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"China was a part of India" - Indian education textbook

Indian school history has always been deliberately altered to suit political necessities. All Indian textbooks for nearly 50 years deliberately underplayed any violence by Muslim rulers & where it could not be brushed under the carpet, was santisied by according different reasoning. The same was done with how caste is referred to. It did serve a purpose of preventing bad blood but then ran into the....intenet. The internet is not just a place for the truth but somewhere where one can indulge their basest selves. It is the reason why so many people believe so much nonsense, the internet feeds you whatever you are already prediposed to hear. Textbooks on history etc have no longer the same relevance as before. However it must be remembered that the children most targetted for this are the poor who go to government schools & have no easy access to other sources.

Bangladesh,India and Pakistan coming together can reshape the future of the world
Already together somehow geographically and ya hopefully there will be no more trouble after the imaginable integration but reshape the world? Not so necessary for SA people will always indulge in their internal matters I think.
god its a decade old news.......guys grow up and stop fighting over this S#!t
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