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China warns US it will be defeated if the two superpowers go to war

What we have here is a classical case of CCP mouth cannon as a pavlovian response to civilization Chinese mindset of face-saving (Chinese civilizational preference of mental self-deception to protect their ego in the face of humiliating reality)

Fact here is, USA is a former colonial master of China

American Concession (Shanghai)

Like most of the former colonial powers, USA too engages in neo-colonialism in its former colony territory China by interfering in Chinese internal affairs, in this case Taiwan.

CCP doesn't have the nerve for military action to incorporate Taiwan and engage the US military at the same time

So in order to salvage any Chinese prestige, the CCP engages in these occasional mouth cannon rituals in order raise delusional nationalism sentiment and CCP worship among its gullible populace

This is extremely easy as docile Chinese people never dare question CCP be it Great Leap deaths, cultural revolution deaths, SARS pandemic, Covid pandemic etc

The give you a perspective imagine if the Dutch Govt threatens military action for Indonesian military intervention in East Timor

Will the Indonesian Govt be sacred? We obviously known Indonesian Govt will do as it pleases and give a big middle finger to Netherlands

Its pitiful China has not managed to get away even from colonial shackles
See who is talking....lol.. Indian calling China to get rid of western colonial shackles... can anything be more funny than this in this world. LOL..
See who is talking....lol.. Indian calling China to get rid of western colonial shackles... can anything be more funny than this in this world. LOL..
Its America that threatens you with military whipping for any plans China has against Taiwan

You won't see British or Portuguese threatening India for any actions on any part of Indian territory
China was directly involved in real battles with US in Korea and Vietnam, and both didn't end well with US.

idk what your CCP propganda has taught you. but Korean war even though ended in ceasefire
- you lose territory
- loss 10x as more men
- your invasion was stopped

what you also often fail to mention is that in both wars you had major backing of soviet union but you pretend like you fought it alone and in both wars US was not the main adversary it was the supporting power . you had the equipments and firepower from the soviets that rivaled the US so its not like you were some underdawg.

vietnam was bad for US because of overwhelming superiority of Mig-21 against F-117

you lost to indians in 1967 which makes you lose respect for your entire military. becasue india is a nation that is 10x bigger in manpower, budget, equipment than pakistan but still gets its handed to it by pakistanis from time-time where infact it shouldx overwhelm pakistan in an instant if you compare how huge of an advantage it has

the only reason you won with india in 1962 is because you had 4x the man power. so peer-peer you cant even beat indians
you lost to indians in 1967 which makes you lose respect for your entire military. becasue india is a nation that is 10x bigger than pakistan but still gets its handed to it by pakistanis where infact it shoudl overwhelm pakistan in an instant if you compare how huge of an advantage it has

the only reason you won with india in 1968 is because you had 4x the man power. so peer-peer you cant even beat indians

Well, only in wiki. :rofl:

Btw, if we lost in Vietnam then you lose in Vietnam, Iraq and Afganistan and never won any wars after WW2.

And if you think 1967 is considered as a loss:rofl:, then I can edit Chinese equivent of WIKI, Baidu baike, to show you lost all wars you fought since the very begginning of your country as well, its just that easy.
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idk what your CCP propganda has taught you. but Korean war even though ended in ceasefire
We don't need anyone to teach us, fact is China started from Yalu river, the border river between China and Korea, and ended up half way through Korea. US chief commander Douglas MacArthur was fired half way through the war but China's chief command stayed throughout Korean war.


Its America that threatens you with military whipping for any plans China has against Taiwan

You won't see British or Portuguese threatening India for any actions on any part of Indian territory
What does it have to do with shaking off colonial shackles? US used to have troops stationed in Taiwan and recognised Taiwan the rightful entity representing China, and they betrayed Taiwan, pulling out of all their troops and switched their recognition to Beijing.
Its America that threatens you with military whipping for any plans China has against Taiwan

You won't see British or Portuguese threatening India for any actions on any part of Indian territory

Unlike you IQ76s, China always prepare for the worst, the US looks like the hot air here:

Btw, China has fought twice with US, one in Korea the other in North Vietnam.

you lost to indians in 1967 which makes you lose respect for your entire military. becasue india is a nation that is 10x bigger in manpower, budget, equipment than pakistan but still gets its handed to it by pakistanis from time-time where infact it shouldx overwhelm pakistan in an instant if you compare how huge of an advantage it has
Just to add some perspective here, 1967 was just a minor skirmish between India and China and it was not significant as no territorial loss

The major humiliation for CCP was in 1975 when India incorporated Himalayan kingdom of Sikkim (region claimed by China as its own ) as Indian territory
Chinese leadership watched helplessly as 7,096 sq km of Chinese claimed territory was lost to India and PLA couldn't even muster a skirmish

Indian leadership successfully predicted Chinese paralysis given their previous paralysis during 1971 war and due to cultural revolution.

China kept whining for decades about how Sikkim is Chinese territory only to invite further mockery by Indian leadership in 1987 when India made Arunachal Pradesh (another region claimed by Chinese) an official Indian state
We don't need anyone to teach us, fact is China started from Yalu river, the border river between China and Korea, and ended up half way through Korea. US chief commander was fired but China's chief command stayed throughout Korean war.


right ... if you actually know the proper history and the events, then youd know they fired him because they did not anticipate china to go to war. truman focused on europe against the soviets. US didnt took this war as seriously because truman thought that the soviets were trying to get americans engaged with koreans so they could mount an assault ont he europe.

