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China welcomes Japanese people to improve bilateral ties

We have a "No First Use" policy (we cannot nuke or make a threat to nuke other countries first), so any nuking done by China is only possible in "retaliation" against a nuclear or nuclear equivalent attack on us.

Whereas America and Russia have "First strike" policies. It would be irresponsible if we did not take this into consideration, considering that both have threatened to nuke us before, America during the Korean War and Russia during the Sino-Soviet split.

We have to make sure that no one will be able to "make good" on these threats, by having an HGV arsenal of sufficient power to ensure unacceptable retaliation against anyone who could possibly commit a first strike on us.

The HGV is not part of the NFU policy, since it didn't even exist when the NFU policy was made. So China can use it first without breaching the NFU promise.

China did openly test both HGV and ABM on purpose, it is to keep the US on check.

Since the USN has 14 Ohio class SSBNs armed with 24 Trident II SLBMs each, nobody can catch up this firepower in a short period. However, China has found out an efficient trick to turn the US advantage into the disadvantage.
Finally, Chinese have to recognize Japanese sovereignty. They know Japan is not easy to deal.
Japanese smart. In both cases, the Japanese are beneficiary.
Some opinions here are so delusional that isnt even funny anymore........
Japanese politicians begin 3-day-visit to Beijing

Nine Japanese politicians have kicked off their three-day-visit to Beijing, looking to ease tensions and rebuild friendship between China and Japan.

The group, led by former Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura, are from the Japan-China Friendship Parliamentarian Union. They were welcomed by Tang Jiaxuan, president of the China-Japan Friendship Association.

The visit comes amid soaring tensions between the two countries since several Japanese politicians, including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the controversial Yasukuni Shrine last year. Remarks from Japanese politicians about the country’s militaristic past have also affected ties.
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