient China also have rules "教化蛮夷", we certainly is not a good neighbor...

So we will not follow the rules of the USA, we will draw up own rules. Our rules is "Non-interference in internal affairs".

USA media can not deceive us. It wants us to do, not necessarily in our interest, just consistent with USA interests.
We will find own way, to develop new rules of the game, protect our own interests.

I appreciate the frank outline of Chinese political thinking, particularly its thinking regarding foreign countries and their administration. Much is clear after reading this brief paragraph, but while it is chilling in its combination of cynicism and realism, it is clearly honest, and throws valuable light into policy formulation by Chinese leadership.

Many thanks.
to My Indian friend

You have a deep misunderstanding of China, Allow me to explain it for you.
China has a traditional Ruling Ideology, that is "内圣外王".

That is why most Chinese people do not trust the USA. Because the USA is that "内圣外王"! We are too familiar with the practice of the USA. We have 5,000 years to play "内圣外王".
What is "内圣外王"?
make easy, "内圣" is "protect own citizens, defend their interests", "外王" is "unfair treatment of foreign, implementation imperialism."
内圣外王 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

So USA democracy is only democracy in the American people.
Other countries democratic, have or have not, the decision by the US's interests.

Therefore, Chinese people will see "Dictatorship" or "Democracy" as the USA to develop rules of the game.
Britons have rules "The transmission of civilization", use it to colonial the world.
Crusader have rules "Holy war", use it to invasion of the Middle East.
Ancient China also have rules "教化蛮夷", we certainly is not a good neighbor...

So we will not follow the rules of the USA, we will draw up own rules. Our rules is "Non-interference in internal affairs".

USA media can not deceive us. It wants us to do, not necessarily in our interest, just consistent with USA interests.
We will find own way, to develop new rules of the game, protect our own interests.

I understand what you're saying. But please put the shoe on the other foot. Why should WE follow what China is saying, given the fact that China will always protect it's own interests? What incentives do WE have to heed to China's advice? Why should we believe that China is not following the policy of 内圣外王?
I understand what you're saying. But please put the shoe on the other foot. Why should WE follow what China is saying, given the fact that China will always protect it's own interests? What incentives do WE have to heed to China's advice? Why should we believe that China is not following the policy of 内圣外王?

India can set their own rules.
If you live under the rules in other countries, You will never win the game.

Who is God? God is rules!
God said: let there be light. The world and there was light!

A Gift to you:
British, Song of the Royal Navy <Rule Britannia>
When Britain first&#8212; at Heaven's command
Arose&#8212; from out the azure main
Arose, arose, arose from out the azure main
This was the charter,
The charter of the land,
And guardian angels sung this strain:
Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves,
Britons never never never shall be slaves.

The nations, not&#8212; so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall:
Must in, must in, must in their turns to tyrants fall.
While thou shalt flourish,
Shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.

Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke:
More dreadful, dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke.
As the loud blast,
The blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
All their, all their, all their attempts to bend thee down
Will but arouse thy,
Arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.

To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities&#8212; shall with commerce shine:
Thy cities, cities, cities shall with commerce shine
All thine shall be the,
Shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.

The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to&#8212; thy happy coast repair:
Shall to, shall to, shall to thy happy coast repair
Blest isle! with matchless,
With matchless beauty crown'd,
And manly hearts to guard the fair.
I understand what you're saying. But please put the shoe on the other foot. Why should WE follow what China is saying, given the fact that China will always protect it's own interests? What incentives do WE have to heed to China's advice? Why should we believe that China is not following the policy of &#20869;&#22307;&#22806;&#29579;?

I can honestly tell you, China also is "&#20869;&#22307;&#22806;&#29579;".
Any of a large country in the world, all is "&#20869;&#22307;&#22806;&#29579;". They all are not good boy.

India can choose to join China's rules, or do not. Any choice will get something and lose something. That is the Chinese philosophy "&#31119;&#20846;&#31096;&#25152;&#20239;&#31096;&#20846;&#31119;&#25152;&#20506;".
to My Indian friend

You have a deep misunderstanding of China, Allow me to explain it for you.
So USA democracy is only democracy in the American people.
Other countries democratic, have or have not, the decision by the US's interests.

Therefore, Chinese people will see "Dictatorship" or "Democracy" as the USA to develop rules of the game.
Britons have rules "The transmission of civilization", use it to colonial the world.
So we will not follow the rules of the USA, we will draw up own rules. Our rules is "Non-interference in internal affairs".

USA media can not deceive us. It wants us to do, not necessarily in our interest, just consistent with USA interests.
We will find own way, to develop new rules of the game, protect our own interests.

I appreciate the frank outline of Chinese political thinking, particularly its thinking regarding foreign countries and their administration. Much is clear after reading this brief paragraph, but while it is chilling in its combination of cynicism and realism, it is clearly honest,
Outlines of political thinking may only appear cynical to those who deify their own ideology while ignoring the opposing view. That was the whole point of what he was trying to explain and why misunderstandings and conflicts fester instead of compromise.
I'm sorry, whoever brought along the idea of Mugabe being corrupt being the reason for these sanctions? These sanctions were imposed when Mugabe regime indulged in reverse racism and took away land of white farmers in the name of 'land reforms'. I urge you to read about that to see who is right and who is wrong.
Are you serious? Reverse racism by taking away the land of white farmers? I'm not sure if you are trolling but any rational non-ideological person would agree that any ex-colonialists owning vast tracts of land in their former colony basically stole that land. At Zimbabwe's independence, over 46% of the arable land was owned by British colonial farmers. In 1979, Mugabe negotiated the eventual transfer of that stolen land from all colonists back to the native population. This was agreed on before Zimbabwe gained its independence. The problem is, the land transfer program was unilaterally abandoned by Britain while Zimbabwe's population exploded, along with its landless citizenry. Are you challenging this historical fact and claiming that ex-colonialist farmers owning hundreds to thousands of acres sold or gifted to them by the British colonial administration is legitimate?

And of course trade sanctions destroy the freedom of trade. That's the whole idea. That's the ONLY tool that we have to deal with people ruling sovereign nations, short of invading them. We can't just go ahead and trade with them as if nothing wrong has happened. Where are your morals?
The only reason this is even an issue is because the land was taken away from white British-colonial farmers who are still under the pseudo protection of Britain, as in the ex-British Empire.
Very clever, you failed to point out that you opposed the South Korean regime but supported the NORTH Korean one of Kim Jong Il's dad.
Regarding South Vietnam, that was when you were supporting the communist govt. in North Vietnam against the south.

so? the south in the mid cold war days was a military dictatorship
actually south Vietnam was a dictatorship as well, the USA loves to spread democracy huh
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