Thats why korean war outside of china is referred to as the forgotten war. because US was never able to decide if the soviets were doing it to divert americans from europe and engage them towards asia. but china being undeveloped at that time didnt justify commiting huge troops there vs europe

and that indecisive of soviets intention and US forces spread too thin is why it was called" wrong war at the wrong time with the wrong enemy"

but am sure china you guys are taught the you were the center of attention and not like US a superpower was more concerned with soviet- its rival superpower . and using china and south korea as proxy
Objective take is following:

1. China managed to save North Korea and USA managed to save South Korea in the Korean War. This was job well done by both camps in hindsight. Both USA and China can fight well on land.

2. US-led forces and Vietcong were at stalemate in Vietnam but these were times of racial crises in US mainland which in turn disturbed cohesion of US-led forces on the ground and Nixon administration pulled the plug on Vietnam consequently. China invaded Vietnam at a later stage as well but was unable to liberate Cambodia in the process which was the motivating factor of this war in the first place. Both USA and China suffered significant losses in Vietnam by the way.

3. China and USA never had naval battles in the Pacific. This is where US-led forces are most capable.
China in 1950s had just got independence. It did not have any proper weapons and relied on USSR supplies. So, the Korean war is not a good example.

In Vietnam war, USSR was also heavily involved. China and USSR had lot of differences and that showed up in various places like war with Cambodia. Again, it was not USA vs China alone.

Naval battle in the pacific is something USA has huge advantage due to vast number of bases. But within South China sea, USA does not have that advantage. So, depending on where the naval battle will be fought, advantage will change
right ... if you actually know the proper history and the events, then youd know they fired him because they did not anticipate china to go to war. truman focused on europe against the soviets. US didnt took this war as seriously because truman thought that the soviets were trying to get americans engaged with koreans so they could mount an assault ont he europe.

Thats why korean war outside of china is referred to as the forgotten war. because US was never able to decide if the soviets were doing it to divert americans from europe and engage them towards asia
For the war itself, China started right at her border and finished half way through Korea.
Covid is not really a disease or pandemic but a scam to destroy the economies and enslave people. And corona virus is actually a media virus.
Take a min and look at this person and see if he worth your time or not? :wave: :crazy::lol:
Just to add some perspective here, 1967 was just a minor skirmish between India and China and it was not significant as no territorial loss

The major humiliation for CCP was in 1975 when India incorporated Sikkim (region claimed by China as its own ) as Indian territory
Chinese leadership watched helplessly as 7,096 sq km of Chinese claimed territory was lost to India and PLA couldn't event muster a skirmish

Indian leadership successfully predicted Chinese paralysis given their previous paralysis during 1971 war and due to cultural revolution.

China kept whining for decades about how Sikkim is Chinese territory only to invite further mockery by Indian leadership in 1987 when India made Arunachal Pradesh (another region claimed by Chinese) an official Indian state

WTF? China claimed Sikkim?:rofl: In which world China has ever claimed Sikkim as Chinese land? South west have never been China's priority before, that's why right before 1962 the war broke out, Chairman Mao famously saying he could not understand why India want to pick up a fight with China then, you know you cannot understand the IQ 76s :rofl:

Btw if China claim India as China's land, and taking shithole dehli, does that mean the existence of South India is an insult to China?

You sure has great sense of turning a lose into a win, one way or another :rofl: , I guess that's the only way Indian can live, if you are not so annoyed actually I will feel sorry about your sorry existence anyway
WTF? China claimed Sikkim?:rofl: In which world China has ever claimed Sikkim as Chinese land? South west have never been China's priority before, that's why right before 1962 the war broke out, Chairman Mao famously saying he could not understand why India want to pick up a fight with China then, you know you cannot understand the IQ 76s :rofl:

Btw if China claim India as China's land, and taking shithole dehli, does that mean the existence of South India is an insult to China?

You sure has great sense of turning a lose into a win, one way or another :rofl: , I guess that's the only way Indian can live, if you are not so annoyed actually I will feel sorry about your sorry existence anyway
China didn't claim Sikkim, China just didn't initially recognize India's annexation. China also didn't first recognize Bangladesh, but it doesn't mean China claims Bangladesh.
China didn't claim Sikkim, China just didn't initially recognize India's annexation. China also didn't recognize Bangladesh, but it doesn't mean China claims Bangladesh.

At best Sikkim was a vassal state of Tibet Kingdom, but that's far away from being a part of China in the past, actually in the past, Sikkim made several attemps to join the then Chinese empires, and all were rejected.

Taiwan matter so much more to China then to the US, at some point the CCP would have to take it back, no matter the cost, because the alternative is losing the “mandate of heaven”. IMHO, China won’t force the issue unless the west looks like it has speed up and China can no longer rely on the saying “you have the watches we have the time”. At current pace, China’s GDP will over take the US in 2028 but will lose it permanent back to the US by 2060. If a war does happen it will probably be when China thinks it has relatively peak power, economically, politically, and militarily relative to Taiwan and its allies. That day is not today, but it’s all about perception within the Chinese leadership. Psychologically it will probably happen before the 2049 100 year anniversary of the PRC. The goals of 2025 economic development and 2035 military development would probably have to be achieved before any invasion, so we are at least a decade away but probably not more than 3 decades away from a big confrontation.
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