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China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

No matter how you hate Chinatown, it was, is, and will exist. It will exist not only in USA, but also in Canada, Europe and other places.

Which posts have you seen that I said I hated Chinatown? But not all Chinatown have good dim-sum and great beef chow-fun though ... :laugh:

It is a WWII atrocity of US government to set up Japanese concentration camp, a similar behavior Hitler did against the Jews. :disagree: I'm glad that US government apologized for that and compensated the Japanese victims.

It is definitely sickening and repulsive to hear somebody from a country as "beacon of democracy and freedom" to tout those camps. :tdown:

However, the U.S. did not do as Hitler did against the Jews (Holocaust) and like you said, our government apologized for that and compensated the Japanese victims. Therefore, how could you be definitely sickening and repulsive to hear somebody from a country as "beacon of democracy and freedom" to tout those camps?

In the time of war, anything can happen ...

BTW, I saw a Chinese posted on web his exciting experience of how he spent 10 years to get US citizenship and another 15 years to get rid of it. It is actually not easy to renounce a US citizenship, much less freer than to get rid of Chinese citizenship, as I was told.

HIHO - Hard In Hard Out :laugh:

If it takes about 10 year to get a citizen then around 15 years to renounce a US citizenship does not seem abnormal.

I fully support UN vision that people should have chance to choose where he/she wants to live.

Of course, only if that place would welcome you though ... :laugh:
I dont know why US and VIETNAM want to attempt SUICIDE by messing with china.For US its an economic suicide while vietnam and other blah blah blah states will jeoperdize their existance by messing with china as could trigger a world war.

American military might was last seen with its tail between its legs in Vietnam. Now, in Afghanistan they are frantically looking for a way to make peace with the Talebans. Do we need to say more about the military might of the US? Yes, the US has considerable military might but it is in no way invincible. Some people portray it that way because it serves their purpose.

Actually we were last seen stomping Iraq flat.
America will not risk anything against china. Americans are only good at killing people who cant do anything back to them and they are are cowards. How did they protect their freinds husni mubarek an individual and Georgia against russia.

Yup, cowards. Come get some.
Leaving the rest of your malarkey aside, China has the right to 'warn' anyone, just like Iran does. The response - who cares!

The real question here is whether China is able to carry out that threat or warning. And obviously, it cannot. Amassing military hardware, stealing technology and copying it, suppressing human rights, bullying surrounding countries and encroaching upon territorial claims doesnt make one a superpower.

No sir, one needs vision to be a superpower and lead countries, and frankly China has none. Want an example? Take Pakistan. What has China's association with Pakistan done for it? On the contrary, the country has gone from bad to worse!!

So threaten all you can, other countries will be wary, but they know you cannot carry out that threat. So, who cares!

Actually we will carry out that ATTACK. Just wait, by 2018, we will CRUSH Taiwan and take it, then Vietanm, then Philipine, then your india!!!

China never talk the talk, we walk the walk, we also killed 50,000 NATO troops in 1950's while our nation is just 1 years old.

We also brought the so called "super power" india to its knees in 1960's with vintage weapons!

So, you see, we dont just talk the talk. When time has come and the moment is right, we will carry out our promis and KILL!!!!

You can count on that.
It's China here . The next superpower in the making a competition to USA .
And Amrikis dont want any1 to compete against them (with them is ok like European countries)
They will try anything to stop China advancing

They have already tried and FAILED!!!

We also tried the same thing to india and WORKED!!!

Pakistan has NUkes and we are also supplying them with Subs which can carry nukes!!!
You need people to people contact. Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis are basically the same people, albeit separated by borders. Countries have issues and there are ways to discuss and solve them. Our neighbors are doing it. Pakistan is being an exception under an illusion of Chinese "support". I seriously wonder what has China done for Pakistan? If Pakistan's current state of affairs is a consequence inspite of Chinese support, then I pity Chinese vision - whatever that be - and the countries which accept that!!

