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China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

Not at all. The Yamato had to confront the reality that they were inferior to the Europeans and embarked on an aggressive modernization program. Chinese racism towards us 'inferior' Asians is independent of whatever the political entity called "People's Republic of China" may or have not done military wise.

Thank you for proving my point. Chinese racism towards 'inferior' Asians. Do you have a source supporting that? Just because there are Chinese members on Pak Defence made racist remarks? Judging by your logic I can just go on the yahoo commentary section and conclude that there is a U.S. conspiracy to wipe out all Muslims.
You should notice that I usually focus on the contents of a person's argument, not his manners. I may make a few comments or two about how he present himself, but in my response, I focus on the contents of his arguments.

On the contrary I think manners, in general, are very important. Content based discussions can't go on smoothly with trolling and, in some cases, people making acerbic, judgemental remarks against an entire group of people based on some unpleasant confrontations on the internet.
Thank you for proving my point. Chinese racism towards 'inferior' Asians. Do you have a source supporting that? Just because there are Chinese members on Pak Defence made racist remarks? Judging by your logic I can just go on the yahoo commentary section and conclude that there is a U.S. conspiracy to wipe out all Muslims.

Chinese Racists Call Ms. Rice a Black Pig & Black Whore ( Chinese Racists Call Ms. Rice a Black Pig & Black Whore - )


Foreign ghosts

CBC News Viewpoint | June 30, 2005

Sylvia is an author and journalist based in Beijing. Her varied career includes working as a broadcast journalist, TV producer, magazine editor and freelance writer in Vancouver, Victoria and Toronto. She helped establish the Asian Heritage Society in Victoria, B.C. She's currently writing a book on "Comfort women" or military sex slaves used by the Japanese Imperial Army.

On one of China's popular websites called sina.com, hundreds of messages were pouring in around the time of Condoleezza Rice's visit to China this past spring. The comments were very disturbing for a couple of reasons. People lashed out angrily at the U.S. secretary of state's ethnicity, her looks, her gender.

They wrote that she was (and this is hard for me to repeat): "a black devil," "a black pig," "a black whore" and "a black female dog." They said: "You're not even as good as a black devil, a real waste of a life," "Her brain is blacker than her skin," "The ugliest woman in the world" and "She looks like an orangutan, and talks rubbish; send us a beautiful woman next time."

The website is particularly popular among the urban elite and educated masses, and I remember reading these shocking words at the time. According to media reports, these comments were also gathered by Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, who was so disgusted by the awful remarks he felt compelled to write something about it.
He said in a media interview that racism and sexism are so widespread on the mainland that no one was especially surprised by the hateful verbal attacks on Rice.

But not everyone was oblivious to the insults. One Chinese chat room writer, who goes by the name of "ymc" was outraged:
"Reading Liu Xiaobo's analysis of major Chinese Internet BBS [bulletin board] forums in the immediate aftermath of Secretary Rice's visit to China last week, I, as a person of Chinese descent, felt thoroughly disgusted and deeply ashamed by the outburst of the ugliest possible racial slurs launched by the Chinese masses against black Americans in general and Secretary Rice in particular.

"It's all because she urged China, in the mildest possible form, to be more democratic, and to be cool on sabre-rattling at Taiwan."
When I asked my Chinese teacher and several friends what they think of black people, almost all of them say the same thing, "They're scary, they smell, they're loud st and says she's afraid of them.
One Chinese journalist told me that she believes black men have an abnormally high sex drive. Her friends believe that one can get AIDS from sleeping with black men.

Jean-Marc AgneroIt seems pretty difficult for a black person to live in China. My friendnero is an articulate and thoughtful 20-year-old, fluent in English and French. The son of two diplomats has been living in Beijing for the last 7 years and feels bothered that the Chinese are becoming more openly racist towards blacks. "When I first got here the Chinese were impressed to see black people. We're new to them," he says, "they used to touch my hair and skin. Some of them touched my skin to check if it was dirty."

Agnero has also been charged almost double what his Caucasian friends pay for entry fees to clubs. "We have a responsibility in this," he says. "Sometimes I hear black people fight on the streets and everywhere. Some black people have bad attitudes, but we are not all the same. It's going to take a long time for the Chinese people's attitudes to change."

Canadians Sally and Alvin (not their real names) can vouch for the difficulties, and subtle and sometimes not so subtle discrimination. The married couple have lived in different parts of China working as English teachers.

Not too long ago, they were applying for teaching jobs in a smaller city when the person in charge of hiring offered Sally a job, but she profusely apologized and said she couldn't hire Alvin even though she wanted to. The reason? Sally is Caucasian, and her husband is from the Dominican Republic.

The parents would pull their kids out of class because they don't want a black teacher, the woman said. In the smaller cities and in Beijing Alvin had a hard time finding work. He eventually started working at a cafe.

Sometimes, the Chinese just want others to know they have foreign friends, says Sally, who laughs at a memory. Their Chinese friends invited them over for dinner one night to merely show them off proudly – as if they were trophies – to another Chinese couple.

For the duration of the meal, the Chinese friends chatted loudly while Sally and her husband ate quietly, dumbfounded by their friends, who would glance over at them like they were animals at a zoo.
Sally can laugh about it now. However, the two have headed back to Canada because they were tired of the way Alvin was being treated. "Like a second-class citizen," Sally says.