But then again, people from these countries basically help each other, be it as hosts in their own countries or in foreign lands. Opinions expressed here are just that. And the offensive ones, in the minority to boot. Oh Btw, if you go to another Pakistan defence forum (lame!) you might end up believing that Indians and Pakistanis are at each other's throats at a moments notice!

Haha you indians.

Is this the best you can come up with??

Your ENVY is once again fully exposed!!
Because there are reasons. US has a vision for Pakistan after their initial blunder back in the 80s. However, Pakistan seeing that China supports it, no matter what, is under an illusion that China will stand up to US on its behalf. And that is why Pakistan is reluctant to go all out against the religious extremists thinking that they form some sort of strategic advantage against India - which co-incidently China covertly supports!!

Except for its anti-India stance and its resource rich Baluchistan, China sees nothing in supporting Pakistan. Show me evidence for the contrary.

This sense of false security under China's pseudo, visionless support is pushing Pakistan down a self-destructive path.

WTH man !!!!

You actually come up with this kinda of stuff!!???????

US tried to Destory Pakistan and China saved Pakistan!!! Every Pakistani here know that, every Pakistani here know that India is Pakistan's ENEMY!!

This is why Pakistani here are so friendly to Chinese and Hostile to you indians!!!

Even, Bangledlesh, Sir Lanka are friendly toward China, and both Hostile to you indians!!!

I guess this futher adds up to your ENVY!!!:sick::p:partay:
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the U.S. is committed to the defense of the Philippines and providing it with affordable weaponry amid mounting tensions in the South China Sea.

Clinton would not comment specifically on whether the U.S. would provide military assistance in the event of an attack on Philippine forces by China near the disputed Spratly islands.
But she told a news conference that the U.S. would honor its mutual defense treaty with its Asian ally. She said: "I want to underscore our commitment to the defense of the Philippines."

She made the comments after meeting Thursday with Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario.

Rosario said China had made nine intrusions into Philippine waters since February.

US committed to defense of Philippines - Forbes.com

Good, because if US does, US will lose up to 10 aircraft carriers in that sector!! Most likely DF-21D
Which posts have you seen that I said I hated Chinatown? But not all Chinatown have good dim-sum and great beef chow-fun though ... :laugh:

However, the U.S. did not do as Hitler did against the Jews (Holocaust) and like you said, our government apologized for that and compensated the Japanese victims. Therefore, how could you be definitely sickening and repulsive to hear somebody from a country as "beacon of democracy and freedom" to tout those camps?

In the time of war, anything can happen ...

HIHO - Hard In Hard Out :laugh:

If it takes about 10 year to get a citizen then around 15 years to renounce a US citizenship does not seem abnormal.

Of course, only if that place would welcome you though ... :laugh:

US has the most nuclear weapons in the world which can destroy the planet 10000 times
US killed the most Local Indians in the world
US earned most during the black slave trade
So, we will destroy any CHina's ships pass throught our territory, your Economy will also be destroyed.^^
see, your ship lane have to pass by our territory

If Vietnam dare to touch one Chinese vessile, Vietnam will be back to the Stone Age in a blink of an eye!!!

This is EXACTLY the reason, why Vietnam has NOT done any thing yet!!
Actually we will carry out that ATTACK. Just wait, by 2018, we will CRUSH Taiwan and take it, then Vietanm, then Philipine, then your india!!!

China never talk the talk, we walk the walk, we also killed 50,000 NATO troops in 1950's while our nation is just 1 years old.

We also brought the so called "super power" india to its knees in 1960's with vintage weapons!

So, you see, we dont just talk the talk. When time has come and the moment is right, we will carry out our promis and KILL!!!!

You can count on that.
If Vietnam dare to touch one Chinese vessile, Vietnam will be back to the Stone Age in a blink of an eye!!!

This is EXACTLY the reason, why Vietnam has NOT done any thing yet!!

Hehe, so every nations have to knee down to CHina, right, but I wonder how can CHina take back Taiwan when CHina have inferior navy and no guts to face with mighty US also ??
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