The Chinese seem to have a love-hate relationship with foreigners, and it's the same for some of the foreigners I know. Some of my waiguoren, or foreigner friends, need to break out in rants once in a while about the challenges of living in a developing country, and how poorly they're being treated.

We at times complain about the fact that we pay quadruple what locals pay at the markets and furniture stores. If you're Caucasian, you could pay up to 10 times or more the going rate, especially if you don't speak any Putonghua (Mandarin). That's because many Chinese assume foreigners are very wealthy. There's even a two-tiered rate for foreigners and locals at some tourist attractions.
There are 3,800 Canadians in China registered with the Canadian Embassy. But the number of Canadians in China is probably closer to 5,000.

And the number of foreigners studying Chinese is expanding rapidly. Just 20 years ago, fewer than 8,000 foreigners studied in China. By 2008, the government wants to see 120,000 foreign students in China, with the bulk of them studying in the capital city.

As for Asians like me, who look Chinese but don't speak fluently, the locals view us as their hillbilly cousins. Some downright chastise me for not speaking Chinese. I've given up and barely offer up my old answer: "But I'm not Chinese the 1988 Olympics. There were barely any English signs and the few that were up were spelled wrong. The city was not foreigner-friendly at all. The Koreans were very hostile towards foreigners.

But what a different city it is now. Any non-Korean-speaking person can get around with ease in cities there, thanks to the preparations made to host the international event in '88.

The Chinese, like the Koreans and Japanese, have historically been isolated from the rest of the world. Their discriminatory attitudes are fuelled by fear and mistrust of foreigners, and a growing sense of nationalistic pride
And when was the last time that a black person was "lynched" in China? That's not what we do in China, that is what the KKK does in America.

I wanted to mention something about Gandhi's racial orientation in his early days but decided not to out of respect for the man's later achievements.

The point is there are racists in every society. Classifying an entire race of people as racists is, in and of itself, a racist act.
Interesting Forum.
I am going to be off-topic a bit, but some observations about this forum: Looks like Sri Lankans, Pakistanis, Chinese, Russian, Bangladeshis, even Malaysians etc on one side while Indians, Americans, Aussies, and Israelis etc on the other side.

Sure, there are exceptions. But the trend is obvious, to me. May be some kind of 'self-selection' going on?

Russians are not on your side.
Speaking of bullying and harrassment.... Why is it that most of India's neighbours claim that she does the same thing? My judgement is based upon the comments I've read on this forum.

And you think this forum represents the views of the majority? You might be in for a rude shock.
And you think this forum represents the views of the majority? You might be in for a rude shock.

Thank you for proving the point in my previous argument then! Can you recommend any Bangledeshi/Sri Lankan forums where a more balanced view is offered? English forums are preferred.

I am not being sarcastic. I merely want more information.
And when was the last time that a black person was "lynched" in China? That's not what we do in China, that is what the KKK does in America.

When was the last time china puts out such news- your premise is that there is no racist gangs in china period. do a google search of " Chinese racist gangs in china" or variations of it and you won't find anything! - does that make the rest of the world believe there not any racist gangs period- nope. its ( news as such) just whitewashed by the govt. .

However-is the standard of racism defined or narrow to lynching? The question asked " show me racism "

is there racism in the US , hell yeah. Is it lawful no- but in china as stated above :

Canadians Sally and Alvin (not their real names) can vouch for the difficulties, and subtle and sometimes not so subtle discrimination. The married couple have lived in different parts of China working as English teachers.

Not too long ago, they were applying for teaching jobs in a smaller city when the person in charge of hiring offered Sally a job, but she profusely apologized and said she couldn't hire Alvin even though she wanted to. The reason? Sally is Caucasian, and her husband is from the Dominican Republic

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When was the last time china puts out such news- your premise is that there is no racist gangs in china period . However-is the standard of racism defined or narrow to lynching? The question asked " show me racism "

is there racism in the US , hell yeah. Is it lawful no- but in china as stated above :

you must not be following US news then.
Thank you for proving the point in my previous argument then! Can you recommend any Bangledeshi/Sri Lankan forums where a more balanced view is offered? English forums are preferred.

I am not being sarcastic. I merely want more information.

You need people to people contact. Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis are basically the same people, albeit separated by borders. Countries have issues and there are ways to discuss and solve them. Our neighbors are doing it. Pakistan is being an exception under an illusion of Chinese "support". I seriously wonder what has China done for Pakistan? If Pakistan's current state of affairs is a consequence inspite of Chinese support, then I pity Chinese vision - whatever that be - and the countries which accept that!!

But then again, people from these countries basically help each other, be it as hosts in their own countries or in foreign lands. Opinions expressed here are just that. And the offensive ones, in the minority to boot. Oh Btw, if you go to another Pakistan defence forum (lame!) you might end up believing that Indians and Pakistanis are at each other's throats at a moments notice!
You need people to people contact. Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis are basically the same people, albeit separated by borders. Countries have issues and there are ways to discuss and solve them. Our neighbors are doing it. Pakistan is being an exception under an illusion of Chinese "support". I seriously wonder what has China done for Pakistan? If Pakistan's current state of affairs is a consequence inspite of Chinese support, then I pity Chinese vision - whatever that be - and the countries which accept that!!

Remember that Pakistan's primary ally was actually the USA, and the USA is still the primary source of external funding for the Pakistani army, and of forieign aid.

For the "most allied ally", why do you think it is a consequence of one alliance, and not the other? Or that the internal situation of a country is ever impacted that much by their alliances.
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